Robin Brown

Conspiracy researcher, writer, author of The Secret Society

Dr. Andrew Snelling

geologist, researcher, editor-in-chief of the Online Answers Research Journal

Dan Van der Vat

marine explorer, conspiracy researcher, co-author of The Riddle of the Titanic (1995)
1939-2019 (80)

Doug Gage

Researcher for DARPA's LifeLog project

Elliott Jaques

Founding member of the Tavistock Institute, researcher, midlife crisis

Fritz Springmeier living

Author of the 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati, conspiracy researcher, historian
1955- (70)

Ian T. Taylor

Researcher, metallurgist, writer, author of In the Minds of Men (Darwin and the New World Order)

Isabel Myers

psychologist, housewife, researcher aka Isabel Briggs Myers, co-creator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) with he

Jack Honomichl

Writer, market researcher, columnist for Advertising Age

Jacqueline van Tongeren

HIV researcher, died on Malaysian Airlines flight 17 shot down over eastern Ukraine

Jay Dyer

Author of Esoteric Hollywood, conspiracy researcher, comedian, TV presenter, TV host of Hollywood Decoded

Jeff Rense

Radio broadcaster, radio host of the Jeff Rense Program, conspiray researcher, political commentator, politics

John B. Calhoun

ethnologist, behavioral researcher, pioneer of mouse utopia and behavioral sink theory
1917-1995 (78)

José M.R. Delgado

Neuroscientist, researcher known for the stimoceiver chip, professor of neurophysiology, pioneer in mind control with electrical stimulation of the brain, author of Physical Control of The Mind in 1970
1915-2011 (96)

Judy Mikovits


Katharine Briggs

psychologist, researcher, co-creator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) with he

Louis-Camille Maillard

Medical researcher, cooking

Michael Tsarion

conspiracy researcher

Omar Abudayyeh

Researcher of CRISPR genome editing, aging lifesciences, co-founder of Sherlock Biosciences

A. Ralph Epperson

Conspiracy researcher, whistleblower, author of The Unseen Hand, The New World Order

Rich Sutton

AI researcher, artificial intelligence

Sean G. Turnbull

Conspiracy researcher, political commentator, politics, film producer, podcaster at SGT Report

Dr. Walter Schreiber

Surgeon General of the Third Reich
1893-1970 (77)

William E. Blackstone

Evangelical Christian, researcher, archivist, there's a Blackstone memorial of him, author of Jesus is Coming
1841-1935 (94)

Willis Harmon

Stanford Research professor known for his controversial work the Aquarian Conspiracy on destroying the family unit, joblesses, mass drug addictions

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