Ron Brown

US Secretary of Commerce for Bill Clinton, politican, chairman of the DNC (Democratic National Committee), died in a plane crash in Dubrovnik (Croatia) known as Chinagate (China Gate)

a.k.a.Ronald Harmon Brown
life1941-1996 (55)
spouse(s)Alma Arrington

Baron Luke

UK House of Lords, politician

Bernard L. Schwartz

CEO of Globalstar Communications, private investor, chairman and CEO of Loral Space & Communications (Lockheed Martin), chairman and CEO of K&F Industries
1925-2024 (99)

Jim Moran

Democratic politican

Mark Middleton

Clinton aide with ties to Jeffrey Epstein, died by gunshot wound at the Helfer Ranch
1962-2022 (60)

Oleh Tyahnybok living

Politician, nationalist, leader of the Svoboda party (for an All-Ukrainian Union), former councilman for Lviv, former member of the Verkhovna Rada
1968- (57)

Spiro Agnew

39th VP of the United States from 1969-1973 for Richard Nixon, he was forced out by Gerald Ford (who later became the US president), Republican Party politician
1918-1996 (78)

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