Saint Peter the Apostle
Disciple of Jesus Christ, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, the first Apostle of Rome between 30-64 AD
High priest, prophet, elder brother of Moses, younger brother of Miriam who had leprosy, Aaronid priests and the golden calf event
Adolfo Nicolás
30th Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the Black Pope of the Jesuits, priest of the Roman Catholic Church
Saint Albert (Albertus Magnus)
Dominican friar, bishop of the Carmelites, scientist, philosopher, author of De Mineralibus in 1250
1193-1280 (87)
Cardinal Alessandro Farnese
Cardinal, religious leader, member of Massimo royal family, house of Bourbon
1520-1589 (69)
Alexy/Alexius II, Patriarch of Moscow living
15th Patriarch of Moscow, head of the Russian Orthodox Church
1929- (96)
Amin al-Husseini
Grand Mafti, nationalist, Muslim leader, bloodline of the prophet Muhammad
1895-1974 (79)
Saint Andrew the Apostle
One of twelve (12) apostles (or disciples) of Jesus Christ, First-Called Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople, his brother is Saint Peter the Apostle
-60 AD
Anna Petrovna
Grand Duchess of Russia
Anne, Princess Royal living
HRH Princess Royal aka Princess Anne Royal, only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh
1950- (75)
Anton LaVey
Occultist, founder of the Church of Satan, author of The Satantic Bible in 1969, musician
1930-1997 (67)
Antonio Weiss living
banker, financier, head of global investments at Lazard
1966- (59)
Arturo Sosa living
31st Superior General of the Society of Jesus since 2016, the Black Pope as of 2017, Jesuit priest of the Roman Catholic Church
1948- (77)
20th pope of Alexandria, Egypt at the Coptic Orthodox Church of Christians
-373 AD
Saint Augustine
Christian philosopher, Catholic saint, theologian, writer, author of The Confessions, grammarian, Latin translator of the bible, bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia (North Africa)
354 AD-430 AD
Bess Bardens
religious leader aka Jessie Elizabeth Bardens, founder of Questers International (1944)
Bill Elkus
co-founder and senior managing partner at idealab Capital Partners (ICP), early investor in PayPal with Goldman Sachs, angel investor at Park City Angels, founder of Clearstone Venture Partners (1997), crypto investor in Tether, early investor in,,, NetZero,, CarsDirect
Billy Graham
Southern Baptist minister, televangelist, Evangelical Christian religious evangelist
1918-2018 (100)
Blessed Gérard
Religious leader of the Benedictines, and the Order of Saint Benedict (OSB), founder of the Knights Hospitaller, Order of Saint Lazarus, Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of Malta), Grand Priory of England
1040-1120 (80)
Brigham Young
founder of Brigham Young Univeresity (BYU) in 1875, religious leader for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Brother Nathanael
Political activist, founder of The Brother Nathanel Foundation
Bruce Feiler
religious leader, known for walking with the bible, author of the Council of Dads
Carl Schmitt
Jurist, philosopher, Nazi political theorist, political commentator, politics
1888-1985 (97)
Carla A. Hills living
US Trade Representative, co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations from 2007-2017, lawyer, chairman and CEO of Hills & Company, co-founder of Munger, Tolles, Hills & Rickershauser, politician, lobbyist, co-chair of Inter-American Dialogue, diplomat, US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
1934- (91)
Catherine the Great, Catherine II of Russia
Empress of Russia from 1762-1796, established the Order of St. George
Ce Acatl Topiltzin living
Leader of the Tolteca-Chichimeca people or the Toltecs
947- (1078)
Chanakya Neeti
Hindu philosopher of high society (varnas), strategist for the Maurya Empire, Brahman (Brāhmaṇa) priest, political commentator, politics aka the Indian Machiavelli, Chanakya Neeti, economist, statesman, polymath, teacher, educator, jurist, pioneer in polity (politika), author of The Science of Material Gain
375 BC-283 BC
Charles McVety
Evangelical pastor, religious Christian, President of Canada Christian College, author of Victory Guaranteed
Charles Parham
Religious Christianity, inventor of the Pentecostal religion in 1901
