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Jacques Ellul

Jacques Ellul

Philosopher, sociologist, theologian, professor, luddite, technophobe, Christian anarchist, author of The Technological Society

Al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib

Theologian, grandfather of the Abbāsid Empire, the 2nd great Islamic caliphate dynasty that ruled as a hereditary monarchy from 750-1258
566 CE-653 CE (87)

Alan Watts

Bohemian philosopher, predictive programming, fake virtues, keynote speaker, theologian, Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, writer, author of Talking Zen, The Wisdom of Insecurity
1915-1973 (58)

Aleister Crowley

MI5 agent, mystic occultist aka the Great Beast 666, spirit cooking, ceremonial magician of Black Magick or sex magic, mountaineer, Thelema prophet

Saint Ambrose

Bishop of MIlan from 374-397 AD, theologian, anti-Arianism, anti-paganism
339 AD-397 AD

Annie Besant

Feminist, political activist for womens rights, theosophist, founder of the Indian Home Rule movement, 33rd degree mason, socialist writer
1847-1933 (86)

St. Francis of Assisi

Catholic friar aka Francis of Assisi, mystic theologian, founder of the Franciscans, canonized by Pope Gregory IX

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Lutheran pastor, theologian, co-founder of the Protestant Confession Church in 1934

Saint Charles Borromeo

Pope Pius IV was his uncle, theologian, his father was the Count of Arona, member of the House of Medici

Charles Taze Russell

Pastor of religious Christianity, political activist, pioneer of American restorationists, creator of the Bible Student movement and founder of the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) religion in 1872
1852-1916 (64)

Saint Cyril

Byzantine Christian theologian, known for the Cyrillic alphabet, brother of Methodius

Cyrus Scofield

Theologian, writer of the Scofield reference Bible of Christian Zionism

David Jang living

Pastor, theologian, entrepreneur, co-owner of IBT Media, co-founder of Olivet University
1949- (76)

Dr. Livingstone

explorer, doctor, physician, theologian, congregationalist, Christian missionary of the London Missionary Society
1813-1873 (60)

Dioscorus the Great

Christian theologian, known as the Champion of Orthodoxy

Dolores Cannon

Theologian, author of Jesus and the Essenes in 1999

Edward Irving

Presbyterian minister, pastor at the Chalcedonian Chapel in London

Eliphas Lévi

Esotericist, esoteric writer, poet, theologian, occultist of the Kabbalah and Tarot cards, co-author of The History of Magic in 1922, The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic (Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie) in 1854, The Great Secret, Transcendental Magic, The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts
1810-1875 (65)

Emanuel Swedenborg

Scientist, inventor, Christian theologian, mystic, pioneer in Lutheranism, author of Heaven and Hell
1688-1772 (84)


Protestanism author, theologian, writer of Protestant literature, banned by heresy laws created by the Catholic Pope Pius IV in 1559


Marrano rabbi, theologian, pioneer on halakhic and kabbalistic matters, nobleman, author of Tokhaḥat Megullah against Shabbateans
1685-1730 (45)

Fausto Sozzini

Theologian, pioneer in Unitarianism aka Socinianism (non-Trinitarian Christianity) with his uncle Lelio Sozzini, writer of scriptures, author of De Jesu Christo Servatore in 1578
1539-1604 (65)

Flavious Josephus

Theologian, writer, author of The Antiquities of the Jews

Saint Francis Xavier

Navarrese Roman Catholic missionary, theologian, co-founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) with Saint Ignatius of Loyola, namesake St. Francis Xavier University is one of Canada's top universities
1506-1552 (46)

Francisco Ribera

Jesuit theologian, futurist Christian, father of Jesuit Futurism, pioneer in eschatological dispensationalism, 7 dispensations
1537-1591 (54)

Frank S. Land

Founder of the Order of DeMolay International, a masonic youth fraternity
1890-1959 (69)

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

Theologian, pioneer in moral principles and Syncretism, author of the Oration on the Dignity of Man

G.T. Armstrong

Christian evangelist, pioneer in the Adventism evangelical movement, founder of the Worldwide Church of God, son of Herbert Armstrong
1930-2003 (73)

