George Miller

cognitive psychologist

Alfred Adler


Alfred Kinsey

Sex psychologist, sexologist, biologist, professor of entomology and zoology, author of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, pioneer of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
1894-1956 (62)

Axel Munthe

Psychiatrist, multi-lingual psychologist, physician, doctor, author of The Story of San Michele

Bert Cohler

Professor, psychologist, psychoanalyst
1938-2012 (74)

Bert Hellinger

Psychotherapist of Systemic/Family Constellation in 1978, pioneer of black sheep theory and the representative phenomenon
1925-2019 (94)

B.F. Skinner

Psychologist, operational conditioning, operant conditioning known for the Skinner Box

Carl Jung

Psychologist, psychoanalyst, author of Synchronicity, The Black Books, pioneer in thoughts on the midlife crisis, confrontation with the unconscious, archetypes, central archetype of the self, religious and mythical symbology, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality tests, known for parasitic literature of Jung Codex gnostic texts

Cass R. Sunstein living

Psychologist, economist, legal scholar, pioneer in mind control and full spectrum dominance, behavioral economics, author of The World According to Star Wars, How Change Happens, Conformity, Too Much Information, co-author of Nudge, Noise
1954- (71)

Chester M. Pierce

Psychiatrist, pioneer of the term microagressions, author of Basic Psychiatry, professor of psychiatry and education at Harvard Medical School, consultant for Sesame Street
1927-2016 (89)

Daniel Kahneman

psychologist, pioneer in hedonism, behavioral ecnomics and cognitive biases of entrepreneurs, author of Thinking Fast and Slow, Noise A Flaw in Human Judgement, Attention and Effort
1934-2024 (90)

Dr. David Buss living

psychologist aka Dr Bus, pioneer in evolutionary psychology, professor of psycology at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) known for sexual strategies theory, strategic interference, error management, homicide adaptation
1953- (72)

David Premack

psychologist, the Premack principle

Dr. Cameron

Psychotherapist for MK-Ultra (mostly unethical experiments), pioneer of mind control, brainwashing techniques, psychological manipulations

Dr. Phil

TV host, psychologist, economist, author

Edward L. Bernays

creative marketer who staged a political stunt for womens liberation where in fashionable ladies were smoking Torches of Freedom, social manipulator, brainwasher, propagandist, pioneer in greedy advertising and self-gratification, father of public relations aka Eddie Bernays, Ed Bernays, psychologist, author of Propaganda, Engineering of Consent, Crystallizing Public Opinion, nephew of Sigmund Freud the grandfather of psychoanalysis

Edward Edinger

Psychologist, ego archetypes, mandalas

Edward K. Strong, Jr.

psychologist, professor of applied psychology at Stanford University, author of The Psychology of Selling and Advertising
1884-1963 (79)

Edward L. Thorndike

Psychologist, educational psychology, connectionism
1874-1949 (75)

Eric Neumann


Erich Fromm

psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher aka Eric Fromm, democratic socialist, author of The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973), The Art of Loving (1958), Escape from Freedom (1941) and To Have or to Be? (1976)
1900-1980 (80)

Erik Erikson

Psychologist, psychoanalyst, phrase identity crisis, midlfife crisis, psychological development of human beings
1902-1994 (92)

Ernest Dichter

Psychologist, created the focus group, a study in behavioral marketing

Ernest Overton

Social psychologist, anesthesia


Faustian bargain or selling your soul to the devil

Felix Guattari

psychoanalyst, pioneer in accelerationism and deterritorialization

Sigmund Freud

neurologist, father of psychoanalysis, pioneer of the id (ego) in 1923, scientist, psychoanalyst, puppet lectures, hypnosis, cocaine, psychologist, pioneer in psychoanalysis a treatment for psychopathology, philosopher, husband to Martha Bernays

Fyodor Dostoevsky

revolutionary psychologist studying dictatorships, pioneer in empathy and intelligence, novelist, author of Demons (1872), Crime and Punishment (1886), The Idiot, White Nights, The Brothers Karamazov, Notes from Underground
1821-1881 (60)

George Santayana

Psychologist, pioneer in pragmatism

Graham Wallas

Fabian socialist aka Graham Wallace, psychologist, leader of the Fabian Society, pioneer in social psychology, educator, economist, co-founder of the London School of Economics, author of The Great Society in 1914 that created the plan for American socialism by LBJ (similar to JFK's New Frontier)
1858-1932 (74)

Magnus Hirschfeld

psychoanalyst, psychologist, sex educator, pervert, pioneer in transexualism, founder of the Insitute for Sexual Science, World League for Sexual Reform (1921), his books were burnt by the brown shirts

Holger Hydén

Neuroscientist, psychologist, pioneer in mind control and the biochemistry of memory in the brain

