Klaus Schwab

Engineer at Escher Wyss & Cie (Sulzer), economist, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 1971, author of Stakeholder Capitalism, COVID-19: The Great Reset, knighted in 2006

a.k.a.Sir Klaus Martin Schwab, KCMG
life1938- (86)
spouse(s)Hilde Schwab
school(s)Harvard University

Abba Lerner

Economist, functional finances

Abby Joseph Cohen

Financial analyst at Goldman Sachs, economist, chief investment strategist for Global Markets Institute

Adam Smith

Political economist, Marxist socialist, pioneer in free trade for the British East India Company, philosopher, grandfather of modern economics, author of The Wealth of Nations in 1776
1723-1790 (67)

Alan Greenspan living

Economist, 13th chairman of the US Federal Reserve (the FED) from 1987-2006, financier, businessman, founder of Greenspan Associates
1926- (98)

Alasdair Macleod

economist, former banker

Alfons Verplaetse

Economist, governor of the National Bank of Belgium from 1989-1999
1930-2020 (90)

Alfred E. Kahn

Economist, worked for Jimmy Carter administration

Ángel Gurría living

Economist, diplomat, Institutional Revolutionary Party politician, Mexico Secretary of Foreign Affairs from 1994-1997, secretary-general of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (EOCD) from 2006-2021
1950- (74)

Arnold J. Toynbee

Philosopher, international historian, economist, professor, director of studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)
1889-1975 (86)

Aurelio Peccei

Founder of Italconsult (working with Fiat, Innocenti, Montecatini) aka Aurelio Peccai, president of Olivetti, climate change activist aka Aurelio Pechai, commissioned the Report on The Limits to Growth, co-founder and 1st president of the Club of Rome in 1972, author of The Chasm Ahead, The Human Quality, Before Its Too Late
1908-1984 (76)

Barbara Ward

economist, author of Spaceship Earth
1914-1981 (67)

Frédéric Bastiat

economist, author of The Law, military philosopher, pioneer in opportunity costs & plunder of society, writer for the French Liberal School

Bill Clinton living

42nd President of the United States from 1993-2001, politician, Rhodes scholar, dictator who signed bills for NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals, or SDGs), motivational speaker, author of My Life, Hard Choices, Rhodes scholar
1946- (78)


Rock singer, musician, controversial philanthropist with the One Campaign

Børge Brende living

President, co-chairman and managing director of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Grand Cross of the Hellenic Order of the Phoenix, environmentalist, Young Conservatives politician, entrepreneur, former Minister of Foreign Affairs for Norway
1965- (59)

Cameron Hepburn

Economist at Oxford University

Carl Menger

Economist, subjective value theory

Charles Gide


Christine Lagarde living

President of the European Central Bank (ECB) since 2019, politician for The Republicans, attorney, lawyer, former managing director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 2011-2019
1956- (68)

Clifford Gaddy living

Economist, co-author of The Siberian Curse
1946- (78)

Cyrus Vance

economist, pioneer in post industrial zero growth, writer of the Global 2000 Report

David Card

Economist, professor of economics at UC Berkeley, Nobel Prize

David Gergen living

Political commentator, politics, publicist, public relations for the White House, founder of With Honor Action (With Honor Fund)
1942- (82)

David Ricardo

Economist, intrinsic value theory, fractional reserve banking artificially reduces interest rates, co-founder of The Currency School

David Schwartz

CTO of Ripple

Dominique Strauss-Kahn living

Economist, former Minister of the Economy of France, and former managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), French Socialist Party politician
1949- (75)

Donald Rumsfeld

Secretary of Defense under Gerald Ford and again under George W Bush
1932-2021 (89)

Emmanuel Farhi

Macroeconomist, professor of economics at Harvard University
1978-2020 (42)

Eric, Lord Roll


Ernie Stern

Economist, banker, lender at the World Bank Group
1933-2019 (86)

Eugen Schwab

Business executive at Escher Wyss & Cie, father of Klaus Schwab

F.A. Hayek (Friedrich von Hayek)

Economist, philosopher, classical liberalism, author of The Road to Serfdom, The Constitution of Liberty
1899-1992 (93)

Fidel Castro

Communist dictator, revolutionary leader in Cuba

Fredric Jameson

Economist, late capitalism, postmodernism

Muammar Gaddafi

Politician aka Momar Khadafi, revolutionary who ruled the country of Libya for 42 years from 1969-2011
1942-2011 (69)

George P. Shultz

Republican Party politician, economist, Director of the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) secretary, diplomat, businessman
1920-2021 (101)

Gerald Celente

Economist, forecaster

Gerhard Fels

Economist, formerly at UN Committee for Development Planning, author of A Supply-Side Agenda for Germany

