Karl Pribram


Alvin Toffler

futurist, writer, author of Future Shock (1970), businessman
1928-2016 (88)

Arthur C. Clarke

Futurist, satellites, inventor, author, science fiction writer
1917-2008 (91)

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Futurist, author, public speaker, birthing of humanity, author of Happy Birth Day Planet Earth, The Synergy Engine, her father was Louis Marx a toymaker
1929-2019 (90)

Ben Goertzel living

Ai researcher at SingularityNet, transhumanist, pioneer in artifical general intelligence (AGI), computer scientist, futurist, Ai enthusiast
1966- (59)

R. "Bucky" Buckminster Fuller

futurist, architect aka Bucky Fuller, scientist, inventor of the geodesic dome, systems theorist, author, Grunch of Giants, Utopia or Oblivion

Cyrus Ingerson Scofield

Lawyer, attorney, futurist

David Icke

Bestselling author, The Answer, The Biggest Secret, writer, social scientist, psychologist, futurist, conspiracy theorist, football, political commentator, politics, keynote speaker, owner of Ickonic

Frederik Pohl

Futurist, science fiction writer, poet, wrote the poem "Elegy to a Dead Satellite: Luna"

Herman Kahn

Military strategist, futurist, founder of the Hudson Institute, director at RAND Corporation, author of The Year 2000, On Thermonuclear War that which inspired "Dr. Strangelove" based on the Doomsday Machine

H.G. Wells

Author of Time Machine, Open Conspiracy, New World Order, novelist, futurist, science fiction writer, fascist, socialist propaganist for the Royal Society, feminist, feminism activist
1866-1946 (80)

Ida Auken

democratic socialist, futurist, pioneer of the phase "you'll own nothing and be happy", politician, MP in Denmark

Jacques Attali living

Philosopher, futurist, social thinker, co-founder of EUREKA European club, author of A Brief History of the Future, political strategist for the President of France from 1981-1991, president of PlanetFinance, former president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, founder of PlaNet Finance, Action Against Hunger, political activist
1943- (82)

Jean Houston

Futurist, educator

John L. Petersen

Futurist, US Navy, military veteran

Michael Murphy


Michio Kaku

Futurist, nuclear physicist, theoretical physicist, environmentalist, author of Physics of the Future, The Future of the Mind, The God Equation


fortune teller, author of Les Prophéties, futurist, astrologer, physician, apothecary
1503-1566 (63)

Ray Kurzweil living

Futurist, author of Superintelligence, The Singularity is Near, transhumanism, singularity, computer scientist, inventor, pioneer in optical character recognition (OCR), text-to-speech synthesis, director of engineering at Google (Alphabet), consumed 250 supplements daily to beat cancer and diabetes
1948- (77)

Dr. Richard Day

Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School, medical director of Planned Parenthood Federation, futurist who predicted the Internet
1905-1989 (84)

Stephen Hawking

Futurist, scientist

Willis Harman

Futurist, engineer, known for writing a paper referenced by Millenium

Yuval Noah Harari

Futurist, pioneer in transhumanism, historian, author of Sapiens, Homo Deus, advisor to Klaus Schwab

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