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5th Roman emperor from 54-68 AD, final emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, court justice

a.k.a.Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
life37 AD-68 AD

Akbar the Great

Emperor of the Mughal empire from 1556-1605
1542-1605 (63)

Alexander the Great

King of Macedonia from 336-323 BC, or the ancient kingdom of Macedon, head of the Argead dynasty, his father was Philip II of Macedon a legendary military general
356 BC-323 BC

Anastasius I Dicorus

Eastern Roman emperor from 491-518 AD
431 AD-518 AD

Queen Anne Boleyn

Queen of England from 1533-1536, second wife of King Henry VIII
1501-1536 (35)

Romulus Augustulus

Roman emperor child of Orestes in the West from 475-476 AD, child emperor, last ruler of the Western Roman Empire along after Julius Nepos who was exiled in Dalmatia, deposed by Boethius & Odoacer
465 CE-511 CE (46)

Caesar Augustus (Octavian)

1st Holy Roman emperor aka Octavian from 27 BC until 14 AD during the Pax Romana, founder of the Roman empire, 12 fasces of the Etruscans, pioneer of using leap years in the Julian calendar and Sextilis was renamed Augustus (August) after him
63 BC-14 AD


Roman Emperor from AD 37 to 41, made his horse a senator

Catherine de Medici

Noblewoman, married to King Henry II of France, queen consort of France from 1547-1559, gave birth to Francis II, Charles IX, Henry III

Charlemagne (Charles I, the Great)

King of the Franks (West Francia or the Kingdom of Charles) from 768-814 AD, King of the Lombards from 774-814 AD, 1st Holy Roman Emperor (Patrician of the Romans) from 800-814 AD, started the Carolingian dynasty, Treaty of Verdun divided the Frankish empire into 3 separate kingdoms for his sons (West Francia or the Kingdom of Charles, Lothair and East Francia or the Kingdom of Louis) which make up modern day France & Germany
-814 AD

Charles IV

Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Duke of Luxembourg
1316-1378 (62)

Charles II, the Bald

King of West Francia Occidentalis in 843, King of France, King of Italy, emperor of the Carolingian empire, Treaty of Verdun
823 AD-877 AD

Charles V

Holy Roman Emperor from 1519-1556, King of Spain from 1516-1556, Duke of Burgundy from 1506-1555, Archduke of Austria, Lord of the Netherlands (Holland)
1500-1558 (58)

Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor

Holy Roman Emperor, ruler of the Austrian Habsburg empire from 1711-1740
1685-1740 (55)

Charles VII

Holy Roman Emperor from 1742-1745, House of Wittelsbach, elector of Bavaria from 1726-1745
1697-1745 (48)


4th Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, his grandfather was Mark Antony


Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt from 51-30 BC, her father was Ptolemy XII
69 BC-30 BC

Conrad IV of Germany

King of Jerusalem, member of the Hohenstaufen family dynasty
1228-1254 (26)

King Constantine II

Roman co-emperor, killed in the Battle of Aquileia in 340 AD
316 AD-340 AD

King Constantine I, the Great

Holy Roman emperor from 306-337 AD, pioneer of "The Constantinopolitan Indiction" in Sept 1, 312 AD during the 15-year taxation cycle, adopted Christianity in 313 AD and was the 1st Christian Roman emperor who suppressed the faith of Zoroastrians, military commander at the Battle of Milvian Bridge, Council of Aries, Council of Nicea
272 AD-337 AD

Cyrus II the Great of Persia

King of the Persians aka Cyrus II, Cyrus the Persian, 1st emperor of the Persian empire in 550 BC, founder of the Achaemenid empire, defeated Babylonia in 539 BC and portrayed himself as Marduk
600 BC-530 BC


Roman emperor from 249-251


Diocletian dynasty of Dalmatia, the High Roman Empire, the holy Roman emperor from 284-305 AD, Balkans calvalry commander of Carus' army
244 AD-311 AD


Holy Roman emperor from 81-96 CE, built the ancient Odeon auditorium

King Edward VII

King Edward the 7th aka Bertie, King of the United Kingdom, Ireland and British Dominions, King-Emperor of India from 1901-1910, the Edwardian era (or Edwardian period), oldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Prince of Wales, House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
1841-1910 (69)