Christopher Hitchens
Atheist, pioneer in atheism, polemicist, author of God Is Not Great, philosopher, columnist, essayist, orator, journalist, social critic, literary critic
1949-2011 (62)
Saint John Chrysostom
Archibishop of Constantinople, Church Father interpreter, theologian, military officer, military veteran, religious leader of the Byzantine empire, writer of the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom
347 AD-407 AD
St. Clement of Rome
Catholic pope from 88-97 AD, third Apostle of Rome, theologian, writer, author of First Letter of Clement, Letter to the Corinthians in 96 AD
-99 AD
Conrad Black
Newspaper Baron convicted of fraud for Hollinger, hosted the Bilderbergers
Fra' Giacomo Dalla Torre
80th Grand Master of the Order of Malta (Knights of Malta) from 2018-2020, Grand Prior of Rome, Grand Prior of Lombardy and Venice, art historian of Christian archeology
1944-2020 (76)
King David
King of Judah with the Davidic covenant tradition holding the throne of the people, shepherd, sheep herder, The Messianic Redemption, David vs. Goliath, adultery with Bathsheba
David Koresh
Religious leader of the Church of the Brand Davidians (a branch of the Seventh-day Adventists), theologian, firearms dealer, died at Waco siege (Texas massacre) in 1993
1959-1993 (34)
David Miscavige
Leader of Scientology movement, his wife went missing, best friends with Tom Cruise
D.L. Moody
Evangelist, religious, Keswickianism, founder of the Moody Church
Don Baizley
NHL player agent, sports agent
1942-2013 (71)
Kenora, Ontario
Donald J. Trump living
45th & 47th President of the United States from 2016-2020 and since 2025, Republican Party politician, statesman, real estate mogul, billionaire founder of Trump International Hotels & Resorts
1946- (79)
Douglas Chun
Business executive aka Douglas Woo, son of Peter Woo, chairman of Wheelock & Co.
Gustave Eiffel
civil engineer, architect designer of the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Maria Pia Bridge and whisky stills for Combier Distillery and Lucas Bols
Elijah McClain
civil rights lawsuit won $15 million, illegally detained by police officers, killed by lethal injection 500mg of ketamine by paramedics, died by heart attack
Patriarch prophet, biblical figure, the Book of Enoch is the bible of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, great-grandfather of Noah
Enrico Dandolo
Doge of Venice
1107-1205 (98)
Faith Goldy living
Journalist for the Daily Stormer, The Rebel Media, podcaster, political commentator, politics, former mayoral candidate
1989- (36)
Ferdinand II of Portugal
King of Portugal, house of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry
1816-1885 (69)
Folke Bernadotte
Nobleman, diplomat, Count of Wisborg aka Count Bernadotte, negotiated the release of 30,000 prisoners from Nazi Germany concentration camps, United Nations mediator for Palestine was assassinated in Jerusalem
1895-1948 (53)
Mahatma Gandhi
Swadeshi Satyagraha, Tilak heroic struggle, Satyameva Jayate, satya, dharma
Gasparo Contarini
Venetian patrician, papal legate of the Imperial Diet at Regenburg, College of Cardinals, leader in the Protestant Reformation
Giovanni Lajolo
Cardinal, president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State
Gregg Hurwitz
Author of Dark Horse, Orphan X
Johann Gutenberg
Printer, publisher, goldsmith merchant, engineer, inventor of the moveable-type printing press between 1440-1450, printed the Gutenberg Bible in 1452 printed on vellum animal skin membranes, sometimes mispelled "Johan Gutenburg"
Guy Ritchie
Film director, Snatch, film producer, entrepreneur, maker of custom BBQ's
Henri de Lubac
Jesuit priest, atheistic humanist, "the only god of man is man himself"
Henry II of Castile
King of Castile and Leon in 1369, fought in the Hundred Years War and the Fernandine Wars
1334-1379 (45)
Shiloh priesthood, found the book of Deuteronomy in the temple, turned over by scribe Shaphan
Hugh Montefiore
Anglican bishop of Kingston from 1970-1978, and then bishop of Birmingham from 1978-1987
1920-2005 (85)