Giancarlo Gandolfo

Economist, pioneer in dynamic economic theory, professor of International Economics at Sapienza University of Rome from 1974-2010

Gillian Tett

Economist, futurist

Gita Gopinath

Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund

Guillermo de la Dehesa living

Secretary of State of Economy and Finance from 1986-1988, economist, lawyer, attorney, politician, advisor to Goldman Sachs since 1988
1941- (83)

Guy Quaden

Economist, governor of the National Bank of Belgium 2003-2011, president of the King Baudouin Foundation since 2003

Hans Tietmeyer

Economist, president of Deutsche Bundesbank from 1993-1999, director at the European Union, author of The Social Market Economy and Monetary Stability
1931-2016 (85)

Heinrich Friedrich von Storch

Banker, economist
1766-1835 (69)

Henry C. Carey

Lead economist for the American School, chief economic advisor to Abraham Lincoln
1793-1879 (86)

Henry A. Kissinger

US Secretary of State for Richard Nixon from 1973-1977, politician, lobbyist, founder of Kissinger Associates, diplomat or war criminal, author of World Order, On China, Diplomacy
1923-2023 (100)

homas Joplin

Economist, multiple bank deposits
1790-1847 (57)

David Hume

Enlightenment philosopher, historian, monetary theorist, economist, librarian, essayist, philosophical empiricism, author of A Treatise on Human Nature

Jacques Delors

8th President of the European Commission from 1985-1995, economist, politician

Jacques Maisongroung

President of IBM International

James Pennington

Economist, multiple deposits, co-founder of The Currency School

Jean-Baptiste Say

Economist, businessman, democrat

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Economist, academic scholar, university professor, educator, researcher, former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University

Jeremy Wright

Filmmaker, economist for Margaret Thatcher

Joan Robinson

Economist, Keynesianism

John Deagel

Economist known for the Deagel Report on A Transformed World for Americans in 2025

John Law

Economist, inventor of paper money, pioneer in fractional reserve banking, founder of Mississippi Company, funded by the Banque Royale, pioneered the term "millionaire" for Law's scheme
1671-1729 (58)

John Stuart Mill

Philosopher, political economist, civil servant, Theory of the Scientific Method, utilitarian ethics, helped finance the University of London

John Williamson

Political economist

Joseph Schumpeter

Poltiical economist, Finance Minister of German-Austria in 1919

Karl Otto Pöhl

Economist, director of the European Central Bank (ECB), president and chairman of the German central bank (Bundesbank) council from 1980-1991, sports reporter
1929-2014 (85)

Ken Galbraith

Economist, liberal diplomat, ambassador to India, writer at Forbes, author of The Affluent Society, The Great Crash 1929, lecturer, Warburg professor of economics at Harvard, proponent of liberalism and realism, coined the phrase "progress is an innocent fraud", co-founder the European Management Symposium (now World Economic Forum or "WEF")
1908-2006 (98)

Ken Rogoff

Economist aka Kenneth Rogoff, professor of public policy and economics at Harvard University, chess grandmaster, Director of Research at the International Monetary Fund

Kenneth E. Boulding

Economist, philosopher, educator
1910-1993 (83)

John Maynard (J.M.) Keynes

economist aka JM Keynes, libertarian, pioneer in macroeconomics, lobbyist, slick suits, wino, author of The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

King Charles III (Prince Charles) living

King of the United Kingdom since 2022, Prince of Wales aka Prince Charles, eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, British royalty
1948- (76)

Kristalina Georgieva living

Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), CEO of the World Bank, economist, financier, VP of the European Commission (EC) from 2014-2016
1953- (71)

Kublai Khan

economist, grandson of Ghengis Khan

Larry Summers

Economist, banker, financier, former President of Harvard

Lauchlin Currie

Economist, economic advisor to president Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)

Vladimir Lenin

Marxist communist revolutionary aka Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, creating the Soviet Union, co-founder of Communist International in 1919

Leonard Darwin

Economist, politician, president of the First International Congress of Eugenics, pioneer in organic evolution, son of Charles Darwin, author of What is Eugenics? in 1932
1850-1943 (93)

Luis de Guindos


Luis Saravia de la Calle

Economist, subjective value theorist

Lynn Forester de Rothschild living

Financier, founder of Inclusive Capital Partners (ICP), co-founder of E.L. Rothschild, wife of Evelyn de Rothschild, advocate for universal basic income (UBI) aka Inclusive Capitalism, founder and CEO of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism
1954- (70)

Mac Wallace

Economist, press secretary for US senator LBJ, sharpshooter, links to JFK assassination and killed John Kinser in broad daylight