Emperor Henry of the Holy Roman Empire

Holy Roman emperor, duke of Saxony from 912-936, King of the Romans and the Germans from 919-936

Emperor Henry VI of the Holy Roman Empire

Holy Roman emperor, King of the Romans and Germans from 1169-1197, member of the Hohenstaufen dynasty
1165-1197 (32)

Emperor Henry VII of the Holy Roman Empire

Holy Roman emperor from 1312-1313 (King of the Romans), Count of Luxembourg and King of Germany from 1308-1313, leader of the House of Luxembourg
1165-1197 (32)

King Ferdinand I

Holy Roman Emperor from 1556-1564, King of Bohemia, Hungary and Croatia from 1526-1564, Archduke of Austria from 1521-1564
1503-1564 (61)

Ferdinand II

Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungary and Croatia from 1619-1637
1578-1637 (59)

Emperor Ferdinand III

Holy Roman Emperor from 1637-1657, House of Habsburg, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary from 1625-1657, King of Croatia and Bohemia from 1627-1657
1608-1657 (49)

Ferdinand IV

King of the Romans in 1653, Duke of Cieszyn, King of Bohemia in 1646, King of Hungary and Croatia in 1647
1633-1654 (21)

Francis I

Holy Roman Emperor from 1745-1765, Duke of Lorraine and Bar, Grand Duke of Tuscany, merged to create the Habsburg-Lorraine family dynasty, father of King Henry II of France

Francis II

1st Emperor of Austria from 1804-1835, King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia, 1st President of the German Confederation in 1815, the last Holy Roman Emperor from 1792-1806
1768-1835 (67)

Franz Joseph I of Austria

Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia from 1850-1866, discovery of Franz oseph Land in the Arctic Ocean
1830-1916 (86)

Frederick I Barbarossa

Holy Roman emperor from 1152-1190, King of Germany, Duke of Swabia, House of Hohenstaufen
1123-1190 (67)

Frederick II Barbarossa

Holy Roman emperor and King of Italy from 1220-1250, King of Sicily from 1197-1250, Duke of Swabia and King of Germany from 1212-1250, House of Hohenstaufen dynasty, House of Hauteville, King of Jerusalem from 1225-1250
1194-1250 (56)

Frederick II of Prussia

King of Prussia from 1740-1786

Frederick III Barbarossa

Holy Roman emperor from 1452-1493, King of Germany from 1440-1493, House of Habsburg, last emperor of Rome
1415-1493 (78)

Frederick III, Fritz of Prussia

King of Prussia in 1888 for only 99 days between Wilhelm I and Wilhelm II, during the Year of the Three Emperors, on this day his grandson Wilhelm III became the crown prince of the German empire until the end of the monarchy in 1918, the only son of Wilhelm I
1831-1888 (57)

Frederick V

King of Bohemia from 1619-1620, elector Palatine/Palatinate of the Rhine in the Holy Roman Empire from 1610-1623

Fyodor I of Russia

Tsar of Russia from 1584-1598, his death ended the Rurik dynasty
1557-1598 (41)

Fyodor II of Russia

Tsar of Russia in 1605 (briefly), died in the Time of Troubles
1589-1605 (16)

Gaius Octavius

Roman politician of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, father of Caesar Augustus with his wife Atia
100 BC-59 BC

Genghis Khan

First emperor of the Mongolian empire from 1206-1227, 1st Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, House of Khan, his father was Yesügei
1162-1227 (65)

King George I

King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1714-1727, Duchy and Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover) of the Holy Roman Empire, established the Order of the Bath (aka Knights of the Bath) a chivalry honor in 1725, Georgian era from 1714-1837
1660-1727 (67)

King George III

King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1760-1801 and post-union of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland until his death in 1820, Age of Enlightenment, Georgian era from 1714-1837
1738-1820 (82)


Roman army general for the Claudian patricians, military campaigns in what was known as Germania
15 BC-19 AD

King Henry I of England

King of England from 1100-1135, 4th son of William the Conqueror, studied Latin and liberal arts, inventor of tally sticks a form of scrip to keep track of money loans to farmers
1068-1135 (67)

