John F. Kennedy (JFK)

35th President of the United States, 2nd youngest president after Teddy Roosevelt, New Frontier platform based on Henry Wallace's book New Frontiers, declared that US currency will be outside the Federal Reserve, then assassinated in Dallas Texas

a.k.a.John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, Jack Kennedy ("JFK")
spouse(s)Jackie Kennedy

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi living

President of Egypt since 2014
1954- (71)

Alexander Lukashenko living

President of Belarus
1954- (71)

Ali Bhutto

President of Pakistan

Ali Khamenei

2nd Supreme Leader of Iran since 1989, 3rd President of Iran from 1981-1989

Allen Dulles

First director of the CIA from 1953-1961, created the National Security Council, Sullivan & Cromwell, a media propaganda initiative called "Operation Mockingbird", president of Council on Foreign Relations for 1946-1950, the "great land divide" of Eastern Europe, author of The Craft of Intelligence in 1963, served on the Warren Commission for the assassination of JFK
1893-1969 (76)

Álvaro Uribe Vélez

Politician, former President of Colombia

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)

65th president of Mexico since 2018, socialist politician aka Obrador

Andrés de Santa Cruz

President of Peru

Andrew Johnson

17th President of the United States, absolished slavery through legislation with the 13th ammendment

Anwar Sadat

President of Egypt from 1970-1981, politician, assassinated

Jacobo Árbenz

President of Guatemala in the Árbenz coup
1913-1971 (58)

Arlen Specter

US senator, lawyer, author, Republican politician
1930-2012 (82)

Arthur St. Clair

President of the Continental Congress
1737-1818 (81)

Barack Obama living

44th President of the United States from 2009-2017, first black president of America, documentary filmmaker at Higher Ground Productions, Marxist lecturer at Chicago University
1961- (64)

Bashar al-Assad living

President of Syria since 2000, politician, ophthalmologist, physician, doctor
1965- (60)

Bill Clinton living

42nd President of the United States from 1993-2001, politician, impeached in 1998 for sexual misconduct, monopoly capitalist who signed bills for NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals, or SDGs), motivational speaker, Rhodes scholar, author of My Life, Hard Choices
1946- (79)

Boris Yeltsin

President of Russian Federation from 1991-1999, politician, Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1961-1990
1931-2007 (76)

Nayib Bukele living

43rd president of El Salvador, Nuevas Ideas party politician
1981- (44)

Carl M. Loeb

Founder of Loeb, Rhoades & Co., president of American Metal Company
1875-1955 (80)

Carlos Menem

President of Argentina from 1989-1999, politician, environmentalist, climate change

Chip Bohlen

diplomat, US ambassador to Russia

Christian Wulff

President of Germany from 2010-2012, Christian Democratic Union politician

Cyril Ramaphosa

President of South Africa, politician

Cyrus Griffin

President of the Continental Congress (First American Republic), lawyer, attorney, politician
1748-1810 (62)

Danny Faure

President of the The Seychelles, politician

David Ben-Gurion

Politician, co-founder of the State of Israel and the 1st Prime Minister of Israel
1886-1973 (87)

Sir David Ormsby-Gore

Conservative politician, diplomat, Lord Harlech
1918-1985 (67)

Dean Rusk

US Secretary of State from 1961-1969, colonel, military veteran
1909-1994 (85)

Dick Helms

Director of the CIA from 1966-1973, important figure in the JFK assassination, destroyed MK-Ultra documents

Dorothy Kilgallen

Journalist, friend of JFK

Earl Warren

Warren Commission established by LBJ to investigate the assassination of JFK, chief justice of the United States

Edvard Beneš

President of Czechoslovakia

Edward Haslam living

virologist, biologist, music executive, advertising executive, author of Dr. Mary's Monkey (2007) and Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus (1995)
1951- (74)

Dwight Eisenhower ("Ike")

34th President of the United States aka "Ike", statesman, military officer, known for his statement on the creeping "military industrial complex" as a final address

Elias Boudinot

President of the United States

Emmanuel Macron

President of France since 2017, politician, co-prince of Andorra, former manager at Rothschild & Cie.

