André-Marie Ampère
Mathematician, physicist, electromagnetism, inventor of the base unit of electricity, amperes are often shortened to amps
Mathematician, physicist, Archimedean law, discovery of the principles of lever and specific gravity, engineer, inventor, astronomer
Arnold Sommerfeld
Theoretical physicist, quantum physics, most Nobel prize nominations, azimuthal quantum number, magnetic quantum number, X-ray wave theory, magnetic fields
Scientist, physicist, discovery of the radio-activity in uranium
Niels Bohr
Physicist aka Niels Bohr, awarded Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922, discovery of quantum theory, atomic structure, inventor of Electron Theory
Bruce DePalma
Physicist, spinning metal balls, rotation, hyperdimensional physics, torsion physics
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
Physicist, inventor of the alcohol thermometer for temperature measurements, Fahrenheit mercury thermometric scale in which freezing point is—32° and boiling point is 212°.
1686-1736 (50)
Dennis M. Jennings
Physicist, neutron stars, inventor, early Internet pioneer at NSFNET, venture capitalist
Edmond Halley
Astronomer, meteorologist, inventor of the liquid compass, geophysicist, mathematician
Edward Teller
Nuclear physicist, pioneer in geoengineering and climate change theory, inventor of the Hydrogen bomb, Vietnam War
Albert Einstein
theoretical physicist aka Albert Einstein, inventor of the Theory of Relativity, philosopher of science and modern physics
Enrico Fermi
Physicist, inventor of world's first nuclear reactor while artificially splitting atoms
Ernst Mach
Physicist, scientist, pioneer in the science of shock waves, the namesake Mach number from the sonic boom sound of jets, philosopher, pioneer in American pragmatism, logical positivism
Francis William Aston
Chemist, physicist, Nobel prize in chemistry, mass spectograph of isotopes, whole number rule
1877-1945 (68)
Freeman Dyson
Theoretical physicist in quantum field theory, mathematician, statistician
1923-2020 (97)
Galen Winsor
Nuclear physicist, nuclear scientist, designer of nuclear power plants
Gustav Fechner
Physicist, psychologist, philosopher, Weber-Fechner Law, student of Ernst Weber, psychophysics, study of spirit and the physical world, attitude scaling, hearing & vision research
Hannes Alfvén
Physicist, scientist, plasma cosmology instead of the Big Bang theory, chief scientist of Lawrenceville Plasma Physics
Hermann von Helmholtz
Physicist, pioneer in quantum physics, researcher, founder of the Helmholtz Association
1821-1894 (73)
Homi (H.J.) Bhabha
Scientist, physicist, mechanical engineer, inventor, research in cosmic rays and quantum theory
1909-1966 (57)
Jacob Barnett
Physicist at age 13, scientist, philosopher diagnosed with autism, IQ of 170
James Van Allen
Physicist, discovery of Van Allen radiation belts in 1958 from the launch of Explorer 1
J.J. Thomson
Physicist, inventor, Nobel laureate in physics, scientist, discovery of electrons
John Archibald Wheeler
Theoretical physicist, professor of Richard Feynman, coined the term Black Hole
John Bardeen
physicist, electrical engineer, co-inventor of the point-contact transistor 1947
John Dalton
Chemist, meteorologist, pioneer of the atomic theory, nuclear physicist, inventor, theory of atoms, pioneer of the Dalton's law of multiple proportions
1766-1844 (78)
John Dunning
Physicist for the Manhattan Project, co-inventor of the first atomic bombs
John von Neumann
mathematician, polymath, axiomatization of set theory, quantum mechanics, physicist, worked on the Manhattan project
1903-1957 (54)
Klaus-Eckart Puls
Scientist, physicist, meteorologist, climatologist, climage change
Marie Curie
Scientist, physicist, chemist, inventor, discovery of Radium and Polonium, died of radiation, radioactivity, portable x-ray machine, Nobel Prize in Physics, Nobel Prize in Chemistry
1867-1934 (67)
Max Planck
Theoretical physicist aka Max Plank, pioneer in Quantum Theory, inventor, discovery of "The Matrix" by coining the term "This mind is the matrix of all matter.", invented Quantum Mechanics the other pillar of science to Einstein's theory of relativity, philosopher of science and modern physics
1858-1947 (89)
Moritz Schlick
Philosopher, physicist, pioneer of logical positivism, founder of the Vienna Circle
1882-1936 (54)
Myles Allen
Physicist at Oxford Martin School, Oxford University
Isaac Newton
Scientist, physicist, president of The Royal Society in 1710, inventor of gravity, Three Laws of Motion, Newtons Law of Gravitation, collaborated with Galileo Galilei, Physicist, Law of Gravitation, mathematician, philosopher, preceded Einstein and Max Planck's theories of modern physics
physicist, chemist, inventor, discovery of electric currents creating magnetic fields the connection between electricity and magnetism
J. Robert Oppenheimer
theoretical physicist on the Manhattan Project, pioneer in quantum mechanics, metaphysics and nuclear atomic energy, creator of the atomic bomb
Philipp Lenard
Physicist, pioneer in quantum physics, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics
1862-1947 (85)
Rene de Réaumur
Entomologist, entomology, insects, zoology, physicist, writer, digestion, digestive system, temperature scales
Richard Feynman
Theoretical physicist, quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, pioneer of the Feynman Technique of writing in simple terms
Richard Lindzen living
Atmospheric physicist, photochemistry, dynamic meteorology, scientist studying the middle atmosphere, climate whistleblower
1940- (85)
Robert Boyle
Chemist, physicist, philosopher, pioneer of the scientific method for modern chemistry in 1671
Robert (R.C.) Christian
Founder of the Georgia Guidestones in 1979, occultist aka RC Christian, author of Common Sense Renewed, bought grantite representing the original 13 colonies via Elberton Granite Finishing Company for a compass, calendar, and clock in the American Stonehenge monument
Robert Goddard
aerospace engineer, physicist, astronaut, professor, inventor of the first liquid-fuelled rocket (1926)
Robert Sproull
educator, physicist, politician, US Department of Defense
1918-2014 (96)
Robert Wilson
American physicist, first director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Roger Penrose
Mathematician, physicist, scientist, philosopher, Nobel Laureate in Physics
Rudolf Clausius
Physicist, mathematician, co-inventor and discovery of thermodynamics
1822-1888 (66)
Walter Brattain
Physicist, co-inventor of the point-contact transistor in 1947
Walther Gerlach
Physicist, anti-gravity, magnetic fields, Stern-Gerlach effect
J. Willard Gibbs
Scientist, chemist, theoretical physicist, inventor, co-discovery of thermodynamics
1839-1903 (64)
William Gilbert
Physician, doctor, physicist, writer, author of De Magnete, natural philosopher, pioneer in magnetism of the earth, inventor, pioneer of Gilberts (Gb) a former unit of measurement for magnetization
1544-1603 (59)
William Grove
Physicist, barrister, inventor of the first crude fuel cell in 1838
William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)
Scientist, natural philosopher, physicist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, discovery of the dynamic theory of heat or thermodynamics
Wolfgang Pauli
Theoretical physicist, scientist, pioneer in quantum physics