Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)

Communist dictator aka Chairman Mao, tyrant, victor of the Chinese people's war from 1927-1950, founder of the People's Republic of China, Marxist-Leninist style executions, leader of the Chinese Communist Revolution, forced labor camps and starvation leading to 60 million deaths, opened up the borders to the United States in 1978, author of On Guerilla Warfare

a.k.a.Chairman Mao Tse-tung
life1893-1976 (83)

Chiang Kai-shek

President of the Republic of China from 1928-1949, known for the Type 24 rifle, driven out of power in the People's Republic of China by Mao Zedong
1887-1975 (88)

Deng Xiaoping

Chinese leader of People's Republic of China 1978-1989, revolutionary transformation of China, statesman, Chinese economic reform to grow rich is glorious, state capitalism in Communist China

Enver Pasha

Ottoman military officer from 1914-1918, revolutionary, one-third of military dictatorship known as the Three Pashas

General Franco

Army general for Francoist Spain, fascist dictator, overthrew the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War, Caudillo ruler of Spain from 1939-1975

Georg Ratzinger

Christion philosopher who spoke about usury and the immoral Jewish business practises of commerce after 1789, author of "a reaction against the Judaification of our culture" in 1892, anti-Zionist writer on the Jews and the Talmud
1844-1899 (55)

Benito Mussolini

Fascist dictator, the father of Nazi fascism or a corporation of state and corporate power, House of Savoy

Pol Pot

Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot regime was known as the butchers in Cambodia

Sidney Rittenberg

Marxist propagandist during the Great Leap Forwar campaign from 1958-1961, revolutionary journalist for the Chinese Communist Party (CPP) in China from 1944-1980 for Yan'an leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai
1921-2019 (98)

Josef Stalin

Bonapartist military commander, communist fascist dictator of the Soviet Union, Red Army general who seized power from the Bolsheviks and Trotskyites, pioneer in socialism

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