Gustav Deissmann


Gustavo Gutiérrez living

Dominican priest, philosopher, Jesuit theologian, Catholic theologican, pioneer in Latin American social justice liberation theology
1928- (97)

The Han Feizi

Legalist philosopher, theologian, theology writer of legalists texts in 240 BC, Legalism (or nomism)
280 BCE-233 BCE

Helena Blavatsky

Founder of the Theosophical Society in 1875, theosophist, mystic, occultist, pioneer in theosophy and anthropological root races, author of The Secret Doctrine in 1888
1831-1891 (60)

Henri de Lubec

Humanist, atheist, theologian

Henry More

Philosopher, poet, theologian, modern theory of gnosticism (having knowledge)
1614-1687 (73)

St. Ignatius of Antioch

Theologian, writer, author of the Letter to the Romans

St. Ignatius of Loyola

Missionary, pilgrimage to Jerusalem, hobo beggar who became a guest of oligarch Marcantonio Trevisan and was given passage from Cyprus to Jerusalem by Andrea Gritti, theologian of Exercitationes Spirituales mystical brainwashing treatments, co-founder of the Society of Jesus in 1541 (aka the Jesuits) with Francis Xavier and Peter Faber
1491-1556 (65)

Isaac Luria

Rabbi, theologian, esoteric occultist, father of contemporary Kabbalah (la Cabalá) or Jewish mysticism (Mekubbal mystical Judaism)
1534-1572 (38)

James H. Cone

Theologian, activist, social justice liberation theology, author of Black Theology and Black Power

Jean-Baptiste Janssens

Jesuit priest, 27th Superior General of the Society of Jesus
1889-1964 (75)

Jeffrey Burton Russell

historian, theologian, author of The Prince of Darkness

Saint Jerome (of Striden)

Christian priest, theologian, scholar of monasticism, historian, archaeologist
347 AD-419 AD

Johann Eck

Catholic prelate, theologian, scholar, counter-reformer opposed to Martin Luther

John Bale

Historian, theologian of the English Reformation

John Calvin

Theologian, theologist, Reformed (Calvinistic) church faith traditions known as Calvinism between 1531-1541, Christianity, Protestantism, Geneva secdonary schools academy created in 1559 became the University of Geneva

John Hagee

Christian evangelical pastor

John Humphrey Noyes

Preacher, theologian, utopian socialist, setup the Oneida community, study of complex marriages
1811-1886 (75)

John Nelson Darby

Lawyer, attorney, pastor, futurist, theologian, bible commentator, writer, author of 53 books, religious Christian, spiritual leader of the Plymouth Brethren, father of Modern Dispensationalism

John of Patmos

Theologian, writer of the Book of Revelations

John Owen

Puritan theologian, administrator at the University of Oxford, nonconformist church leader of Puritans, theologian
1616-1683 (67)

John Salza living

Catholic lecturer, writer, theologian, lawyer, attorney, reached 32nd degree freemasonry before renouncing his membership to the fraternity (brotherhood), author of Masonry Unmasked, The Biblical Basis for the Papacy, True or False Pope?
1967- (58)

John the Presbyter

Apostle, theologian, Presbyterian church father, possible co-author of Johannine works

John Wycliffe

Roman Catholic priest, medieval philosopher, theologian, scholar, printed the first English bible, clergyman, Protestant dissident of Roman Catholicism
1329-1384 (55)

Joseph P. Farrell

Theologian, religious meanings, aliens, UFOs, author

Josiah Willard Gibbs

Linguist, theologian, father of Willard Gibbs, professor at Yale
1790-1861 (71)

Juan Luis Segundo

Theologian, social justice liberation theology

Jürgen Moltmann living

Catholic theologian
1926- (99)

Søren Kierkegaard

Poet, religious writer, theologian, philosopher, social critic
1813-1855 (42)

Lelio Sozzini

Renaissance humanist, bible scholar, theologian, pioneer in Unitarianism aka Socinianism (non-Trinitarian Christianity) with his nephew Fausto Sozzini, left during the Inquisition of 1559
1525-1562 (37)


Levitical laws for the Levites, Aaronid family, theologian

Ludwig Feuerbach

Philosopher, anthropoligist, theologian, author of The Essence of Christianity
1804-1872 (68)

Martin Niemöller

Lutheran pastor, theologian, critic, opponent of Nazi party, poet, "First they came.." poem in 1946
1892-1984 (92)

Saint Methodius

Byzantine Christian theologian, known for Methodius Day, brother of Cyril

Murray M'Cheyne

Preacher, pastor, Christian religious, minister in the Church of Scotland from 1835-1843


Philosopher, introduced February into the Roman calendar.

