P.T. Barnum
Circus entertainer, showman, co-founder of Barnum & Bailey Circus, author of the Art of Money Getting
Al Jolson
Singer, comedian, actor, entertainer, blackface vaudevillian
1886-1950 (64)
Jimmy Savile
DJ, entertainer, radio broadcaster, radio host of Top of the Pops
John Ringling
Most famous of all seven (7) Ringling brothers, entrepeneuer of "The Greatest Show on Earth", founder of Ringling Bros World, merged with Barnum & Bailey Circus to become the world's largest traveling circus
1866-1936 (70)
John Ringling North
President and Director of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus between 1937-1967
1903-1985 (82)
Johnny Mann
Composer, arranger, conductor, entertainer, recording artist
Lisa Medford
Folies Bergere showgirl, entertainer, original Las Vegas showgirl, nude model, the first woman to go topless on stage (1957)