
the blessing of the Ark of the Covenant was given to Esau, Judaism in the Torah has many interpretations of Jacob's Ladder to Heaven


son of Adam & Eve; from the original humans, who later had his own child Cain

King Achilles

fighter in the Bronze Ages

Adam & Eve

Biblical figures, the original human couple, God's sixth day of Creation, sons of gods or The Nephilim (Rephaim) might have caused the great flood of Noah

Adam Milstein

Pro-Israel lobbyist


Trojan warrior who fled in the fall of Troy, founding father of the Kingdom of Alba Longa (modern Italy) becoming ancestor to the Romans, they wrote of him in Aeneid, mentioned in Homer's Illiad

Aeolus (Aeopolus)

Greek mythology

Dr. Albert Bourla

Business executive, chairman and CEO of Pfizer

King Alfonso XIII of Spain

King of Spain from 1886-1931
1886-1941 (55)

Alfred P. Sloan

Automotive executive, chairman and CEO of General Motors
1875-1966 (91)

Alice Wallenberg



Islamic god


Norse mythology, one of Loki's wives


Greek mythology, ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, fertility and sexuality, Twelve Olympians


Greek mythology, god of sun and light, god of music while playing the golden lyre, son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis, Twelve Olympians


Greek mythology, Twelve Olympians

Princess Ariadne of Crete

Cretan princess, Minoan princess, daughter of King Minos of Crete, Minos in Cree ("Minos the Crete")


Greek mythology


Greek mythology, Twelve Olympians

Arthur Balfour

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902-1905, co-founder of the British Pilgrims Society, chairman of the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York, issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917
1848-1930 (82)


God of Medicine, god of healing, physician, rejuvenation, Caduceus is emblemized by the two snakes on a sword, while the the Rod of Asclepius is a single snake


Greek mythology, Twelve Olympians


Greek Titan, known for holding up the sky of heavens for eternity

Ava Alice Muriel Astor

Socialite, heiress of the John Jacob Astor IV family dynasty


Viking god of Valhalla, Ásgardr and Breidablik

Ben Guggenheim

Industrialist, miner, mining magnate, businessman, died on the Titanic


Enoch (teaching) his son, his parents were from the original humans; Adam & Eve, his brother was Abel

Cam Neely

President of the Boston Bruins, retired NHL ice hockey player

Carl-Johan Bonnier

Media executive, President and CEO of Bonnierföretagen (Bonnier Group) since 1992, and prior an EVP of Bonnier from 1987-1992, and Semic International in 1978-1983

King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden living

King of Sweden since 1973, House of Bernadotte, son of Prince Gustaf Adolf
1946- (79)

Caroline Astor

aristocrat, queen bee of the knickerbockers, House of Astor, socialite known for having the "Four Hundred" party guests at her annual ball
1830-1908 (78)

Chaim A. Weizmann

1st President of Israel from 1949-1952, president of the World Zionist Organization, Zionist leader, biochemist, founder of the Weizmann Institute of Science in 1934
1874-1952 (78)


Roman philosopher


Queen ruler of the Tyrrhenians (Tyrsenians) or Etruscans in Greco Roman mythology


Greek mythology, daughter of Aeolus (Aeopolus)


Greek mythology


Greek mythology, mythical character, grea


Courtier, jester in the court of Dionysius II of Syracuse, Sword of Damocles, Timaeus of Tauromenium, Cicero, Diodorus Siculus


Boeotian and Polydectes figure in Greek mythology, wife of Zeus

Danny Jones

lead guitarist for McFly, lead vocalist, singer, songwriter, musician, podcaster

David Cooksey living

Venture capitalist, grandfather of the UK early-stage venture industry in 1981, businessman, policy advisor, member of the Royal Society, biomedical researcher, founder of the Francis Crick Institute, Diamond Light Source (STFC / Wellcome Trust)
1940- (85)

David Rockefeller Sr.

banker, former chairman & CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, co-founder and chairman of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) from 1970-1985, posthumously accused of being a pedophile
1915-2017 (102)

DeLancey Astor Kane

Soldier, horseman, father of horse and buggy stagecoaching in the United States, brother was John Innes Kane, great grandfather was John Jacob Astor


Greek mythology


Greek mythology, Twelve Olympians

Dionysus, Hestia

Greek mythology, Twelve Olympians, Hestia, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Greek God of grape harvest, wine making


Greek mythology

Edmond James de Rothschild

Banker aka Edmond de Rothschild, farmer settlement in Yishuv, the French branch of the Rothschild banking dynasty, financier, founder of Edmond de Rothschild Group
1845-1934 (89)


Mount Carmel, religious leader


Eros aka Cupid, Amor was the mischievous god of love, and a companion of Aphrodite.


the blessing of the Ark of the Covenant was given by Jacob


Beautiful princess in Greek mythology, gave birth to Minos the Crete

Evelyn de Rothschild

Financier, banker, co-founder of E.L. Rothschild
1931-2022 (91)

Felix M. Warburg

Founder of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., married Frieda Schiff the daughter of Jacob Schiff, and his brothers Max & Paul Warburg were successful financiers

