Regina de Camargo Pires Oliveira Dias

Billionaire, construction

life1953- (72)
net worth


Aaron Manby

Engineer, inventor of the oscillating engine

Albert Göring

Mechanical engineer, signalman, businessman, philanthropist, moral integrity, saved many prominent Jews

Alfieri Maserati

Automotive engineer, racing car manufacturer, race cars, founder of Maserati
1887-1932 (45)

Alfonso Bialetti

Engineer, first coffee maker to use the coffee pot invented by Luigi De Ponti

Ali Ibrahim Agaoglu living

Billionaire, construction
1954- (71)

Allan Wong living

Billionaire, electronics
1950- (75)

A. M. MacKay

Cable technician, engineer for the Anglo-American Telegraph Company, politician in the House of Assembly, lived in the Devon House

Andrei Molchanov living

Billionaire, construction materials
1971- (54)

Anthony Bamford living

Billionaire, construction equipment
1945- (80)

Antoine Prioré

electrical engineer, inventor of controversial electromagnetic device claimed to cure cancer

Antti Herlin living

Billionaire, elevators, escalators
1956- (69)

Anu Aga living

Billionaire, engineering
1942- (83)

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Aerospace engineer, physicist, scientist, politician, 11th President of India from 2002-2007
1931-2015 (84)

Arkady Rotenberg living

Billionaire, construction, pipes, banking
1951- (74)

Bhadresh Shah living

Billionaire, engineering
1951- (74)

Boris Rotenberg living

Billionaire, construction, pipes, chemicals
1956- (69)

Briton Thomas Hancock

manufacturing engineer, inventor of the masticator machine for shredding rubber scraps and rubber recycling, awarded a British patent for the vulcanization of rubber

Bruce Cheng living

Billionaire, electronics
1935- (90)

Charles Babbage

Inventor of the first mechanical computer, mathematician, polymath, mechanical engineer, philosopher

Charles F. Brush

inventor, engineer known for Arc lamps and wind turbines, pioneer in electric arc lighting, entrepreneur, philanthropist
1849-1929 (80)

Charles F. Kettering

Inventor, automotive engineer, patents, founder of Delco (Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company), lead researcher at General Motors

Charles William Siemens

engineer, inventor, regenerative furnace, brother of Siemens founder

Chen Qixing living

Billionaire, electronics components
1959- (66)

Cheng Hon-kwan

structural engineer, politician, chairman of Hong Kong Housing Authority, Hong Kong Transport Advisory Committee

Clement Fayat living

Billionaire, construction
1932- (93)


Mathematician, engineer, inventor of the clepsydra Egyptian water clock in 270 BC, mathematician


Engineer, inventor, pioneer of the gas engine in automobiles

David Consunji living

Billionaire, construction
1921- (104)

Dean Kamen

Engineer, 1000 patents holder, inventor of the Segway upright cycle, partner at Deka Research, entrepreneur, water systems, philanthropist with distilled water process

Dik Wessels living

Billionaire, construction, engineering
1945- (80)

Edwin H. Armstrong living

Electrical engineer, inventor of FM radio, father of the FM radio
1890- (135)

Gustave Eiffel

civil engineer, architect designer of the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Maria Pia Bridge and whisky stills for Combier Distillery and Lucas Bols

Erik Paulsson living

billionaire real estate mogul, construction engineer
1942- (83)

Erman Ilicak living

Billionaire, construction
1967- (58)

Errol Musk living

mechanical engineer, property developer for Starlink
1946- (79)

Felice Matteucci

mechanical engineer, co-inventor of the Barsanti-Matteucci engine

Ferdinand de Lesseps

Mechanical engineer, conceived the plan of the Suez Canal which completed work in 1969

Filaret Galchev living

Billionaire, construction materials
1963- (62)

Florentino Perez living

Billionaire, construction
1947- (78)

Frank Wang living

Billionaire, drones
1980- (45)

Frank Whittle

Inventor of Jet propulsion and the turbojet engine, aerospace engineer

Fred Brooks

Computer scientist, supercomputer engineer, IT architect for IBM, author of The Mythical Man Month
1931-2022 (91)

Fred Cotten Elliot

Drainage engineer in the Everglades

Fred W. Taylor

Mechanical engineer, social psychologist, pioneer in scientific management theory (or "Taylorism"), author of The Principles of Scientific Management in 1911

Frederick Winslow Taylor

inventor of scientific management, or Taylorism which led to new concepts in engineering and business

Gene Kranz living

Aerospace engineer
1933- (92)

George Westinghouse

Bought the A/C induction motor and Tesla patents, built first hydro-electric dam in Niagara Falls

Gideon Sundback

Electrical engineer, inventor of the zipper or the separable fastener in 1917 at Lightning Fastener Company in St. Catharines.