Ezer Weizman

7th President of Israel from 1993-1998
1924-2005 (81)

Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)

32nd President of the United States from 1933-1945 aka Franklin Roosevelt, Democratic Party politician, pioneer of the New Deal, socialist lawyer, served as President during most of World War II era,
1882-1945 (63)

Fernando Henrique Cardoso living

President of Brazil from 1995-2002, Brazilian Social Democracy party politician, sociologist on authoritariansim, author of The Accidental President of Brazil
1931- (94)

Fidel Castro

Communist dictator, revolutionary leader in Cuba

L. Fletcher Prouty

Colonel in the US Air Force, military veteran, Chief of Special Operations for the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, JFK whistleblower, banker, author of The Secret Team, Origins of Oil
1917-2001 (84)

François Hollande

President of France from 2012-2017, socialist democratic politician

François Mitterrand

21st President of France from 1981-1995, politician
1916-1996 (80)

Frank Church

US senator, politician, FBI whistleblower who exposed Skull and Bones, MK Ultra, COINTELPRO (started in 1956), the Frank Church committee hearings for Operation Mockingbird in 1975

Franklin Pierce

14th President of the United States, politician

Fred Hampton

Political activist, opposed the Vietnam War

FW de Klerk

Politician, 7th State President of South Africa

Gamal Abdel Nasser

President of Egypt from 1954-1970

George H.W. Bush, Sr.

41st President of the United States from 1989-1993, politician aka Curious George, Rubbers Bush, served 8 years as VP of US leading up to presidency, former CIA intelligence officer
1924-2018 (94)

George W. Bush, Jr. living

43rd President of the United States from 2001-2009, politician aka Temporary
1946- (79)

Gerald Ford

38th President of the United States from 1974-1977, politician, ended the Vietnam War during his term, served on the Warren Commission regarding JFK
1913-2006 (93)

Graham Wallas

Fabian socialist aka Graham Wallace, psychologist, leader of the Fabian Society, pioneer in social psychology, educator, economist, co-founder of the London School of Economics, author of The Great Society in 1914 that created the plan for American socialism by LBJ (similar to JFK's New Frontier)
1858-1932 (74)

Gregory Douglas

JFK historian, author of Regicide (2002)

Grover Cleveland

22nd and 24th President of the United States from 1885-1889 and 1893-1897, politician for the National Democratic Party, worked with JP Morgan during the railway Panic of 1893
1837-1908 (71)

Hafez al-Assad

President of Syria until 2000, politician

Halimah Yacob living

politician, lawyer, 8th president of Singapore from 2017-2023
1954- (71)

Hans-Rudolf Merz

President of the Swiss Confederation in 2009

Harrison Livingstone living

Co-author of High Treason, expert on JFK assassination
1937- (88)

Harry S. Truman

33rd President of the United States, Democratic Party politician since 1922, gave Israel its independence
1884-1972 (88)

Hassan Rouhani living

7th President of Iran from 2013-2021, politician
1948- (77)

Heinz Fischer

President of Austria from 2004-2016, politician

Henry A. Wallace

Democratic politician, journalist, farmer, Fabian socialist, politician, 33rd VP of the United States for FDR, author of New Frontiers
1888-1965 (77)

Herbert Hoover

31st President of the United States, mining engineer, humanitarian, philanthropist, CIA spy that stole European documents from First World War I, co-founder of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Hilda Heine

President of the Marshall Islands, politician

Hosni Mubarak

former President of Egypt from 1981 to 2011

Hugo Chávez

President of Venezuela from 1999-2013, politician, United Socialist Party of Venezuela

Ilham Aliyev

4th President of Azerbaijan, son of Heydar Aliyev

Jack Ruby

Singapore Supper Club (Silver Spur Club) nightclub owner aka Sparky, Mossad spy with ties to the Jewish mafia, The Warren Commission found him guilty of murder with malice after he killed Lee Harvey Oswald (1963) his death penalty sentence was overturned in 1966 by the State of Texas, died of cancer and pulmonary embolism
1911-1967 (56)

Jaime Roldós

President of Ecuador, 1979-1981

Jair Bolsonaro living

President of Brazil
1955- (70)

James Monroe

5th President of the United States from 1817-1825, statesman, pioneer of The Monroe Doctrine, lawyer, attorney, diplomat, one of the founding fathers of America

James K. Polk

11th President of the United States of America from 1845-1849, established the Smithsonian Institution


politician aka John John, died in a plane crash

Jim Garrison

Democratic Party politician, district attorney for New Orleans from 1962-1973, investigated the assassination of JFK
1921-1992 (71)

Jim Yong Kim

President of the World Bank from 2012-2019

Jimmy Carter

39th President of the United States from 1977-1981, nuclear engineer, brought in FEMA camps for disaster relief, Democratic Party politician, 76th governor of Georgia from 1971-1975, US senator from Georgia in 1963-1967, wrote the foreword for the Global 2000 Study
1924-2024 (100)

Joe Alsop

journalist, editor, CIA intelligence officer

Joe Biden

46th President of the United States since 2021, politician aka Amtrak Joe, former VP to Barack Obama

"Bootlegger" Joe Kennedy

Politician aka Bootlegger Joe, lawyer, attorney, US ambassador to the United Kingdom, diplomat, businessman, investor, general manager of Bethlehem Steel, bootlegging during prohibition

