G. Edward Griffin
Author of The Creature from Jekyll Island (about the creation of the Federal Reserve), writer, filmmaker, conspiracy researcher, NWO whistleblower

Dr. Alan Sabrowsky
CIA whistleblower, in 2010 claimed "100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation"
Alan Watt living
screenwriter for Out There TV, lecturer, podcaster on Cutting Through the Matrix, CIA whistleblower
1965- (60)
Andrew Huff
Statistician, mathematician, CIA whistleblower, author of The Truth about Wuhan
Benjamin H. Freedman
Political activist, businessman, Holocaust whistleblower, healthcare investor, businessman, Catholic anti-Zionist, author of Facts Are Facts
1890-1984 (94)
Bill Cooper
Conspiracy researcher, radio broadcaster, writer, author of Behold a Pale Horse, NWO whistleblower, UFOs, aliens, murdered by gunshot
1943-2001 (58)
Bill Deagle
Environmental doctor, biochemist, environmentalist, climate change whistleblower
Bill Still
Libertarian, Federal Reserve whistleblower, financial activist, documentary filmmaker of The Secret of Oz, Jekyll Island
Brendon O'Connell living
documentary filmmaker, streamer, whistleblower, podcaster, TV presenter
1970- (55)
Călin Georgescu living
UN whistleblower, environmentalist, sustainable development specialist, former director of the United Nations, president of the Club of Rome for Europe, executive director of Global Sustainable Index Institute in Geneva/Vaduz
1962- (63)
Dr. Carroll Quigley
professor of history at Princeton University, historian, Anglophile whisleblower, author of The Anglo-American Establishment, Tragedy and Hope
Charlotte Iserbyt
Skull and Bones whistleblower, CIA whistleblower, exposed the Bilderbergers, freelance writer, former US senior policy advisor to the U.S. Department of Education, author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
1930-2022 (92)
Christina DeSantis
Coutts banking whistleblower, sister of Florida governor Ron DeSantis, died of sudden illness
1985-2015 (30)
Christopher Sign
News reporter, whistleblower, author of Secret on the Tarmac, dies of apparent suicide after receiving many death threats
Christopher Story
Writer, publisher, government advisor, intelligence officer, freemasonry whistleblower, author of The New Underworld Order, The European Union Collective
1938-2010 (72)
David Cole
Auschwitz revisionist, documentary filmmaker, Holocaust whistleblower, atheist
Dr. David Halpin
Pathologist, doctor, physician, journalist, writer, COVID whistleblower
David Irving
Historian, war history, Auschwitz Holocaust whistleblower, author of The Destruction of Dresden, Hitler's War, Churchill's War, Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich
Dr. David Ray Griffin
Minister for the Disciples of Christ Church, professor in religion, ontology, epistemology, process theology, theologian, philosopher, author, 911 whistleblower, conspiracy researcher, author of The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11
1939-2022 (83)
Douglas Valentine
Historian, author, CIA whistleblower
Edward Snowden living
CIA whistleblower aka Ed Snowden, computer scientist, techie, programmer, NSA whistleblower, former National Security Agency (NSA) agent, became a Russian citizen in 2022
1983- (42)
Emily Rainey
Army officer, army captain, military veteran, whistleblower on false flags, psychologist
Harry Markopolos living
Forensic accountant, stock trader, investigator of financial frauds, whistleblower who called out Bernie Madoff and the Enron ponzi schemes
1956- (69)
Jack Maxey
Researcher, former co-host of Steve Bannon's War Room, whistleblower, exposed Hunter Biden's laptop
James H. Fetzer
Professor, 911 whistleblower, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Sandy Hook conspiracy researcher, author of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
John Magufuli
5th President of Tanzania from 2015-2021, COVID whistleblower aka John Mogofuli, died after exposing the faulty PCR tests
1959-2021 (62)
John Stockwell
Vietnam whistleblower for the Golden Triangle, heroin, opium, narcotics, CIA intelligence officer for the Angolan Civil War, CIA whistleblower on the United Fruit Company and the overthrow of the Guatamalan federal government for a banana republic
Jordan Maxwell
Western esotericism, conspiracy researcher, CIA whistleblower, ancient religions, owner of Momentum Developments, author of the Matrix of Power
1940-2022 (82)
Kay Griggs
Scottish historian, CIA whistleblower, wife of General George Griggs
Krista Ford
Lingerie model, fitness junkie, former captain of Toronto Triumph in the Lingerie Football League, COVID whistleblower, activist, religious Christian
Michael C. Ruppert
investigative journalist, peak oil whistleblower, writer, author of Crossing The Rubicon, documentary filmmaker of Collapse, political activist, 911 whistleblower, NWO whistleblower
1951-2014 (63)
Myron C. Fagan
NWO whistleblower, anti-communist, conspiracy researcher, theatre producer, filmmaker, radio broadcaster of the Illuminati 3-volume audio series
1887-10-3-1972 (85)
Nelson Rockefeller
Banker, financier, investor, politician, VP under Gerald Ford, head of the National Monetary Commission which met at Jekyll Island to form the US Federal Reserve Bank, pioneer of the Green Revolution in agribusiness, event coordinator for Woodstock Festival, attended the first inaugural United Nations meeting
Nicholas Kollerstrom living
Holocaust whistleblower, activist, science professor
1946- (79)
Noreen Gosch
FBI whistleblower, her son was kidnapped, author of Why Johnny Can't Come Home
Patrick M. Wood
NWO whistleblower, author of Technocracy Rising, co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington
Dr. Rashid Buttar
Doctor, physician, COVID whistleblower, conspiracy researcher
1966-2023 (57)
Reality Winner living
NSA whistleblower, imprisoned former Pluribus employee
1991- (34)
Ryan Dawson
Conspiracy researcher, 911 whistleblower, political commentator, politics, historian, whistleblower, activist, author of Separation of Business and State, founder of the Anti-Neocon (ANC Report), documentary filmmaker of Decades of Deception
Santos Bonacci living
Educator in syncretism, astrotheology, whistleblower, yogi, musician
1963- (62)
Sean Stone
Film producer, documentary filmmaker, whistleblower, son of Oliver Stone
Tom Sullivan
911 whistleblower, explosives loader expert was working at Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI)
Vernon Coleman
doctor, physician, COVID whistleblower
Webster Tarpley
Biography writer, political activist, 911 whistleblower, author of The Venetian Conspiracy (Against Oligarchy)
Westbrook Pegler
CIA whistleblower, exposed the Bilderberg Group in 1957
1894-1969 (75)
WIlliam Guy Carr
Freemasonry whistleblower, author of Pawns in the Game, Red Fog Over America, Satan Prince of this World
Willis Carto
Jeffersonian political activist, populist, nationalist, conspiracy researcher, whistleblower
1926-2015 (89)
Yuri Bezmenov
KGB whistleblower aka Tomas Schuman, USSR Soviet defector in 1970, pioneer in active measures of idealogical subversion or psychological warfare, PGU KGB informant who worked as a journalist for CBC in Canada and formerly with Novosti Press Agency, author of Love Letter to America in 1985
1939-1993 (54)
Zev Zelenko
Family physician, doctor, COVID whistleblower, political activist, known for the Zelenko Protocol (hydroxychloroquine, zinc sulphate, azithromycin) aka "Z-Stack Life"
1973-2022 (49)