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Missionary, pilgrimage to Jerusalem, hobo beggar who became a guest of oligarch Marcantonio Trevisan and was given passage from Cyprus to Jerusalem by Andrea Gritti, theologian of Exercitationes Spirituales mystical brainwashing treatments, co-founder of the Society of Jesus in 1541 (aka the Jesuits) with Francis Xavier and Peter Faber
1491-1556 (65)
Ioan Sauca living
Reverand professor, acting secretary general of the World Council of Churches
1956- (69)
Jack Dorsey living
co-founder and CEO of Block Inc, Square payments, billionaire tech executive, serial entrepreneur, computer programmer, software engineer, former chairman and CEO of Twitter (now X with Elon Musk) from 2015-2021
1976- (49)
Jacob Frank
Self-proclaimed reincarnate of Sabbatai Zevi, founder of Sabbatean Frankism, co-founder of Bavarian Illuminati, Jewish messiah of Judaism, Frankists, Zoharists, kabbalistic of the Babylonian Magi Cult
1726-1791 (65)
Jacob Wallenberg living
Vice-chairman and now chairman of Investor AB since 1999, vice-chairman at ABB, Ericsson, Red Bee Media, FAM, Patricia Industries, former chairman, president and CEO of SEB, former vice-chairman of Atlas Copco, SAS, Stora, director at Coca-Cola, Electrolux, WM-data
1956- (69)
James the Less
One of twelve (12) disciples of Jesus Christ, son of Alphaeus.
Jan Hus
Protestant reformer, in 1415 his execution led to the Hussite Wars from 1419-1434
Javier Echevarría
Bishop for the Roman Catholic Church, leader of Opus Dei
1932-2016 (84)
Jean Piaget
Clinical psychologist, epistemologist, pioneer in cognitive development, genetics, epistemology
1896-1980 (84)
Babylonian party politician who were conquered by Egypt and the Assyrians, Shiloh priesthood, scribe or writer of seven books of the bible
Jesus Christ
Jesus of Nazareth, father of Roman Catholicism (and the Eastern Orthodox Church), religious prophet of Christianity, died by crucifixion at the age of 33, known as the possible incarnation of God and for the 33rd passover land
4 BC-30 AD
Jim Bakker
Televangelist, TV host of PTL Club from 1974-1987 on the PTL Satellite Network
Jim Balsillie living
Billionaire, entrepreneur, co-founder and formal of BlackBerry (Research-in-Motion)
1961- (64)
Jim Keller living
Electrical engineer, designer of microchips for AMD, K8 microarchitectures, Apple A4/A5 chips, brother-in-law of Jordan B. Peterson
1959- (66)
Joan of Arc
Saint of Crusades, crossdresser (as a military man), she was burnt in her witch trial of 1431
Joe Lacob
sports team owner of the Golden State Warriors via GSW Sports LLC since 2010
King John I of Portugal
King of Portugal from 1385-1433
1357-1433 (76)
Cardinal John O'Connor
Cardinal at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Archbishop of New York, co-author of His Eminence and Hizzoner: A Candid Exchange
1920-2000 (80)
John Poindexter
retired US naval officer, national security advisor for Ronald Reagan, responsible for U.S. Total Information Awareness (TIA) project that was shutdown by congress, convicted during Iran-Contra, known as the godfather of modern surveillance
St. John the Baptist
Christian evangelist, known as the messenger in the Tanakh (TNK) new testaments, baptism of Jesus Christ, theologian, religious leader, preacher in early 1st century AD, John the Forerunner in Eastern Christianity, John the Immerser in some Baptist traditions, Prophet John in Islam traditions, buried at the Umayyad Mosque in Syria, Queen Victoria established the Order of St. John in his honour
Joseph Fielding Smith
Mormon educator, writer, 10th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 1970 at the age of 93
1876-1972 (96)
Joseph Smith
Father of the Mormons, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints movement, his son wrote the Book of Mormon which is believed to be translated from golden plates, where he was one of the Eight (8) Witnesses
Joseph the Man
Author of the Book of Mormon, cleric, inventor of Mormonism in 1830, religious Christianity, assassinated as a martyr in 1844 leading to the Carthage conspiracy trial
1805-1844 (39)
Judas Iscariot
Disciple of Jesus Christ, one of the original twelve (12) apostles of Jesus Christ. Betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin in the Garden of Gethsemane, by kissing the rabbi as they came to arrest him.