Thomas Malthus

Ecnomist, cleric, scholar, Malthusian catastrophe, Malthusian theory is that population increases beyond subsistence that if left unchecked by disease, famine, war, moral restraint that widespread poverty and degradation will result. Beginnings of Charles Darwin's survival of the fittest, Theory of Evolution

Marc Rich

Commodities trader at Glencore, hedge fund manager, billionaire financier, businessman, stock trader
1934-2013 (79)

Marek Belka

Prime Minister of Poland, economist, banker, former head of Narodowy Bank Polski (NBP) the Polish central bank

Mark Rutte living

Prime Minister of the Netherlands since 2010, People's Party for Freedom and Democracy politician since 2006, director of Human Resources at IGLOMora Group (Unilever)
1967- (57)

Martin A. Armstrong living

Stock trader, currency economist, trends forecaster aka Marty Armstrong, inventor, pioneer in artificial intelligence (AI), coins collector, spent 11 years in prison from 2000-2011
1949- (75)

Martin Feldstein

Economist, Professor of Economics at Harvard, President of National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) from 1978-2008
1939-2019 (80)

Mervyn King living

Economist, chairman of the Monetary Policy Committee, governor of the Bank of England from 2003-2013, member of the UK House of Lords since 2013, professor of economics at the London School of Economics, chairman of the Philharmonia
1948- (76)

Michael Hudson

Economist, writer, researcher, real estate investor

Milton Friedman

Economist, author of Capitalism and Freedom, Free To Choose

Ludwig von Mises

Theoretical economist, liberalism

Murray Rothbard

Economist, political theorist, libertarian, author of For a New Liberty
1926-1995 (69)

Nicholas Eberstadt living

Political economist, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), author of Poverty in China, The North Korean Economy, The End of North Korea, A Nation of Takers, The Tyranny of Numbers, The Poverty of Communism, Men Without Work
1955- (69)

Nicholas Shaxson

Economist, author of Treasure Islands

Nigel Knowles

Dominion Voting Systems (SGO Smartmatic)

Nils Bernstein

Economist, central banker, governor of the National Bank of Denmark

Vilfredo Pareto

Neoclassical economist, polymath, educator at the Lausanne School, pioneer in elitism of elites, cause and effect, wealth and power distribution and the 80/20 rule, Pareto charts, Pareto principles
1848-1923 (75)

Paul Krugman

Economist, international trade theory, wealth inequity, income inequality, economics professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Economist, writer of Geopolitics for Investors, author of Signals, co-author of The Leadership Lab, The Infinite Leader, technology entrepreneur, founder and CEO of IndraNet.ai, special advisor at The Monaco Foundry, Avonhurst, British Standards Institute, economic advisor to George W Bush, her father was an advisor to Richard Nixon

Robert Torrens

Economist, simple money multiplier
1790-1847 (57)

Ron Paul

Economist, politician, author of End the Fed

Sergey Glazyev living

Economist in the Eurasian Economic Commission, Rodina party politician, National Financial Council of the Bank of Russia, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2008
1961- (63)

Stanley Fischer

Economist, vice chairman of the Federal Reserve until 2018

Stefan Molyneux

Anarchist, blogger, economist

Stephen S. Roach

Economist, author of Unbalanced, former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia

Stephen Zarlenga

Economist, senior fellow at the American Monetary Institute, author of The Lost Science of Money

Walt Whitman Rostow

Economist, political strategist, political theorist, communist

Walter Bagehot

Journalist, economist, central banking

Wesley C. Mitchell

Economist, founder of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
1874-1948 (74)

William Forster Lloyd

Economist, writer, lecturer on population control in 1833
1794-1852 (58)

William Nordhaus

Economist at Yale University, Nobel Prize in Economics

William of Ockham

Philosopher of parsimony ("the simplest explanation is usually the best one"), economist, principle law of parsimony aka Ockham's razor (sometimes Occam's razor) also known as the law of economy

William Stanley Jevons

Economist, neoclassical economics, philosopher, marginal revolution
1835-1882 (47)

Winston Lord living

Heir to the Pillsbury family dynasty, diplomat, former US ambassador to China, his uncle was Philip Pillsbury
1937- (87)

Wynne Godley

Economist, developed the concept of sectoral balances

Yanis Varoufakis

international economist, documentary filmmaker

Yutaka Yamaguchi

economist, former Deputy Governor for the Bank of Japan

Yuval Noah Harari

Futurist, pioneer in transhumanism, historian, author of Sapiens, Homo Deus, advisor to Klaus Schwab

Zaccaria Contarini

Economist, earliest founding families of Venice, oldest families of Italian Nobility

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