John Adams

2nd President of the United States from 1797-1801, one of the founding fathers of America

John Connally

Lawyer, attorney, legislative assistant for LBJ, miltary veteran, US Navy veteran, accused of Jim Wells County voting scandal for LBJ

John Agyekum Kufuor living

President of the Republic of Ghana from 2001-2009
1938- (87)

Dr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli

President of the United Republic of Tanzania, politician, died of COVID

John Quincy Adams

6th President of the United States, statesman, co-author of the Monroe doctrine, son of John Adams (the 2nd President)

John Schlossberg living

law student, grandson of John F. Kennedy
1993- (32)

Jovenel Moïse

President of Haiti, he was assassinated on July 7, 2021

Juan Perón

President of Argentina from 1946-1955 and again in 1973 until murdered in 1974, founder of the Justicialist Party, politician, lieutenant general, military veteran, founder of the Río Santiago Shipyard
1895-1974 (79)

Judyth Vary Baker

cancer researcher aka Judith Vary Baker, wife of patsy Lee Harvey Oswald, author of David Ferrie, Me & Lee

Ken Galbraith

Economist, liberal diplomat, ambassador to India, writer at Forbes, author of The Affluent Society, The Great Crash 1929, lecturer, Warburg professor of economics at Harvard, proponent of liberalism and realism, coined the phrase "progress is an innocent fraud", co-founder the European Management Symposium (now World Economic Forum or "WEF")
1908-2006 (98)

Kim Jong-un

President of North Korea, politician

Kwame Nkrumah

President of Ghana, politician
1909-1972 (63)

Lyndon Johnson (LBJ)

36th President of the United States, politician aka Lyndon Johnson

Lee Harvey Oswald

CIA intelligence officer, biologist, worked at a clandestine biolab linked to Simian Virus 40 (SV40) that was to be delivery to Fidel Castro in the Bay of Pigs, registered to vote in Clinton Louisiana the same day as MLK Jr's "I have a dream" speech and where they injected SV40 (Simian Virus 40) in to a prisoner in the Angola prison aka Louisiana State Penitentiary (where Johnny Cash famously sang)

Leonid Kuchma living

President of Ukraine from 1994-2005, Prime Minister of Ukraine from 1992-1993
1938- (87)

L.L. Lemnitzer living

US Army general during the Gulf of Tonken, military veteran aka Major Lemnitzer, Lyman Lemnitzer, noteable for the CIA Operation Northwoods of attack drones in Cuba during JFK's Bay of Pigs
1899- (126)

Mahmoud Abbas

PNA president since 2005, ruler aka Abu Mazen, President of the State of Palestine since 2005, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization since 2004

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

6th President of Iran from 2005-2013

Mariah Kennedy Cuomo

Mariah is the daughter of Kerry Kennedy and Andrew Cuomo, the former Governor of New York

Mariella Novotny living

Prostitute, socialite, Israeli spy for Mossad, intelligence officer
1942- (83)

Martin Sandler

Historian, investigative journalist, writer, editor of The Letters of John F Kennedy (JFK)

Martti Ahtisaari living

10th President of Finland, mediator, UN diplomat
1937- (88)

Mary Robinson living

7th President of Ireland from 1990-1997, first woman to hold office
1944- (81)

Mary Sherman

virologist, biologist aka Mary Stults

McGeorge Bundy

U.S. National Security Advisor to JFK and LBJ
1919-1996 (77)

Moshe Katsav living

8th President of Israel from 2000-2007, Likud party politician
1945- (80)

Muhammadu Buhari

President of Nigeria since 2015, army general, military veteran

Nana Akufo-Addo living

5th President of Ghana since 2017, politician, lawyer, attorney, co-founder of Akufo-Addo, Prempeh & Co.
1944- (81)

Nathan Gorman

President of the United States

Nursultan Nazarbayev living

President of Kazakhstan from 1991-2019, chairman of the Security Council of Kazakhstan until 2022, steelworker, engineer, joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1962
1940- (85)

Nicholas Sarközy living

Prince of Andorra (and co-President of France) from 2007-2012
1955- (70)

Nicos Anastasiades

President of Cyprus since 2013

Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson living

President of Iceland from 1996-2016, People's Alliance politician, financier, chairman of the Arctic Circle, chairman of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
1943- (82)

Petro Poroshenko living

5th President of Ukraine from 2014-2019, European Solidarity politician, billionaire, cocoa beans, "Chocolate king", founder of Roshen in 1995
1965- (60)

Pierre Salinger

Politician, US senator who replaced Clair Eagle of California

Randy Scheunemann

President of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq

Reuven Rivlin living

Politician, lawyer, current President of Israel
1939- (86)

