
Poet, lyricist, author of Odes, Epistles

a.k.a.Quintus Horatius Flaccus
life65 BC-8 BC

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

poet aka Lord Tennyson, writer of Ulysses, Timbuktu, playwright of The Foresters, Becket, politician in the UK House of Lords
1809-1892 (83)

Algernon Charles Swinburne

playwright, poet aka Algernon Charles Swinburne, novelist, literary critic
1837-1909 (72)

Arthur Rimbaud

Poet, pioneer in surrealism, modern literature, transgressive surrealist themes
1854-1891 (37)


Writer, poet, Renaissance humanist

Charles Bukowski

poet, writer, novelist
1920-1994 (74)

Charles Williams

Poet, novelist, writer, playwright, theologian, literary critic, author of Descent into Hell, member of the Inklings
1886-1945 (59)

Geoffrey Chaucer

Middle English story writer, father of English literature, considered the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages, author of The Canterbury Tales in 1400

Christina Rossetti

Victorian poet

Dante Alighieri

Poet, writer of Divine Comedy, Purgatorio, Paradiso, known for Dante's Inferno about the torture of the Knights Templars in 1308

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Poet, illustrator, painter

Dylan Thomas

poet, writer, poems, his granddaughter Hannah Ellis runs his website

Edmund Spenser

Tudor dynasty poet, author of The Faerie Queene (1590), Amoretti (1595), Epithalamion (1595), Prothalmion, Britomart

Edward Thomas

poet, essayist, novelist
1878-1917 (39)

E.E. Cummings

Poet, writer

Elizabeth Bishop

Poet, short-story writer, consultant for the Library of Congress in 1949-1950
1911-1979 (68)

Friedrich Schiller

German literary, poet, writer of dramas; The Robbers, Maria Stuart, Wallenstein
1759-1805 (46)

George Herbert

Poet, aristocrat, orator, lyricist, priest at the Church of England, author of The Temple in 1633
1593-1633 (40)

Gérard Louis-Dreyfus

Billionaire, businessman, chairman of Louis Dreyfus Energy Services, great grandson of the LDC founder Léopold Louis-Dreyfus, poet, chairman of the Poetry Society of America from 1998-2008, his daughter is Seinfeld actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus
1932-2016 (84)

Guy Boulianne living

Poet, writer of The Fanciful Prince
1962- (63)

Han Yu

Poet aka Hanyu, prose writer in the Tang dynasty

Hermann Hesse

Poet, writer, novelist, author of Demian in 1919, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, painter
1877-1962 (85)


Poet, didactic poetry, philosopher on the origins of Greek gods, author of Theogony in 700 BC, Works and Days
750 BC-650 BC


Greek Hellenistic poet, Homeric epics are poems such as the Iliad (aka the Eliad, Iliás), The Odyssey, philosopher in the Bronze Ages
800 BCE-701 BCE

John Dewey

Educator, teacher, writer, philosopher, pioneer in pragmatism, socialist, psychologist, pedagogical theories, father of progressive education in the United States, modern schools, known for the Dewey decimal system, president of the Fabian Socialist League for Industrial Democracy (LID)
1859-1952 (93)

John Donne

Poet, scholar, educator, Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral

John Lehmann

Poet, writer, journalist, owner of John Lehmann Limited, owner of New Writing and The London Magazine
1907-1987 (80)

John Milton

Poet, writer about Satan, author, civil servant, pioneer in Areopagitica poetry, poem by the name of Paradise Lost in 1645-1667
1608-1674 (66)

George Gordon, Lord Byron

Poet, romantic writer, long poems such as Don Juan
1788-1824 (36)

Nguyễn Sĩ Cố

1230-1312 (82)

Oliver Wendell Holmes

poet, writer of "The Breakfast Table" which started as The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, member of the fireside poets (household poets), humorist, medical researcher, doctor, physician, pioneer in sterilization and washing hands before childbirth, polymath
1809-1894 (85)


Greco Roman poet who was exiled from the Roman empire, didactic poetry writer of Metamorphoses, "Ars Amatoria" (Art of Love) in 2 AD, Amores, Heroides
43 BCE-17 AD

Paul Verlaine

Poet in the Symbolist movement, writer, pioneer in symbolism
1844-1896 (52)

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Poet, The Masque of Anarchy

Francesco Petrarch

poet, historian, scholar, author of De Sui Ipsius et Multorum Ignorantia in 1367

Philip Sidney

Poet, poetry sonnets, courtier, scholar

Phocylides living

560 BC-

Renée Vivien

Poet, author of Faustina and Other Stories with her lover Hélène van Zuylen

Robert Bly

poet, essayist, political activist, pioneer of the mythopoetic men's movement
1926-2021 (95)

Rudyard Kipling

Victorian poet, short stories, poems, novelist of Jungle Book, journalist, short-story writer, author of The Man Who Would Be King, fascist of the Running Cross
1865-1936 (71)


Sufi mystic, poet, theologian
1207-1273 (66)

Snorri Sturluson

Historian, poet, author of the Prose Edda and the Heimskringla, wrote about Ragnarok
1179-1241 (62)

Steinn Steinarr

1908-1958 (50)

Stéphane Mallarmé

Poet, writer, pioneer in modernism
1842-1898 (56)

T.S. Eliot

poet of apathy and despair, playwright, essayist, postmodernist writer, literary critic, editor, publisher, author of The Hollow Men (1925)
1888-1965 (77)

Victor Hugo

Poet, writer, novelist
1802-1885 (83)


Poet in the iron age and golden age, author of The Aeneid (annuit cœptis) in 19 BCE, Virgil's Fourth Eclogue (Eclogue 4) in 40 BCE where he coined the phrase "novus ordo seclorum" (that's on the US dollar bill)
70 BC-19 BC

Vladimir Nabokov

Entomologist, novelist, writer, poet, author, translator
1899-1977 (78)

William Blake

Poet, radical Christian writer, dark Satanic Mills

William Ellery Channing

Poet, transcendentalist, universalist, unitarian, theologian

William James

Educator, known as the father of American psychology, first teacher of psychology in the United States, psychologist, philosopher, historian
1842-1910 (68)

William Jones

Linguist, poet aka Orientalist Jones, lawyer, attorney
1746-1794 (48)

Ze'ev Jabotinsky

Zionist revisionist, journalist aka Altalena, poet, orator, founder of Jewish Self-Defense Organization
1880-1940 (60)

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