Franco Bernabe

VP of Rothschild Europe


Norse mythology aka Freyja means the Lady, Viking goddess of love, lust, battle and magic among the Vanir, sister of Freyr


Norse mythology, goddess of fertility, sister of Freya


Norse mythology, Queen of Asgard, wife of Odin

Gavin Astor

Publisher, soldier, military veteran, his father was John Jacob Astor V
1918-1984 (66)


Norse mythology, one of Loki's wives


David vs. Goliath, son of Rapha


Ancient Greek mythology aka Pluto/Plouton, God of the dead with his 3-headed hound (guard dog) Cerberus, presiding over the underworld of Sheol, brother of Zeus and Poseidon, oldest son of Cronus and Rhea

Harold W. Rosenthal

Diplomat, aide to US senator Jacob Javits, killed in a terrorist attack in Istanbul
1947-1976 (29)


Hellenistic god of silence, Harpa-Khruti rising sun god Horus of Egypt, hand symbol of children & silence for the Hellfire Clubs (secret society)

Harry Lopes living

Founder and CEO of Eden Renewables, entrepreneur
1977- (48)


Ruler, patriarch, founder of Armenian empire

Helen of Troy

Greek mythology, goddess of beauty, the most beautiful woman in the world


Greek mythology, god of fire, Twelve Olympians, his counterpart is Roman god Vulcan with the forging hammer (blacksmith)


Nephilim hybrid, mythical beast rider, reincarnation of Semaramis


Greek mythology, Twelve Olympians


Greek mythology, Greek messenger god, herald of the gods, member of the Twelve Olympians, pioneer in syncretism and of what are known today as Hermeneutics principles

Hermes Trismegistus

Philosopher, known for Caduceus (staff of Hermes) that is the symbol for medicine (Asclepius), author of Hermetica (Corpus Hermeticum) writings, credited with Hermeticism (or Hermetism), a mixture of Hermes the Hellenistic Greek messenger god and Thoth an Egyptian god of wisdom, freemasonry uses the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Kabbalah which is a study of metaphysics and the occult of Hermeticism

King Hezekiah

known for smashing Moses bronze snake (Nehushtan in Hebrew)

Hiram Abiff

Chief architect of King Solomon's Temple, murdered by three ruffians, third degree in freemasonry

E. Howard Hunt

CIA intelligence officer from 1949-1970, Guatelmalan coup d'etat, Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, author, convicted for wiretapping, buglary and the conspiracy of Watergate
1918-2007 (89)


Quraysh god at the Kaaba in Mecca


Greek mythology, god of hygiene, rejuvenation healing

Ian Livingstone living

Billionaire, real estate developer, co-owner of London & Regional Properties, chairman of Optika Clulow Group (David Clulow, Sunglass Hut), director at The Mayor's Fund for London
1962- (63)

Titan Iapetus/Iapetos

Greek mythology, the Titan god of Mortality


Vedic god holding a Vajra diamond thunderbolt weapon (or "dorje" in Tibetan)


Gods scriptures in the Hebrew Tanakh (TNK) new testament bible, warned of a Virgin Mary in Bethlehem Ephratah/Ephrath (meaning, bear a "fruitful") birth to a son Immanuel the messiah, the Counsellor, Wonderful all-mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace

Isidor Straus

Businessman, entrepreneur, co-owner of Macy's department stores, died on the Titanic

Jackie Astor Drexel

Socialite, daughter of John Jacob Astor VI (who died on the Titanic)


Roman god, two-faced or deceitful

Dr. Jennifer Doudna living

Biochemist, co-inventor known for pioneering work in CRISPR gene editing, Nobel Prize in Chemistry
1964- (61)

Jesus Christ

Jesus of Nazareth, father of Roman Catholicism (and the Eastern Orthodox Church), religious prophet of Christianity, died by crucifixion at the age of 33, known as the possible incarnation of God and for the 33rd passover land
4 BC-30 AD

Jesus of Essene

Jewish mystic aka Jesus of the Essenes, West of Lake Asphaltites (Dead Sea) at the mouth of the Jordan river, produces black rocks and is one of the saltiest waters known to mankind

Jimmy Goldsmith

Financier, businessman, media tycoon, Movement for France party politician, controversial bagman for the Rothschilds
1933-1997 (64)

John, Lord Astor

Lord Astor, Lord Temporal, Deputy Lieutenant of Kent, businessman, politician

John Jacob Astor III

Financier, philanthropist, soldier during the American Civil War

John Jacob Astor V

Lieutenant-Colonel military officer, entrepreneur, owner of newspapers, his grandfather was John Jacob Astor III
1886-1971 (85)

John Jacob Astor VI

Socialite, businessman, shipping magnate

John M. Schiff

Investment banker, grandson of Jacob Schiff, US Federal Reserve, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

Khonsu living

Egyptian moon god of healing, the traveler, known for healing the Princess of Bekheten, and for the Ptolemaic temple of Khonsu
2350 BCE-

