John Stuart Mill (J.S. Mill)

Political philosopher, political economist, political theorist, educator, politician, MP of United Kingdom, financier of the University of London

a.k.a.John Stuart Mill, J.S. Mill
life1806-1873 (67)
spouse(s)Harriet Taylor Mill
school(s)University College of London

Benjamin Constant


Claude Lévi-Strauss


George Berkeley

Bishop of Cloyne, philosopher, pioneer in the theory of immaterialism
1685-1753 (68)

George Grote

Historian, writer, editor of A History of Greece, co-founder of the University of London, pioneer in mental health movement

Germaine de Staël


Herbert Spencer

Philosopher, psychologist, anthropologist, biologist, pioneer in social theory (or social Darwinism theory), coined the term "survival of the fittest"
1820-1903 (83)

David Hume

Enlightenment philosopher, historian, monetary theorist, economist, librarian, essayist, philosophical empiricism, author of A Treatise on Human Nature

Jacques Necker


Jeremy Bentham

Jurist, judge, writer, pioneer in utilitarianism, philosopher, inventor of the panopticon building of social control for a surveillance system of control, became an ironic or iconic corpse and had himself taxidermied
1748-1832 (84)

Immanuel Kant

Philosopher during the Age of Enlightenment, epistemology, pioneer in metaphysics, ethics, natural laws
1724-1804 (80)

Marcel Mauss

Sociologist, anthropologist

Alexis de Tocqueville

Aristocrat aka Alexis de Tocqueville, diplomat, political scientist, political philosopher, historian, Democracy in America, The Old Regime and the Revolution
1805-1859 (54)

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