Paul the Deacon

Benedictine monk, theologian

Pedro Arrupe

28th Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


Christian heresy, theologian, paganism, pioneer of the Origen Pelagianism theology

Peter Lombard

Theologian, bishop of Paris, scholar, author of the Four Books of Sentences

Peter of Pisa

Catholic deacon, poet, writer, grammarian, theologian

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Jesuit priest, pastor, theologian, religious leader, scientist, paleontologist, teacher, Darwinian philosopher

Pope Francis I living

Jesuit priest, pastor, 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, head of the Catholic Church in Vatican City, the Vatican owns 177 million acres of land
1936- (89)

Dr. E.B. Pusey

Anglican cleric, theologian, Ascot Priory, scholar, professor of Hebrew Studies
1800-1882 (82)

Ralph Woodrow living

Evangelical Christian minister, religious Christian theologian, bible commentator, author of 16 books, keynote speaker, founder of Ralph Woodrow Evangelistic Association
1939- (86)

Rev. Robert Taylor

Reverand clergyman, theologian, author of The Devil's Pulpit in 1856, pioneer in astrotheology, political activist
1784-1844 (60)

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Jesuit scholar aka Doctor of the Church, futurist with the Council of Trent (for Venetian intelligence) and integral to the Catholic Counter-Reformation, theologian, Cardinal priest of the Catholic church ordained in 1570
1542-1621 (79)

Rowan Williams

Anglican bishop aka Aneurin, white druid in the Gorsedd of Bards, theologian, poet, 104th Archbishop of Canterbury from 2002-2012, member of the UK House of Lords from 2003-2020, author of Being Christian, Being Human

S.A. Fowler

Theologian, author of Syncretism in the West: Pico's 900 Theses

St. Patrick

Founder of the Church of Ireland in 432 AD, theologian, worship of the Celtic sun gods, paganism, Christianity

St. Germain

Theologian, pioneer in theosophy, occultist, spiritual master of ancient wisdom and theosophical teachings

Steve Green

Religious scholar, theologian, founder of the Museum of the Bible

St. Teresa Ávila of Jesus

Spanish Carmelite nun, mystic, noblewoman of the Carmelites, pioneer of the Carmelite Reform
1515-1582 (67)

St. Thomas Aquinas

Catholic priest, human philosopher, secular humanist, agnostic pioneer in reasoning and faith, moral principles, eternal and natural laws, held an Aristotelian view called Thomistic metaphysics, Dominican friar, Doctor of the Church, jurist, theologian, Doctor Angelicus, Doctor Communis, Doctor Universalis
1225-1274 (49)

Thomas Kuzhinapurath

Theologian, co-author of Salvific Law, pioneer in salvific laws between salvation and legal recourse for Roman Catholic Code of Canons of the Oriental Churches (CCEO)

Tomás de Mercado

Economist, theologian, author
1525-1575 (50)


Christian Pauline theologian, pioneer of Chrisian mysticism (or gnosticism), was excommunicated from the church in 150 CE, founder of Valentinian gnostic schools (of esoteric gnosis) in Rome and Alexandria, author of the Gospel of Truth
100 AD-180 AD

Vincent Nichols living

Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
1945- (80)

Virgilio Elizondo

Catholic priest, theologian, scholar of Liberation and American Hispanic theology, political activist, died by gunshot (ruled a suicide)
1935-2016 (81)


Purnima guru, theologian, poet, writer aka Vedavyasa (meaning arranger or compiler of information), author of several important Vedic texts of the Vedas (or Hindu scriptures) including Mahabharata
-1525 BCE

William Miller

Millerism is a form of Christianity, theologian, The Millerites followed the 1831 belief in the Second Advent of Jesus Chris, creator of the Seventh Day Aventist religion in 1863

Wolfhart Pannenberg

Lutheran theologian, pioneer in modern theology

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