Marc Rich

Commodities trader at Glencore, hedge fund manager, billionaire financier, businessman, stock trader

life1934-2013 (79)
spouse(s)Denise Eisenberg Rich, Gisela Rossi
net worth


Andrew Krieger

Stock trader

Bernard Baruch

Stock broker, trader, bought a seat on the NYSE, pioneer in foreign commerce, he said "war is largely a matter of money"

Bill Clinton living

42nd President of the United States from 1993-2001, politician, impeached in 1998 for sexual misconduct, monopoly capitalist who signed bills for NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals, or SDGs), motivational speaker, Rhodes scholar, author of My Life, Hard Choices
1946- (79)

Bruce Kovner

Billionaire, stock trader

Gary Fegel living

Billionaire, commodities trading
1973- (52)

Harindarpal Banga living

Billionaire, commodities trading
1950- (75)

Henry Kaufman living

Stock trader known as Dr. Doom, author of On Money and Markets, financial consultant, president of Henry Kaufman & Company since 1988
1927- (98)

Jesse Livermore

stock trader, investor, pioneer in day trading stocks, know to many as the world's greatest trader

Jim Rogers

Stock trader

John Neff

Stock trader for the Windsor Fund for 31 years, investor at Wellington Management Co. from 1964-1994

Klaus Schwab living

mechanical engineer at Escher Wyss & Cie (Sulzer), economist, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 1971 aka Davos Forum, Davos Club, European Management Forum, author of Stakeholder Capitalism, COVID-19: The Great Reset, knighted in 2006, pioneer of The Great Redesign in 2009 after the 2008 Financial Crisis, director at Festo, Sulzer, Andritz
1938- (87)

Kumar Birla

Billionaire, commodities trading

Nick Leeson

Derivatives trader who almost single-handedly collapsed Barings Bank, previously at PwC, also worked for Arthur Andersen that collapsed in the Enron scandal

Richard Sander living

Jesse Dukeminier Professor in Law at the Los Angeles School of Law, University of California (UCLA), stock trader, legal scholar, pioneer in carbon credits, derivatives & futures, EPA advisor for George Bush Sr., worked for Drexel Bernham Lambert known for the junk bonds scandal
1956- (69)

Robert Defares living

Billionaire, co-founder and co-CEO of IMC electronic trading firm in 1989
1961- (64)

Scooter Libby living

Republican politician aka Lewis Libby, attorney, former lawyer and chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney
1950- (75)

Thomas Rowe Price Jr.

Stock trader, investor, the father of growth investing

Tor Peterson living

Billionaire, commodities trading
1964- (61)

WD Gann

stock trader aka William Gann, financier, pioneer of technical analysis methods such as Gann angles or Master Charts, creator of the Circle of 360, Spiral Chart, and the Hexagon Chart

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