Josef Stalin

Bonapartist military commander, communist fascist dictator of the Soviet Union, Red Army general who seized power from the Bolsheviks and Trotskyites, pioneer in socialism

a.k.a.Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Josef Stalin, Joseph Stalin

Anton Vasilevich Turkuk

Soviet intelligence officer

Enver Pasha

Ottoman military officer from 1914-1918, revolutionary, one-third of military dictatorship known as the Three Pashas

Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)

32nd President of the United States from 1933-1945 aka Roosevelt, Democratic Party politician, pioneer of the New Deal, dictator, served as President during most of World War II era,
1882-1945 (63)

General Franco

Army general for Francoist Spain, fascist dictator, overthrew the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War, Caudillo ruler of Spain from 1939-1975

Adolf Hitler

Führer aka Adolf Hitler, chancellor of Germany in 1933, military veteran injuired twice in battle, supreme commander of the Wehrmacht German armed forces, politician of the Third Reich, National Socialists German Workers Party (Nazi Party), sentenced for 5 years (served 12 months) in 1924, writer, author of Mein Kampf (My Struggle/My Fight), previous homeless fanatic artist of erotic hand drawings, his German Labour Front organization founded Volkswagen in 1933
1889-1945 (56)

Jack Barsky

ex-KGB agent, super spy, intelligence officer who talks about defecting and compartmentalization

Lázar Kaganóvich

Politician, First Deputy Premier of the Soviet Union, executioner for Joseph Stalin
1893-1991 (98)

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)

Communist dictator aka Chairman Mao, tyrant, victor of the Chinese people's war from 1927-1950, founder of the People's Republic of China, Marxist-Leninist style executions, leader of the Chinese Communist Revolution, forced labor camps and starvation leading to 60 million deaths, opened up the borders to the United States in 1978, author of On Guerilla Warfare
1893-1976 (83)

Benito Mussolini

Fascist dictator, the father of Nazi fascism or a corporation of state and corporate power, House of Savoy

Pol Pot

Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot regime was known as the butchers in Cambodia

Christian (C.G.) Rakovsky

Soviet ambassador to Paris (France) and London England, diplomat, head of state for the Ukraine, revolutionary activist, Trotskyism, doctor, physician study of medicine, journalist, writer, founder of Communist International
1873-1941 (68)

Leon Trotsky

Bolchevik revolution in Russia (the Bolcheviks) started WWI with the assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinand, Marxist revolutionary activist aka Leon Trotsky, now called Trotskyism (or Trotskyites), founder of the Red Army (Red Terror), financed out of New York by JP Morgan and out of Canada by Walter Boyce Thompson with $1 million dollars to create the Capitalist-Communist Financial International, political theory of permanent revolution, murdered in Mexico
1879-1940 (61)

Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister of Russia, statesman, former KGB chief intelligence officer

Walter Kravitsky

Soviet military intelligence officer in Europe, author of In Stalin's Secret Service in 1939, escaped to the West but later assassinated in 1941

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