Henry of Sicily

King of the Germans from 1169-1197, Holy Roman emperor from 1191-1197, member of Hohenstaufen dynasty, King of Sicily from 1194-1197, ruler of the Kingdom of Naples
1165-1197 (32)

Isaac II Angelus

Byzantine emperor
1135-1204 (69)

Ivan IV, the Terrible

Ivan the Fearless, Czar/tsar of Russia from 1547-1584

Joseph II

Holy Roman Emperor from 1765-1780, House of Habsburg-Lorraine

Julius Caesar

governor of the Roman Republic until its fall to the Roman Empire and Caesar Augustus, created the Julian calendar approximately in 45 BCE, Quintilis was renamed to Julius (July), the Julian day refers to 4713 BCE in the modern computer era post Year 2000 (Y2K), assassinated in 44 BC
63 BCE-44 BCE

Justin II, the Younger

Byzantine emperor (Eastern Roman emperor) from 565-578 AD, nephew of Justinian I (Justinian the Great)
520 AD-578 AD

Justinian II

Byzantine emperor (Eastern Roman empire) from 685-695 AD and 705-711 AD, ruler of the Heraclian dynasty
669 AD-711 AD

Justinian I, the Great

Byzantine emperor (Eastern Roman empire) from 527-565 AD, started at war with Sassanid Empire, destroyed eclecticism architecture (and culture), closed neo-Platonic Academy of Athens and moved it to Persian empire, pioneer in using nomen (second names) or surnames in the "Body of Civil Laws" (Corpus Juris Civilis)
-565 AD

Emperor Kōmei

121st Shintō emperor of Japan from 1846-1867

Leo IV, the Khazar

Byzantine emperor from 775-780 AD
750 AD-780 AD

Lothair I (Lothar I)

Holy Roman Emperor from 843-855 AD, Carolingian dynasty, Treaty of Verdun, King of West Francia (France) from 979-986 AD
795 AD-855 AD

Louise II of France

Frankish emperor from 850-875 AD (modern France & Germany), King of the Lombards and the Romans (Italy) from 844-855
822 AD-875 AD

Louis I of France, the Pious & Fair

King of the Franks/Francia (France) and co-emperor of the Holy Roman empire with Charlemagne (Charles the Great) from 813-840 AD, Carolingian dynasty, Treaty of Verdun
778 AD-840 AD

King Louis XIII, the Just

King of France from 1610-1643, King of Navarre (as King Louis II) from 1610-1620, hi
1601-1643 (42)

King Louis XIV, the Great

King of France from 1643-1715, the longest reigning monarchy (72 years) of any sovereign country in history, pioneer of absolutism (for absolute power) or feudalism, during the rein were murder scandals called Affair of the Poisons
1638-1715 (77)

King Louis XV

King of France

King Louis XVI

King of France until his death by guillotine in the French Revolution in 1793 at the Place de la Concorde

King Louis XVIII

King of France, monarch of the House of Bourbon and the "Desired"

Marcus Aurelius

Roman emperor, Stoic philosopher, being the last of the Five Good Emperors, author of Meditations

Maximilian I living

Holy Roman emperor from 1508-1519, King of the Romans from 1486-1519
1459- (566)

Maximilian II

Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary from 1564-1576, King of Bohemia and King of the Romans from 1562-1576, House of Habsburg, artist, Christian humanist, pioneer in liberalism and religious freedoms, protestant of Lutheranism, known for a peace treaty beween the Protestants and Roman Catholics during the Protestant Reformation
1527-1576 (49)

Emperor Meiji

122nd Shintō emperor of Japan from 1867-1912, known for the Meiji Restoration, abolished the Japanese lunisolar calendar for the Gregorian Western calendar system
1852-1912 (60)

Michael II

Byzantine emperor from 820-829 AD, the first ruler of the Amorian dynasty

Michael VI Bringas

Byzantine emperor from 1056-1057

Michael VIII Palaiologos

Byzantine emperor of Nicaea, founder of the Palaiologan dynasty

King Montezuma/Moctezuma II

9th emperor of the Aztecs until 1520, died in the battle against the Spanish conquistadors with Hernán Cortés
1466-1520 (54)

