Roland "Bunny" Harriman

a.k.a.E. Roland "Bunny" Harriman

W. Averell Harriman

Democratic politician, US governor of New York, US presidential nominee in 1952 and 1956, businessman, son of E.H. Harriman, robber baron, industrialist in Russia during the Bolchevik revolution

George Herbert Walker

Founder of G.H. Walker & Co. in 1900, president of the W.A. Harriman & Co., helped his father's company "Ely, Walker & Company", investment banker at UBC (Union Banking Corporation), Harriman Fifteen, helped Averell Harriman aquire Hamburg-Amerika Line, financier of Remington Arms, democrat, grandfather of George Bush, Sr. and of the Bush family dynasty
1875-1953 (78)

Knight Woolley

Commercial banker, general partner in Brown Brothers Harriman & Company

Prescott Bush living

US senator, politician, general partner at Brown Brothers Harriman, investment banker, VP and general partner at UBC (Union Banking Corporation), financier of Georgian Manganese Mining, Tesla's patents, director at Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC)
1895- (130)

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