James Braid

Hypnotism or mesmerism from animal magnetism in 1843, mesmerism, psychologist, pioneer of techniques for hynotic induction or being mesmerization, mesmerising, mesmerized
1734-1815 (81)

Jean Piaget

Clinical psychologist, epistemologist, pioneer in cognitive development, genetics, epistemology
1896-1980 (84)

John Gottman

psychologist, relationship researcher, author of the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

John Rawlings (J.R.) Rees

Military psychiatrist aka Jack Rees, JR Rees, pyschologist, founder of the Tavistock Institute, author of The Shaping of Psychiatry by War, head of the British Army Psychological Warfare Bureau
1890-1969 (79)

Jordan B. Peterson living

clinical psychologist, creator of the Future Authoring Program, self-help guru, founder of Peterson Academy, educator, pioneer in nihilism, technical accreditations, former professor at the University of Toronto, political commentator, politics, his audience is mostly angry white men he refers to as the troubled Kek boys
1962- (63)

Joseph Goebbels

Nazi propaganda minister for the German Reich from 1933-1945, psychologist, marketing communications
1897-1945 (48)

Josiah Royce

Psychologist, pioneer in pragmatism

Kai Erikson

Sociologist, psychologist

Dr. Kurt Lewin

Social psychologist
1890-1947 (57)

Jacques Lacan

Psychoanalyst, psychologist, psychiatrist, philosopher
1901-1981 (80)

Louis Jolyon West

Psychiatrist aka Jolly West, psychologist, Project Monarch linked to CIA's MK-Ultra trauma-based mind control experiments for creating multiple personalities, schizophrenia or bi-polar disorders (amnesia walls similar to PTSD)

Marcello Truzzi

Psychologist, pseudoskeptics, pseudoskepticism

Mary Trump

Psychologist, author of Too Much and Never Enough, exposed the Trump family, niece of Donald Trump

Abraham Maslow

Psychologist, Maslows hierarchy of needs, self-actualization, MK Ultra, learned helplessness, arrested development
1908-1970 (62)

Mattias Desmet

Psychologist, psychotherapeutics, psychoanalytics, pioneer of mass formation psychosis, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Dr. Maxwell Maltz

plastic surgeon, psychologist, pioneer in self-discovery, negative subconscious beliefs, mental movies and the phrase "theatre of the mind", author of Psycho-Cybernetics (1960)

Melanie Klein

Psychoanalyst, psychologist, pioneer in psychoanalysis

Michael Levenson

psychologist, associate professor, creator of the Psychopathy Spectrum Test, or the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP scales), pioneer in the discovery of psychopaths

Portia Catonis

wife of Brutus, descendant of pig farmers, first female stoic aka Porcia of Cato

Ricardo Duchesne

Historian of Western civilization, sociologist, pioneer in multiculturalism, author of Canada in Decay

Robert Cialdini living

psychologist, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuassion
1945- (80)

Robert Hare

psychologist who studied psychopaths and video recordings, pioneer in psychopathy

Robert Waldinger

psychiatrist, psychologist, author of The Good Life, co-director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development (the Grant Study)

Rollo May

psychologist, author, pioneer in existentialism (or of an existential crisis)


Rorschach testing of inkblots, psychologist, Dana, Beck, Polotrowski

Scott Fraser

forensic psychologist, pioneer in reconstructed memories

Solomon Asch

Social psychologist, pioneer of the Asch experiments (Asch paradigm) for group conformity experiments, group dynamics, peer pressure
1907-1996 (89)

G. Stanley Hall

Psychologist, educational psychology, modern psychology, bells and whistles

Steven Pinker

Scientist, psychologist

Stuart Wilde

New Age writer, psychologist, sharing the secrets to rapid manifestations, author of Miracles, Silent Power, The Trick to Money is Having Some!, The Force, Infinite Self, The Little Money Bible
1946-2013 (67)

Timothy Leary

Psychologist, writer on the Age of Aquarius and the Summer of Love, pioneer in LSD and other psychedelic drugs, futurist

John B. Watson

Psychologist, school of psychology, scientific theory of behaviorism
1878-1958 (80)

Werner Erhard

Psychologist, life coaching, trainer with Holt, Rinehart and Winston, founder of Est (Erhard Seminars Training)

Wilhelm Reich

psychoanalyst who coined the term sexual revolution, neuroscientist, psychologist, pioneer in sexual liberation, medical doctor, physician, author of Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf / Sexuality in the Struggle for Culture (1936), The Function of the Orgasm (1927), and The Mass Psychology of Fascism
1897-1957 (60)

Wilhelm Wundt

Psychologist, founder of structural psychology, experimental psychology, educational psychology, modern psychology, bells and whistles, lobotomies, electric shock treatments

William James

Educator, known as the father of American psychology, first teacher of psychology in the United States, psychologist, philosopher, historian
1842-1910 (68)

William G. Perry, Jr.

Educational psychologist, dualism, multiplicity, relativism, commitment

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