Ken Thomson
British peerage, billionaire publicist, chairman of The TImes & Sunday Times and sold to Fox News Corp (Rupert Murdoch), reporter, journalist at the Timmins Daily Press, Cambridge Reporter( Galt Reporter), media mogul who created what became Thomson Reuters, the largest business and commerical news outlet in the world, art collector of Kreigoff
1923-2006 (83)
Kenneth E. Hagin
Preacher, founder of Kenneth Hagin Ministries, pioneer of the Word of Faith movement, author of Spiritual Warfare
1917-2003 (86)
Kirill I, Patriarch of Moscow
Patriarch of Moscow, head of the Russian Orthodox Church since 2009
Larry Fink living
billionaire hedge fund manager, pension fund manager, institutional investor, asset manager of $10 Trillion, passive investor of index funds, pioneer in universal ownership and ESG (Environmental Social Governance), co-founder, chairman and CEO of BlackRock
1952- (73)
Lawrence King
General manager of the Franklin Credit Union aka Larry King, corruption in Boys Town scandal, stole $40 million
Linda Rottenberg
founder & CEO of Endeavor Global (1997), venture capitalist aka La Chica Loca, entreprenur, crypto investor, co-founder and CEO of Endeavor Catalyst LP Funds, author of Crazy Is a Compliment, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Martin Luther
Monk, inventor of Lutheranism, Protestantism Reformation leader, he wrote on the church door Ninety-Five Theses, creator of the Protestant Reformation religion in 1517, put on trial in 1521, religious Christianity, his main opposition was from Johann Eck
Mary Magdalene
The witness of Jesus Christ's resurrection in the four (4) gospels.
Mary Tanner
European President of the World Council of Churches from 2006-2013 and a member since 1974, moderator from 1991-1998
Matthew the Apostle
Apostle, theologian, religious leader, writer, author of the Gospel According to Matthew
Matthew Festing
Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta from 2008-2017, Roman Catholic religious leader
1949-2021 (72)
Matthew McConaughey living
Actor in Dazed and Confused, Dallas Buyers Club, Wolf of Wall Street, comedian
1969- (56)
Maurice R. Greenberg living
Billionaire, financier, chairman of The Starr Foundation, former chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), Starr Insurance Companies, vice-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations
1925- (100)
Michael Levy living
Music executive, founder of Magnet Records (sold to Warner Music) in 1988 for £10 million
1944- (81)
Michele Pellegrino
Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, archbishop of Turin
1903-1986 (83)
Miriam was the eldest sister of Moses and Aaron, and the daughter of Amram and Jochebed.
Mitt Romney
Politician, defeated in presidential election by Barack Obama, former CEO at Bain Capital, early career at BCG (Boston Consulting Group)
Prophet Muhammad
Founder of Islamic doctrine (religion of Islamic faith), the Islamic calender begins 622 AD, author of Qurʾān (the Quran bible) in around 610 AD (at the age of 40), after his death the Rashidun Caliphate reigned
570 AD-632 AD
Olav Fykse Tveit
Reverand professor, former secretary general of the World Council of Churches until 2020