John D. Rockefeller

Founder of Standard Oil Company in 1870 with brother William Rockefeller, billionaire philanthropist, real estate mogul, financier, setup one of the first investment management companies (foundations) in 1882

a.k.a.John Davison Rockefeller Sr.
life1839-1937 (98)
spouse(s)Laura Spelman

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller

Socialite aka Abby Rockefeller, philanthropist, wife of John D Rockefeller Jr., curator, founder of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
1874-1948 (74)

Abby Rockefeller Mauzé

Philanthropist, socialite, daughter of John D Rockefeller Jr.
1903-1976 (73)

Alexander Dzhaparidze living

Billionaire, oil services
1955- (70)

Alexey Miller


Alfred P. Sloan

Automotive executive, chairman and CEO of General Motors
1875-1966 (91)

Andrew Carnegie

Billionaire steel magnate, sold Carnegie Steel to JP Morgan forming US Steel the first $1.4 billion dollar capitalized company in the world
1835-1919 (84)

Andrey Patrushev

CEO of Gazprom Neft, oil & gas

F. Augustus Heinze

Industrialist during the Gilded Age, copper mining in Butte (Montana), one of the three Copper Kings

Boris Berezovsky

Russian oligarch aka Platon Elenin, oil & gas tycoon, engineer, pianist, billionaire, bought Sibneft which is now Gazprom Neft with Roman Abramovich, businessman, petroleum engineer, mathematician, Russian Academy of Sciences
1946-2013 (67)

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Railroads magnate aka the Commodore, industrialist of steamship lines and who completed the transcontiental railroad, started Grand Central Station/Terminal in New York City (NYC) in 1871

David Cohen

mining entrepreneur, oil and gas

E. Pierce Marshall

billionaire heir of 16% of Koch Industries from his father J. Howard Marshall II, investment banker for Loeb Rhoades & Co., automotive engineer, engine testing for General Motors (GM), US Navy military veteran
1939-2006 (67)

Edward Doheny

Oil tycoon, oil magnate, businessman

E.H. Harriman living

Industrialist, robber baron, railroad tycoon of the Union Pacific Railroad
1848- (177)

Eike Batista living

Chairman and former CEO of EBX Group, oil and gas mining entrepreneur, bankrupted former billionaire
1956- (69)

Elaine Tettemer Marshall

billionaire heiress of the Koch Industries family dynasty

Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti living

Oil and gas, chairman and CEO of CEO of the Anonima Petroli Italiana (API Group)
1960- (65)

Frank Rockefeller

investor in Buckeye Steel Castings, railroads, industrialist, real estate owner of the Whitehall Building

Frederick Osborn

Major General, military veteran, co-founder of the Population Council
1889-1981 (92)

Frederick Taylor Gates

educator, philanthropist, philanthropic advisor to John D Rockefeller, religious Baptist

George Bishop living

Billionaire, oil & gas
1937- (88)

George Getty

Patriarch of the Getty Oil familly dynasty, founder of Minnehoma Oil Compan, his son J. Paul Getty took the helm and founded Getty Oil Company

George Kaiser

Billionaire, oil and gas, chairman of BOK Financial Corporation, his father founded the Kaiser-Francis Oil Company

Gotthart Rockenfeller

earliest known bloodline of Rockefeller family dynasty

Harold Hamm living

Billionaire, oil & gas
1945- (80)

H.L. Hunt

Landowner, secured the land rights to the East Texas Oil Field (world's largest oil deposits), entrepreneur, founder of the Hunt Oil Company in 1936, poker player, one of the world's wealthiest people at the time
1889-1974 (85)

Ida Tarbell

Investigative journalist, political activist that brought down Standard Oil, pioneer in Liberalism

Igor Kolomoisky living

Ukrainian oligarch, oil and gas, billionaire, banker, investments, founder of PrivatBank, political activist, former governor of Dnipro, funded Zelensky campaign from Geneva Switzerland
1963- (62)

Igor Sechin

CEO of Rosneft

Ivy Lee

Publicist, inventor of the press release, pioneer in modern public relations working for the Rockefeller family dynasty

J. Howard Marshall

billionaire oil tycoon, business executive, lawyer, academic, entrepreneur, co-founder and 16% stakeholder of Koch Industries
1905-1995 (90)

Jay Rockefeller living

chairman of the Intelligence Committee, politician, diplomat at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), former US senator from West Virginia
1937- (88)

John Catsimatidis living

Billionaire, oil, real estate
1948- (77)

John D. Rockefeller, III

Co-founder of the Population Council, grandson of Standard Oil founder John D. Rockefeller
1906-1978 (72)

John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Real estate mogul, development of the Rockefeller Center, financier, philanthropist, only son of Standard Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, known for the Rockefeller Plan for striking coal miners
1874-1960 (86)

