John Podesta
Political strategist aka Skippy, US chief of staff from 1998-2001, counselor to President Obama from 2014-2015, known for the Podesta emails with Hillary Clinton
Ahmed Chalabi
Founder of Iraqi National Congress, lobbyist, politician, deputy oil minister during the Bush administration
Andrew Breitbart
Investigative journalist for Drudge Report, co-founder of HuffPost, founder of Breitbart News, conservative reporter, writer, conspiracy researcher, whistleblower, died of a heart attack
1969-2012 (43)
Bruce P. Jackson
Founder and President of the Project on Transitional Democracies
Carl A. Anderson
Supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, lobbyist
Carla A. Hills living
US Trade Representative, co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations from 2007-2017, lawyer, chairman and CEO of Hills & Company, co-founder of Munger, Tolles, Hills & Rickershauser, politician, lobbyist, co-chair of Inter-American Dialogue, diplomat, US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
1934- (91)
Clarence Gamble
Founder of Pathfinder International, heir to the Procter & Gamble company fortune
François Heisbourg living
Senior Advisor for Europe at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, lobbyist, Special Advisor at Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique
1949- (76)
Frank Giustra
Lobbyist, negotiated uranium concession deals in Kazakhstan for BIll Clinton to create Uranium One
George Nader
Lobbyist, businessman, convicted of sexual abuse with minors in Prague
Herb Sandler
Philanthropist, co-founder of the Sandler Foundation, owner of ProPublica
Hillary Clinton
Presidential nominee for the 2016 Democratic party politician, 67th US Secretary of State aka HRC, diplomat, author of Hard Choices
James Alefantis
Restauranteur aka Jimmy Comet, financier, owner of Comet Ping Pong
Dr. John Chipman
Director-General of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
John R. Allen
President of The Brookings Institution
John W. Davis
Lawyer, attorney, 1st President of Council on Foreign Relations, lobbyist
John Weaver
Democratic activist, lobbyist, co-founder of Lincoln Project, political advisor of John McCain and John Kasich, pervert, sexual predator, sexual deviant
Józef Retinger
Co-founder of the Bilderbergers with Prince Bernhard, political activist, publicist, writer, lobbyist, Wall Street banker, CIA intelligence officer, MI5/MI6 power broker
Laurance Rockefeller
financier, co-founder of Eastern Airlines, pilot, procurement of McDonnell Aircraft for the US Navy, investor, pioneer in paranormal research, UFOs, aliens, crop circles
1910-2004 (94)
Leslie Gelb
Lobbyist, former president of the Council on Foreign Relations
Lionel Curtis
Lobbyist aka Lord Curtis, diplomat, pioneer of the Christian socialist movement and British federalism, co-founder of Chatham House, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), co-founder of the Council on Froeign Relations (CFR), Institute of Pacific Relations, author of The Commonwealth of Nations, leader of Milner's Kindergarten
1872-1955 (83)
Marina Abramović
Satanic artist often misspelled Marina Abromovich, performance artist at her very own Marina Abramović Institute, feminist body art, feminism
Red Cavaney living
lobbyist, VP of Government Affairs, businessman, Assistant to the President and Director of Scheduling and Advance for President Gerald R. Ford
1943- (82)
Robert "Bob" Kagan
Political lobbyist, writer, co-founder of Project for a New American Century
Roberto Gelli
Grand Master of the P2 lodge (Propaganda Due), freemasonry, Grand Orient of Italy
Robin Niblett living
Director of The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) since 2007, international relations, lobbyist, co-author of Hard Choices Ahead
1961- (64)
Ron Lauder
Billionaire heir, son of Estée Lauder, businessman, president of the World Jewish Congress
Uri Dadush
Senior Fellow at the OCP Policy Center in Rabat Morocco, lobbyist
Vittorio Emanuele Orlando
Historical Left politician, lobbyist, statesman, former President of the Council of Minsiters of the Kingdom of Italy from 1917-1919, "Premier of Victory" represented Italy in the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
1860-1952 (92)
Wilbur Ross living
Lobbyist, former billionaire, investment banker at WL Ross & Co., US Secretary of Commerce from 2017-2021, financier for Donald Trump and Resorts International, Rothschild & Co., sold WL Ross & Co. to Invesco for $275 million in 2006
1937- (88)
Win Rockefeller
Politician, lieutenant governor of Arkansas, son of Winthrop Rockefeller