Gordon Murray living

automotive engineer, designer of F1 racing cars for Brabham and McLaren F1 racing team
1946- (79)

Gottlieb Daimler

gunsmith, mechanical engineer who worked on the Lenoir engine, prior to perfecting the four-stroke internal combustion engine aka Otto silent engine with Wilhelm Maybach, at the NA Otto & Cie (company) of Nicolaus Otto and Eugen Langen

Han Tao living

Billionaire, electronics components
1960- (65)

Henry Bell

mechanical engineer, inventor of the first passenger steamboat service in Europe

Henry Shrapnel

Lieutenant British army general, artillery officer, inventor of a new type of artillery shells
1761-1842 (81)

Huang Zhenda living

Billionaire, construction
1947- (78)

Idan Ofer living

Billionaire, drilling, shipping
1955- (70)

Ilkka Herlin living

Billionaire, elevators, escalators
1958- (67)

Ilona Herlin living

Billionaire, elevators, escalators
1964- (61)

Isolde Liebherr

Billionaire, construction

J. Elfreth Watkins

Philosopher, railroads, civil engineer, futurist, mobile phones

Jack Kilby

Electrical engineer, inventor of the integrated circuit at Texas Instruments in 1958

Jacque Fresco

Futurist, social engineer, founder of The Venus Project, industrial engineer, resource based economy, economist, artificial intelligence, moneyless society, future of money, communist, socialist, activist
1916-2017 (101)

Jason Chang living

Billionaire, electronics
1944- (81)

Jim Cantrell

Aerospace engineer, CNES

Jim Keller living

Electrical engineer, designer of microchips for AMD, K8 microarchitectures, Apple A4/A5 chips, brother-in-law of Jordan B. Peterson
1959- (66)

J.L. Baird

Electrical engineer, inventor of the world's first working television (TV)

John Ambrose Fleming

Electrical engineer, inventor of vacuum tubes that paved the way for modern electronics and radio broadcasting

John Penn

Engineer for Royal Navy, inventor of the grasshopper beam engine and trunk engine, technologies leading up to battleships

John Robinson Pierce

engineer, author, inventor, grandfather of satellite communications

Col. John Stevens, III

American lawyer, engineer, inventor of the first steam locomotive and steam-powered ferry in the USA

John Trump

Uncle of Donald Trump, engineer, read the Tesla's papers

Jose Llado Fernandez-Urrutia living

Billionaire, construction
1934- (91)

Joseph E. Shigley

Machinist, inventor, machine designer, mechanical engineer

Juan-Miguel Villar Mir living

Billionaire, construction
1931- (94)

Koo Bon-Neung living

Billionaire, electronics
1949- (76)

Lee Joong-Keun living

Billionaire, construction, real estate
1940- (85)

Leo J. Wahl

Founder of Wahl in 1919, entrepreneur, inventor of electromagnetic hair clippers, engineer
1883-1957 (74)

Lin Xiucheng living

Billionaire, electronics
1955- (70)

Lu Di

Billionaire, drones

Lu Yonghua living

Billionaire, electronics
1963- (62)

Magnus Kristof

Automotive engineer, inventor of Fuel Saver a gas efficiency electrical capacitor, 1200 miles on a tank of gas

Maria Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo living

Billionaire, construction
1956- (69)

Martin Bouygues

Billionaire, construction, media

Marvin Minsky

AI pioneer, artificial intelligence, engineer

Matthew Boulton

inventor of modern coinage, silver coins, entrepreneur, engineer, worked with James Watt to introduce rotary motion to steam engines

Mehmet Sinan Tara living

Billionaire, construction
1958- (67)

Michael D. Griffin living

Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering from 2018-2020, physicist, aerospace engineer, NASA administrator, co-founder of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), investor with In-Q-Tel, CIA intelligence officer
1949- (76)

Mike Bingle

Biomedical engineer, financier, vice-chairman of Silver Lake since 2000, formerly principal partner at Apollo Management LP, investment banker at Goldman Sachs, director at Ameritrade,, Credit Karma, Datek, Fanatics, Gartner, Gerson Lehrman, ICE Data Services, IPC Systems, Instinet, Mercury Payment Systems, SolarWinds, Virtu Financial, N-Able, SoFi, Achievers, Blackhawk Network

Moshe Arens

Aeronautical engineer, researcher, diplomat, Likud politician, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Knesset legislature, Minister of Defense of Israel
1925-2019 (94)

M.W. Kellogg

engineer, founder of intelligence agency M.W. Kellogg Brown & Root that is now KBR Halliburton

Nassef Sawiris living

Billionaire, construction, chemicals
1960- (65)

Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot

engineer, mechanic, inventor of the steam-powered tractor in 1769
1725-1804 (79)

Niklas Herlin living

Billionaire, elevators, escalators
1963- (62)

Oliver Evans

inventor, mechanical engineer, patented a steam-powered land vehicle in 1789

Olivier Bouygues

Billionaire, construction, media

Oscar Schneider

US Navy captain, nuclear medicine, engineer, nuclear submarines, Operation Crossroads