John Dewey

Educator, teacher, writer, philosopher, pioneer in pragmatism, socialist, psychologist, pedagogical theories, father of progressive education in the United States, modern schools, known for the Dewey decimal system, president of the Fabian Socialist League for Industrial Democracy (LID)
1859-1952 (93)

John Dulles

OSS intelligence officer, brother of Allen Dulles, co-founder of the Population Council

Laura Spelman Rockefeller

school teacher, educator, abolitionist, activist, philanthropist

Laurance Rockefeller

financier, co-founder of Eastern Airlines, pilot, procurement of McDonnell Aircraft for the US Navy, investor, pioneer in paranormal research, UFOs, aliens, crop circles
1910-2004 (94)

Leonid Mikhelson

Russian oligarch, natural gas, chemicals, billionaire

Lynn Schusterman living

Billionaire, oil & gas, investments
1938- (87)

Massimo Moratti living

Billionaire, petroleum, chairman of Saras Group, son of Angelo Moratti, former sports team owner of Inter Milan
1945- (80)

Matvey Yozhikov

Russian oligarch, Surgutneftegas, petroleum and natural gas

Mikail Shishkhanov living

Billionaire, oil, banking, real estate
1972- (53)

Mikhail Fridman

Russian oligarch, telecom, oil, commercial banker, billionaire, founder and co-chairman of LetterOne, founder and largest shareholder of Alfa Bank

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Russian oligarch, chairman and CEO of Yokos Oil, Bank Menatep

Mykola Zlochevsky living

Ukrainian oligarch, businessman, oil and gas, founder of Burisma Holdings, politician, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine from 2010-2012
1966- (59)

N. Murray Edwards living

Billionaire, oil & gas, sports team owner of the Calgary Flames via Calgary Sports and Entertainment since 1980
1959- (66)

Neva Goodwin living

Author, writer, researcher
1944- (81)

Patokh Chodiev living

Belgian-Uzbek oligarch, businessman, Kazakhstan oil & gas, co-founder of Eurasian Natural Resources (ENR), minerals, partner in Eurasian Resources Group (ERG)
1953- (72)

Peggy Rockefeller

1915-1996 (81)

Phil Ruffin

Billionaire, oil and gas, real estate, greyhound racing tracks

Rawleigh Warner Jr.

chairman and CEO of Mobil from 1969-1986, prior president of Mobil from 1965-1969
1921-2013 (92)

Ray Lee Hunt living

billionaire, oil, real estate
1943- (82)

Richard Byrd

Admiral of the US Navy aka Admiral Byrd, world traveler, explorer to Antarctica

Roman Abramovich

Russian oligarch, oil & gas, financier, investor, looking to sell his share of Chelsea FC soccer club, Millhouse, island owner of Abrahamovich Island in St. Barts

Sharon Percy Rockefeller living

Married to Jay Rockefeller, their son is Justin Rockefeller
1944- (81)

Stephen V. Harkness

Businessman, co-founder of Standard Oil
1818-1888 (70)

Thomas Chandler Haliburton

Nova Scotian politician prior to the Confederation of Canada, judge, never discuss politics or religion, bestselling author

Uncle George Bromley

Businessman, author of The Long Ago and the Later
1817-1909 (92)

Vagit Alekperov

Russian oligarch, oil & gas, billionaire

Vladimir Bogdanov living

Russian oligarch, billionaire oil tycoon, founder and CEO of Surgutneftegas
1951- (74)

Vladimir Kim

Billionaire oil and gas offshoring drilling

Waite Phillips

oil and gas, industrialist

Weetman Pearson, Lord Cowdray

construction engineer, oil industrialist, Liberal politician aka Lord Cowdray from 1910-1917, grandson of Samuel Pearson, heir to the Pearson publishing family dynasty
1856-1927 (71)

W. Herbert Hunt

billionaire oil tycooon, Halcon, financier who attempted to corner the silver markets
1929-2024 (95)

William Koch living

Billionaire, oil, investments
1940- (85)

William Rockefeller Sr.

Con artist aka Devil Bill Rockefeller, medical "snake oil" salesman as Dr. William Levingston, father of John D Rockefeller who founded Standard Oil

Winthrop Rockefeller living

Republican Governor of Arkansas, politician aka W. R. / Win, lobbyist for Bill Clinton's political campaign, said to have had a giant pornography collection
1912- (113)

W.L. Mellon

co-founder of Gulf Oil & Gas, oil and gas businessman aka William Larimer Mellon Sr., Republican politician, doctor, physician, heir of the Mellon banking family dynasty
1868-1949 (81)

Zhang Hongwei living

Billionaire, oil, banking, chairman of United Energy Group
1954- (71)

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