Christian Drosten

Virologist, inventor of the modern real-time PCR (RT-PCR) diagnostic test

Dan Stetson

Immunologist, innate immunity

Dolores Cahill

Immunologist, PhD in immunology, spent 8 years at Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

John F. Enders

Biomedical scientist, virologist, microbiologist, pioneer in physiology and medicine, known as the father of moder
1897-1985 (88)

Kary Mullis

Virologist, biochemist, astrophysicist, farmer, inventor of the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing
1944-2019 (75)

Marc Van Ranst

Virologist, influenza commissioner for Belgium

Louis Pasteur

Microbiologist, chemist, virologist, immunologist, father of germ theory, pioneer in vaccinations for the treatment of rabies, cure of hydrophobia, fermentation and pasteurization

Ralph S. Baric, PhD living

1954- (70)

Dr. Rick Bright living

1966- (58)

Robert Malone

Virologist, immunologist, pioneer in mRN

Shi Zhengli living

Virologist, coronaviruses, COVID
1964- (60)

Stefan Lanka

Virologist, microbiologist

Thomas Milton Rivers

virologist, bacteriologist, microbiologist, father of modern virology
1888-1962 (74)

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