Tony Robbins

motivational speaker, psychologist, life coaching, mentor, self-help guru, personal development coaching, author, Money Master the Game

a.k.a.Anthony J. Mahavorick "Robbins"

Ben Cohen living

co-founder of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, businessman, entrepreneur
1951- (74)

Brian Tracy living

salesman, life coaching, motivational speaker, self-help guru, personal development, bestselling author of the Psychology of Selling (1985), Eat That Frog! (2001), No Excuses! (2011)
1944- (81)

R. "Bucky" Buckminster Fuller

futurist, architect aka Bucky Fuller, scientist, inventor of the geodesic dome, systems theorist, author, Grunch of Giants, Utopia or Oblivion

Dean Graziosi

self-help guru, personal development coaching, life coaching, master coaching, masterminds, founder of

Dick Bolles

career coaching, career counseling, life coaching, clergyman at the Episcopal church, pioneer in job hunting, author of What Color is Your Parachute?
1927-2017 (90)

Earl Nightingale

radio broadcaster, motivational speaker, pioneer in personal development and of the Nightingale Conant self-help tapes, author of Lead the Field (1968), The Essence of Success, This is Earl Nightingale (1969)

Jim Rohn

motivational speaker, businessman, entrepreneur, philosopher, marketer, personal development coach, self-help guru, life coaching, author of 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness (1985), The Seasons of Life (1981)

Kat Torres living

sugar baby, escort, author of A Voz, owner of Menkin e-Equipe life coaching, exotic dancer aka Brazil or Chanel, lingerie model, swimwear model, fashion model, life coaching, busty blondes, social media influencer, fake guru, cult leader of The Witch Clan, narcisstic master manipulator, spy, intelligence officer, magician accused of witchcraft, exorcisms, Tarot readings, sexual exploitation, sentenced to 8 years in prison for modern slavery, human trafficking and sex trafficking
1992- (33)

Marshall Thurber

founder of Burklyn and the Excellerated Learning Institute (Money and You), protégé of Buckminster Fuller

Robert Kiyosaki living

US marine discharged from duty, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad (1997), Rich & Happy (1991), salesman at Xerox, real estate investor, entrepreneur who sold surfer wallets, t-shirts (tees), financial educator at Money & You (Excellerated Learning Institute) with Marshall Thurber, founder of Rich Dad Education, Rich Global, angel investor, self-help guru, motivational speaker, network marketer
1947- (78)

Zig Ziglar

mentor, life coach, motivational speaker, public speaker

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