Napoléon Bonaparte

Tuscan emperor of France aka Le Corse, Le Petit Caporal or the Little Corporal, from 1804-1814 until the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, he seized power in a coup d’état after the French Revolution from 1789-1799, Confederation of the Rhine, assembled a corps (organization) of military troops in 1805, Grand Sanhedrin of Paris who emancipated the Jews in 1806, escaped Elba island from exile in 1815, founder of Saint-Cyr military academy
1769-1821 (52)

Napoleon III

1st President of France from 1848-1852, politician, emperor of the French from 1852-1870
1808-1873 (65)


126th emperor of Japan since 2019, Reiwa era on the Chrysanthemum Throne


Ruler, king of the land of Shinar, one the first tyrants in history, wanted to build a Tower of Babel to go and kill God, great-grandson of Noah

Numa Pompilius

2nd King of the Romans (after Romulus) from 715-673 BCE
753 BC-673 BC

Otto I, the Great

Holy Roman Emperor from 962-973 AD, Ottonian dynasty, crowned by Pope John XII, Frankish King of East Francia (Germany) from 936-973
912 AD-973 AD

Tsar Paul I of Russia

Emperor of Russia from 1796-1801, assassinated, House of Romanov, only son of Peter III and Catherine the Great, perhaps with her lover Sergei Saltykov
1754-1801 (47)

Philip of Macedon

King of Macedonia from 355–354 BC aka Philip of Macedon, lost an eye at the siege of Methone (Messenia), son of Argaeus I in the family of Argead dynasty

Philip III of Macedon

King of Macedon (Macedonia), older half-brother of Alexander the Great

Philip the Arab

Roman emperor, co-emperor of Rome with Philip the Younger from 244-249 AD
204 AD-249 AD

Philip the Younger

Roman emperor, co-emperor of Rome with Philip the Arab from 244-249 AD
237 AD-249 AD

Ptolemy I, the Savior (Soter)

Historian, academic scholar, founded the Great Library of Alexandria, military general, ruler of Ptolemaic kingdom of Egypt from 305-282 BC, childhood friend of Alexander the Great
367 BC-282 BC

Pyrrhus of Epirus

King of Epirus, statesman during the Pyrrhic War, head of Aeacidae house, tribe of Molossians
-272 BC

Qin Shi Huang

Grandfather of the Qin dynasty, 1st emperor of China between 221-206 BCE
259 BCE-210 BCE

Queen Alexandra of Denmark

Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, Empress of India from 1901-1910 as the wife of Edward VII, Princess of Wales, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg
1844-1925 (81)

Rudolph I of Habsburg

1st German king of the Habsburg family dynasty
1218-1291 (73)


Roman philosopher, justice lawyer

Sigismund of Luxembourg

Holy Roman Emperor from 1433-1437, King of Hungary and Croatia from 1387-1437, King of Germany from 1410-1437, King of Bohemia from 1419-1437, House of Luxembourg, elector of Brandenburg
1368-1437 (69)


King of the Amorites, 5th king of the First Babylonian dynasty from 1813-1792 BC
-1793 BC


2nd Holy Roman emperor from 14-37 AD, Julio-Claudian dynasty
42 BC-37 AD

Tokugawa Ieyasu

1st emperor of the Edo Japan period from 1603-1868 until the Meiji Restoration, warlord of the Tokugawa shōgunate (imperial military) of Japan
1543-1616 (73)

Trần Nhân Tông

Emperor of Vietnam, writer, poet
1258-1308 (50)

Vasily IV

Tsar of Russia from 1606-10 during the "Time of Troubles"
1552-1612 (60)

Wilhelm I

King of Prussia from 1861-1888, Kaiser of Germany, German Emperor from 1871-1888, House of Hohenzollern
1797-1888 (91)

Wilhelm the Great (Kaiser Wilhelm II)

King of Prussia aka Kaiser Wilhelm II, House of Hohenzollern, last German emperor from 1888-1918, cousin of George V

Xerxes I

Great King of the Persian Empire from 486-465 BCE during the era of the Achaemenid empire of Persians, Molon labe and the Battle of the Spartans, defeated King Leonidas I at the Battle of Thermopylae

Zhu Di

Chinese emperor, Confucians had circumnavigated the globe in 1421

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