Richard Myers

US Air Force general, miltary veteran, 15th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Richard Nixon

37th President of the United States, affinity for Iraqi oil, resigned after the Watergate scandal

Richard Randolph Carr

Saw the JFK shooter leaving the Texas School Book Depository in a Rambler, military veteran of WWII, survived multiple assassination attempts
1922-1996 (74)

Robert J. Groden

Co-author of High Treason, expert on JFK assassination, photo analyst

Robert McNamara

US Secretary of Defense from 1961-1968, US defense minister know as the real Dr. Strange, banker, president of the World Bank Group from 1968-1981, author of In Retrospect
1916-2009 (93)

Robert Moses

Urban planner for New York City, public official, civil servant, civil engineering
1888-1981 (93)

Rodrigo Duterte

President of the Philippines

Ronald Reagan

40th President of the United States from 1981-1989, actor, Republican conservative politician since 1962, pioneer in neoliberalism, known for bailouts and the Savings & Loan crisis, began the deregulation of the American government known as the Reagan era (or "Too Big to Fail") which led to the Financial Crisis of 2008
1911-2004 (93)

Salvador Allende

President of Chile, Project Cybersyn

Samuel Pisar

Holocaust survivor who spoke Russian, Hollywood tech lawyer, US attorney, stepfather of Tony Blinken, realist diplomat, pioneer of the transideological corporation, member of American Jewish Congress (AJC), friends with MI6 agent Robert Maxwell, author of Coexistence & Commerce (1970), Of Blood and Hope (1979)
1929-2015 (86)

Sergio Mattarella living

President of Italy since 2015
1941- (84)

Serzh Sargsyan

Republican politician, 3rd President of Armenia from 2008-2018, resigned during the Armenian revolution protests

Shimon Peres

9th President of Israel from 2007-2014, lifetime politician, 8th Prime Minister of Israel from 1984-1986 and 1995-1996
1923-2016 (93)

Teddy Roosevelt (T.R.)

Politician, statesman, 26th President of the United States from 1901-1909, during the Panic of 1907 preceded by the Sherman Trust Act, historian, conservationist, naturalist, African safari, world traveler, horse rider, equestrian

Thomas Jefferson

3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809, statesman, Democratic-Republican Party politician, pioneer of "natural rights", Declaration of Independence, one of the founding fathers of America, inventor of the dumbwaiter aka wine cart
1743-1826 (83)

Ulysses S. Grant

18th President of United States from 1869-1877, politician, US army general for the Union Army, US Secretary of War, military officer during the American Civil War in 1865, pictured on the US $50 bill
1822-1885 (63)

Vicente Fox Quesada living

62nd President of Mexico from 2000-2006, diplomat, National Action Party politician
1942- (83)

Viktor Yanukovych living

4th President of Ukraine from 2010-2014 until the Ukrainian Revolution at Maidan Square (Nezalezhnosti / Independence Square), politician
1950- (75)

Walt Whitman Rostow

Economist, political strategist, political theorist, communist

Warren Harding

29th President of the United States, died of a heart attack in 1923
1865-1923 (58)

Wilhelm Miklas

Politician, President of Austria from 1928-1938
1872-1956 (84)

William Bundy

CIA intelligence officer, lawyer, attorney, US foreign affairs for JFK and LBJ, author of A Tangled Web
1917-2000 (83)

William Colby

CIA director from 1973-1976, US army military veteran, CIA intelligence officer, drowned and his canoe washed ashore
1920-1996 (76)

William Howard Taft

27th President of United States

William McKinley

25th president of the United States from 1897-1901, assassinated
1843-1901 (58)

Sir William Stephenson

British intelligence officer, airman solider, spy codenamed Intrepid, businessman, inventor
1897-1989 (92)

Woodrow Wilson

28th President of the United States from 1913-1921, Democratic politician, socialist, governor of New Jersey, co-founder of Chatham House, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), co-founder of the US Federal Reserve Bank (the FED), author of The New Freedom
1856-1924 (68)

Abraham Zapruder

documentary filmmaker, spectator to the killing of John F. Kennedy (JFK) in what is known as the Zapruder film

Khalifa Zayed Al-Nahyan

President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from 1971-2004, Burj Dubai (tallest building in the world at 828m) renamed Burj Khalifa in his honor, supreme comander of the UAE Armed Forces, ruler of Abhu Dhabi from 1966-2004, chairman of Supreme Petroleum Council, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, 77% owner of the CIA linked BCCI Bank

Volodymyr Zelensky living

President of Ukraine since 2019, statesman, Servant of the People party politician, former comedian, comedy actor
1978- (47)

Zoltán Tildy

Protestant reformed minister, theologian, President of Hungary in 1946-1948, Smallholders Party politician
1889-1961 (72)

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