Jurist of Roman laws, he was called the Idol of the Jurisconsults for the organization of the glosses, for his codification of Justinian the Great's body of civil laws (Corpus Juris Civilis)
1182-1263 (81)
Albert Pike
Freemasonry, writer, athiest, author of Morals and Dogma, lawyer, attorney, soldier, orator, jurist
1809-1891 (82)
B.R. Ambedkar
Jurist, economist, India Minister of State for Law and Justice
1891-1956 (65)
Clarence Thomas
Judge, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Felix Frankfurter
jurist, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1939-1962
Francisco de Vitoria
Philosopher, thelogian, jurist, judge, father of international laws and just war
Harry Woolf living
Barrister, judge, lawyer, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales from 2000-2005, Master of the Rolls
1933- (92)
Hervey de Stanton
1st Chancellor of the Exchequer of England from 1316-1323 for King Edward II, financier, judge, jurist, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas (Common Bench, Common Place), Chief Justice of the King's Bench
1260-1327 (67)
James Q. Wilson
Criminologist, behaviorist, political scientist, pioneer in criminology and the broken windows theory of civil disorder and anti-socialism
1931-2012 (81)
Jan Peter Balkenende living
Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA party) politician, jurist, lawyer, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands
1956- (69)
Jeanine Pirro
TV host, author, conservative politician, former lawyer, attorney, district judge
Jeremy Bentham
Jurist, judge, writer, pioneer in utilitarianism, philosopher, inventor of the panopticon building of social control for a surveillance system of control, became an ironic or iconic corpse and had himself taxidermied
1748-1832 (84)
John Marshall
Lawyer, judge, 4th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, jurisprudence
John Roberts living
17th Chief Justice of the US supreme court, judge, lawyer, attorney, jurist
1955- (70)
John Robinson
Judge, jurist, lawyer, attorney for Upper Canada, leader of the Family Compact
1791-1863 (72)
Judge, lawyer, attorney, historian, political philosopher, author of Persian Letters, The Sprit of the Laws
1689-1755 (66)
Nicholas Katzenbach
US attorney general, lawyer, attorney, author of the civil rights act
1922-2012 (90)
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Jurist, legal scholar, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1902-1932
Owen Roberts
Judge, justice officer, Roberts commission to examine the Attack on Pearl Harbor
Paul G. Cassell living
Judge for the US District Court for the District of Utah
1959- (66)
Richard Berman living
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Judge, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Salmon P. Chase living
6th Chief Justice of the United States, jurist, 23rd governor of Ohio, 5th US Secretary of the Treasury, banker, created a national bank which later became a US Federal Reserve Bank
1808- (217)
Sir William Blackstone
Jurist, pioneer of doctrines of English laws, author of Commentaries on the Laws of England, Tory politician
1723-1780 (57)
Saint Thomas More
Lord High Chancellor of England from 1529-1532, judge, lawyer, social philosopher, author of Utopia in 1516, statesman, Renaissance humanist who was put on trial in 1535
1478-1535 (57)