Albert Szent-Györgyi
Biochemist, pioneer in plant juices delaying oxidation prevent scurvy, discovery of ascorbic acid, isolated in 1928 for the discovery of vitamin C in citrus fruits in 1932, Nobel Prize winner for medicine in 1937
André Hoffmann
Billionaire businessman, chairman Massellaz, vice-chairman of Roche, heir to Roche family dynasty, environmentalist
Carl C. Pfeiffer, M.D., Ph.D.
Biochemist, physician, neurobiology researcher of schizophrenia, allergies
Chaim A. Weizmann
1st President of Israel from 1949-1952, president of the World Zionist Organization, Zionist leader, biochemist, founder of the Weizmann Institute of Science in 1934
1874-1952 (78)
Charles M. Lieber
Harvard professor, nanochemist, nanosciences, nanotechnology specialist, founder of Nanosys, leader of the Lieber Research Group, found guilty and convicted of bribery from Chinese nationals
Emil Fischer
Chemist, pioneer of the Fischer esterification, Fischer projection
1852-1919 (67)
Ernest Solvay
industrial chemist, inventor of the ammonia-soda process (sodium carbonate) for glass and soaps, House of Solvay
1838-1922 (84)
Eva Braun
Socialite, wife of Adolf Hitler, animal lover, dogs
1912-1945 (33)
Feng Zhang living
Biochemist, neuroscience, microbiologist, working on CRISPR genome editing tools, optogenetics, genome engineering, molecular diagnostics
1981- (44)
F.G. Hopkins
Biochemist, inventor, discovered vitamins in particular Vitamin D
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Businessman, founder of Hoffmann, Traub & Co. and then F. Hoffmann-LaRoche & Co. (Roche Holding AG) pharmaceuticals in 1896
1868-1920 (52)
Har Gobind Khorana
Biochemist, microbiologist, genomics, Interpretation of the genetic code
1922-2011 (89)
Irwin Stone, Ph.D.
Biochemist, hypoascorbemia, megadoses of Vitamin C ascorbate
James (JLM) Smithson
Chemist aka JLM Smithson, geologist, mineralogist, publisher for the Royal Society and namesake founder of the Smithsonian museums (or Smithsonian Institution) with a gift of 100,000 gold sovereigns (about $5 each) to the Philadelphia mint in a charitable trust, which is now the largest of all educational museums in the world
1765-1829 (64)
Jeffrey Epstein
Wall Street financier at Bear Stearns, advisor to Leslie Wexner (Limited Brands) from 1986-1991, owner of the 1953 Trust, banker, mathematician, math teacher, con artist, convicted for sex trafficking ring known as Little St James Island aka Pedo Island (Epstein Island), arrested for running a sex blackmail ring and jailed before being strangled to death in prison (or "died by suicide"), Mossad intelligence officer, jet owner of the Lolita Express
1953-2019 (66)
Dr. Jennifer Doudna living
Biochemist, co-inventor known for pioneering work in CRISPR gene editing, Nobel Prize in Chemistry
1964- (61)
Joseph (J.J.) Lawrence
Chemist, inventor of Listerine mouthwash formula in 1879 inspired by the work of Joseph Lister
Joseph Lister
Surgeon, chemist, inventor, pioneer in antiseptics using carbolic acid, discovery of phenol, promoted sterilization of surgical instruments
Karl Meyer
Biochemist, classified enzyme hyaluronidase aka Hylase Dessau in 1971
Lammot du Pont
Chemist, prominent member of the DuPont family dynasty, grandson of Éleuthère Irénée (E.I.) du Pont
1831-1884 (53)
Linda Rottenberg
founder & CEO of Endeavor Global (1997), venture capitalist aka La Chica Loca, entreprenur, crypto investor, co-founder and CEO of Endeavor Catalyst LP Funds, author of Crazy Is a Compliment, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Maja Hoffmann living
Art collector, billionaire businesswoman, great granddaughter of Roche pharmaceuticals dynasty, documentary filmmaker, film producer
1956- (69)
Chemist, scientist, inventor of Periodic Law, pioneer in the periodic table of elements
Dr. Otto Warburg
Scientist, physiologist, author of Understand Cancer, chemist known for Warburg's tincture of quinine for malaria cures, pioneer of the Warburg effect in plant physiology and oncology, Warburg hypothesis for the pathogenesis (root cause) of cancer
1883-1970 (87)
Alchemist, discovery of zinc, hydrogen, nitrogen and toxicology, physician, pioneer in medical ethics, theologian, philosopher in the German Renaissance known as the Swiss Hermes
1493-1541 (48)
Paul J. Cruzen
Meteorologist studying the decomposition of ozone layer, aersols, atmospheric chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995
1933-2021 (88)
Dr. Roger J. Williams, Ph.D.
Biochemist, pioneer in vitamins, Genetotrophic disease, human nutrionist, NutriCircles, scientific discovery of vitamin B6, folic acid, avidin, pantothenic acid, lipoic acid
1893-1988 (95)
Dr. Sidney Gottlieb
Chemist aka Joseph Scheider, LSD experiments with CIA agents for MK-Ultra, TSS, CIA intelligence officer, Nazi of Operation Paperclip
Vera Michalski
Publisher, philanthropist, billionaire heiress to Roche pharmaceuticals dynasty