King Arthur

Ango-Saxon mythical heroic Celtic king of the 6th century West Saxony (Wessex), pulled his famous Excalibur sword from a stone, could have been a stonemason, or sword making blacksmith
1162-1227 (65)

King James I of England (VI of Scotland)

King of Scotland in 1567 (as James VI), King of England and Ireland in 1603-1625 (as James I), Jacobean era and the union of Scottish and English crowns, founder of Virginia Company in 1606, famous for translating the King James version of the bible and the "Union of Crowns" commonwealth with Pope Paul V
1566-1625 (59)

Knut Wallenberg

banker, politician, Knight of the Order of the Seraphim


Trojan war hero of Greco Roman mythology


Greek mythology

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Mathematician aka Gottfried Leibniz, polymath, philosopher, pioneer in metaphysics and human understanding, diplomat, scientist, theologian, ethics, founder of Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, political commentator, politics
1646-1716 (70)


Greek mythology, goddess o


Tribe of Levi in the Hebrew bible


Roman god of freedom and liberty in Latin which becomes libertus (or liberatus)


Norse mythology, god of mischief


Satanic mystic, satanism, satanist

Madeleine Astor

Socialite, widow of John Jacob Astor IV
1893-1940 (47)


Ammonite god

Dr. Mamphela Ramphele

Educator, academic, author of A Passion for Freedom, founder of South African Students Association, anti-apartheid activist in South Africa, medical doctor, businesswoman, Democratic Alliance politician, co-president of the Club of Rome

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)

Communist dictator aka Chairman Mao, tyrant, victor of the Chinese people's war from 1927-1950, founder of the People's Republic of China, Marxist-Leninist style executions, leader of the Chinese Communist Revolution, forced labor camps and starvation leading to 60 million deaths, opened up the borders to the United States in 1978, author of On Guerilla Warfare
1893-1976 (83)

Marduk of Mesopotamia

God, Syrian Apollo deity in times of Babylonia and Mesopotamia


Roman god of war in Greco Roman mythology, often held games in the spring (March), son of Jupiter and Juno

Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Father of the House of Rothschild family banking dynasty "with the Red Shield" (Red Coat of Arms, or the Red Sign) and perhaps the wealthiest family in human history, banker at Oppenheim bank in Hanover, foreign currency exchange trader, financier, speculation on The Battle of Waterloo led to the founding of the Bank of England, House of Hesse, frontrunner for Prince William of Hesse Kassel
1744-1812 (68)

Minos in Cree

King of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa, founder of the Roman Empire


hunted by Theseus


Greco Roman god, said to have created Mithraisim or the Cult of Mithras


Levite Semitic Hebrew Israelite prophet, Passover the Land, pioneer in Mosaic Laws and the ancient laws of Moses (in the Torah Hebrew bible), court of the Pharoah, climbed Mount Sinai (Horeb)
1400 BCE-1500 BCE

Naomi Campbell


Nat Rothschild living

Financier, investor, chairman of Volex, JNR Limited
1971- (54)

Nathan Rothschild

Banker, politician, son of Nathan Mayer Rothschild (aka NM Rothschild) of the Rothschild banking family dynasty, financier of De Beers mining companies, co-founder of the Pilgrims Society in 1902
1840-1915 (75)


Greek mythology


Greek mythology

Njörðr (Njörd)

Norse mythology, Viking god amongst the Vanir, Lord of the Sea, his daughters were Freya (Freyja) and Freyr


Bibical figure, famous for Noah's Ark and the great flood, great-grandson of Enoch


King of Alba Longa in Roman mythology, grandfather of Romulus & Remus


Viking god of Valhalla and a major god of Old Norse mythology aka Wotan, Wodan, Woden


Trojan warrior of Greco Roman mythology, his brothers were Ardeas and Telegonus

Olof Aschberg

Financier aka the Bolshevik Banker, head of Nya Banken, director general of Vnesheconombank (Roscombank)
1877-1960 (83)

Paul M. Warburg

Banker, merchant financier, founder & CEO of International Acceptance Corporation, one of the most important founding partners of the US Federal Reserve Bank (the FED), members of the National Monetary Commission met at Jekyll Island for the Aldrich Plan
1868-1932 (64)

Pepe Orsini

Grey Pope, house of Orisini-Maximus


brother of Hesiod, mentioned in Works and Days (poetry and writings from Hesiod)


founder of the Mycenae and Perseid dynasty


Greek mythology, Twelve Olympians


Anakim stronghold of Gath, father of Goliath, descendant of Rephaim

Richard Livingstone living

Billionaire, property developer, co-owner of London & Regional Properties
1964- (61)

Sabbatai Zevi

Sephardic rabbi, mystic, converted to Islam wearing a Fes/Fez (red cap) which today symbolizes the Masonic Order of Free and Accepted Masons of freemasonry (or freemasons), Satanic kabbalah/cabal (messianic) occultist in the Ottoman Empire, claimed to be the Jewish Messiah, founder of the Sabbatean Frankists (Shabbateans)
1626-1676 (50)

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