Galileo Galilei

Observational astronomer aka Galileo Galilei, heliocentric model (assuming the sun is at the center of it all), mathematician, polymath, inventor of the telescope, hydrostatic balance, pioneer in isochronism (pendulums), Principle of Relativity, physicist, science philosopher during the period of Renaissance, author of Two New Sciences in 1632, jury trial in 1633

a.k.a.Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei, Galileo Galilei
life1562-1642 (80)
school(s)University of Pisa

Annie Jump Cannon

Astronomer, classification of stars

Antony Hewish

Astronomer, Nobel Prize in Physics, discovery of a supernova star that exploded in the year 4,000 BC

Aristarchus of Samos

scientist, inventor, astronomer, pioneer in heliocentrism or the heliocentric model of the universe (where the sun is at the center of it all)
310 BC-230 BC

Carl Sagan

Astronomer, cosmologist, pioneer in cosmology and civilizations, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, planetary scientist, author

Caroline Herschel

Real life Cinderella story, world's first paid woman astronomer, discovery of comets for King George III, sister of William Herschel
1750-1848 (98)

Christoph Scheiner

Jesuit priest, argued with Galileo over heliocentric Earth model

Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria

Astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, cartographer, inventor of Geography, diplomat, pioneer of the Ptolemaic system (Primum Mobile) or the Geocentric model of the universe (where the Earth is at the center of the Universe), author of Geographike hyphegesis ("Geography") in 150 AD
100 AD-186 AD

Nicolaus Copernicus

Astronomer, astrologer, polymath, pioneer of the quantity theory of money (price-to-money supply), Earth and planets orbit the Sun, pioneer of the Heliocentric model (Narratio prima) of the universe in 1541 during the Renaissance period, discovered solar system in 1540, author of De Revolutionibus (On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres) in 1543
1473-1543 (70)

David W. Hughes

Astronomer, researcher of asteroids, comets, meteorites, meteoroids

Edwin Hubble

Astronomer, discover of 1373 Cincinnati constellation, astronomy, pioneer of the Hubble sequence, inventor of the Hubble Telescope

Fabiola Gianotti

Director General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

Francis Andrews


Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam

Painter, writer, translator of the King James Bible, author of New Atlantis, rumored pen name (or ghost writer) of William Shakespeare, freemasonry, Freemasonic Order, Rosicrucians, attorney general, Lord Chancellor of England
1561-1626 (65)

George Airy

Astronomer, telescope experiment, flat earther

Hans Lippershey

Spectacles, optics, optical lenses, patents holder, inventor of the telescope in 1608
1570-1619 (49)

Henry S. Pritchett

Astronomer, superintendent of the US Coast and Geodetic Survey, educator, 1st president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT)
1857-1939 (82)

Hipparchus of Nicaea/Bithynia

Astronomer, discovery of precession of the equinoxes, geographer, mathematician, inventor of trigonometry, author of On Sizes and Distances
190 BC-120 BC

John Herschel

Astronomer of the Julian calendar day system, pioneer in astronomy, polymath, mathematician, chemist, inventor of the blueprint, photographer, botanist
1792-1871 (79)

Johannes Kepler

Astronomer, mathematician, astrologer, natural philosopher, inventor, pioneer in the laws of planetary motion, paved the way for modern satellites in orbit


Italian Renaissance sculptor aka Michaelangelo, architect, painter, The Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel ceiling, the David sculpture, Pietà, worked for Pope Julius II in Rome
1475-1564 (89)

Isaac Newton

Scientist, physicist, president of The Royal Society in 1710, inventor of gravity, Three Laws of Motion, Newtons Law of Gravitation, collaborated with Galileo Galilei, Physicist, Law of Gravitation, mathematician, philosopher, preceded Einstein and Max Planck's theories of modern physics

Paolo Sarpi

Servite monk, Protestant inventor, helped construct Galileo's telescope

Patrick Moore (astronomer)

TV presenter, writer, researcher, Royal Air Force (RAF) pilot, amateur astronomer, president of the British Astronomical Association, co-founder of the Society for Popular Astronomy

Pier Luigi Ighina

Astronomer, electromagnetism researcher, flat earther

R.A. Millikan

Scientist, inventor, discovery of Cosmic Rays

Ridotto Morosini

Renaissance socialite, inventor of salons in 1570 where free-thinking intellectuals gathered in enlightenment (Philosophes l’esprit libertin), kept Galileo safe against the Inquisition

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Jesuit scholar aka Doctor of the Church, futurist with the Council of Trent (for Venetian intelligence) and integral to the Catholic Counter-Reformation, theologian, Cardinal priest of the Catholic church ordained in 1570
1542-1621 (79)

Tycho Brahe

Astronomer, astrologer, alchemist, mathematician, aristocrat, landowner of Hven with Uraniborg castle (of Heavens) and Stjerniborg castle (of Stars) research labs, pioneer of a hybrid geocentric-heliocentric model, discovery of supernovas and comets
1546-1601 (55)

William Herschel

Astronomer, musician, pioneer in telescopes, discovery of the planet Uranus and the constellation Gemini in 1781
1738-1822 (84)

William Rowan Hamilton

Andrews professor of Astronomy at Trinity College Dublin, mathematician

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