Pan Zhengmin living

Billionaire, electronics
1969- (56)

Patrick Pouyanné living

Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies since 2014, engineer
1963- (62)

Phil Schneider

Geologist, structural engineer of Rhyolite 38, NWO whistleblower about the construction of Deep Undeground Military Bases (DUMBs), UFOs, aliens
1947-1996 (49)

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo living

Billionaire, construction
1958- (67)

Ravi Pillai living

Billionaire, construction
1953- (72)

Reinhold Voll

Medical doctor focused on preventative medicine, rheumatology, homeopathy, homeopathic physician, engineer, inventor of the Diatherapunktteur, Dermatron useful for vibration medicine or electro-acupuncture (EAV), electro-dermal screening (EDS)

Renata de Camargo Nascimento living

Billionaire, construction
1950- (75)

Richard Little

Engineer, inventor, co-founder of Rex Bionics

Robert Lieber

Rocket scientist, rocket engineer

Robert Moses

Urban planner for New York City, public official, civil servant, civil engineering
1888-1981 (93)

Robert Owen Sr.

President of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, US senator from Virginia from 1869–1871, civil engineer, plantation owner in Virginia
1825-1873 (48)

Rossana Camargo de Arruda Botelho living

Billionaire, construction
1949- (76)

Sarik Tara living

Billionaire, construction
1930- (95)

Scott Lin

Billionaire, optical components

Seth Tanner

Gold miner, pioneer, early settler in Arizona, he was supposedly blinded after discovering gold treasures in a mass grave

Siegfried Marcus,

mechanical engineer of handcarts, inventor of the first petrol-gas automobile in 1870

Stephen Bechtel, Jr. living

Billionaire, co-owner of Bechtel, businessman, civil engineer, grandson of Bechtel founder
1925- (100)

Stephen Bechtel, Sr.

President of Bechtel from 1933-1960, construction engineer, son of Bechtel founder
1900-1989 (89)


engineer, put locomotives on the line

Steve Mollenkopf

chairman of Boeing, former CEO of Qualcomm, electrical engineer, inventor of 38 patents

Steve Wozniak

Computer engineer, co-founder of Apple

Sun Shangchuan living

Billionaire, electronics components
1963- (62)

Swift Xie

Billionaire, drones


engineer, pioneer of military tanks

Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary living

Billionaire, engineering, energy, construction
1951- (74)


inventor, engineer, designer of steamboat engines, built a successful British steamboat in 1801

T. Coleman du Pont

Engineer, president of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

Thomas Midgley Jr

mechanical engineer, chemist, inventor of Freon and leaded gasoline

Tony Chen living

Billionaire, eletronics
1968- (57)

Tony Fadell

Angel investor at Future Shape, software engineer, co-founder of Nest Labs, formerly at Apple, co-inventor of the iPhone & iPod


Architect, engineer, author of De Architectura

Walter Dornberger

Engineer for the Third Reich, Operation Paperclip, V-2 rockets, worked for Bell Aircraft

Walter Rautenstrauch

Mechanical engineer

Walter Scott Jr.

Billionaire, civil engineer, philanthropist, succeeded Peter Kiewit as chairman and CEO of Kiewit
1931-2021 (90)

Wang Laichun living

Billionaire, electronics components
1967- (58)

Wang Laisheng living

Billionaire, electronics components
1964- (61)

Warren A. Bechtel

founder of Bechtel engineering and construction in 1906, entrepreneur
1872-1933 (61)

Wernher von Braun

Nazi rocket scientist, aerospace engineer, aeronautical engineer for the Third Reich Nazi party, NASA space architect aka Werner von Braun, head of NASA for 25 years for the Apollo missions, architect of the Saturn 5 rocket, father of the hydrogen bomb, author of Project Mars (1952)
1912-1977 (65)

Wilhelm Maybach

industrialist aka King of Designers, mechanical engineer who perfected the four-stroke cycle engine (1876) with Gottlieb Diamler, Nicolaus Otto and Eugen Langen

Willi Liebherr

Billionaire, construction

William Barnett

ironfounder, gas engineer, inventor, patented the horizontal in-cylinder compression engine (1836-1838), pioneer in gas flame ignition

William Lear

Mechanical engineer, inventor of the Learjet

William Stanley

electrical engineer, inventor of the transformer which spurred AC power

Wilson Greatbatch

Mechanical engineer, inventor of the first practical implantable pacemaker

Wolfgang Leitner living

Billionaire, engineering
1953- (72)

Yeoh Tiong Lay living

Billionaire, construction, property, power
1929- (96)

Yeung Kin-man

Billionaire, electronics

Yuval Ne'eman

Physicist, founder and Head of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Tel-Aviv University, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, founder of the Center for Particle Theory at the University of Texas (UT Austin)
1925-2006 (81)

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