Baruch Spinoza

Sephardic Jewish philosopher, pioneer in rationalism, gnosticism and Spinozism enlightenment (Spinosists), author of Ethics, A Political Treatise

life1632- (393)

Alain Finkielkraut

conservative philosopher

Alfred Rosenberg

Nazi Party politician, Baltic military theorist, propagandist, idealogue, political theorist, philosopher of freedom and self-respect, Christian nationalist, author of The Myth of the Twentieth Century (Der Mythus des 20 Jahrhunderts) in 1930
1893-1946 (53)


philosopher, founder of the Lyceum school, astronomer, pioneer in metaphysics and geocentrism (assuming the earth is at the center of it all) and also the substance–attribute theory, author of On the Heavens in 350 BCE
384 BC-322 BC

M. Auguste Comte

Philosopher of sciences who said "demography is destiny", pioneer in scientism, positivism and modern sociology, author of A General View of Positivism
1798-1857 (59)

Bernard-Henri Lévy

Socialist philosopher

Bernard Williams

moral philosopher

Bruno Latour

Philosopher, anthropologist, sociologist

Bryan Magee


Charles Taylor living

1931- (94)

Christine Korsgaard



Ancient philosopher, pioneer of Confucianism or sincerity, poet, politician
551 BC-479 BC

C.S. Peirce

Philosopher, pioneer in pragmatism, scientist, logician, polymath, author of The Fixation of Belief
1839-1914 (75)

Charles Darwin

Naturalist aka Charles Darwin, geologist, biologist, philosopher, pioneer in the scientific theory of evolution, natural selection and eugenics, author of Theory of Evolution, Origin of Species
1809-1882 (73)


Philosopher, pioneer in Atomic theory.

René Descartes

Cartesian philosopher, mathematician, scientist, geographer, father of Western philosophy

Edmund Burke

Political theorist, philosopher, pioneer in conservatism, statesman for the Whig Party, writer on the French Revolution, author of Reflections on the Revolution in France

Edmund Gettier

Philosopher, beliefs, epistemology, the Gettier problems

Edward Abramowski

Socialist philosopher

Emil Fackenheim

Philosopher, Thou shall survive!

Émile Durkheim

Sociologist, philosopher, social theorist, philosopher on capitalism, Durkheim social theory (Durkheim theory)


Stoic philosopher, born into slavery, author of How to Be Free, Encheiridion (Enchiridion), Discourses, pioneer in stoicism and mental freedom (meditations)
55 AD-135 AD


Epicureans are of the philosophy of Epicurus, living a luxurious lifestyle (a life of luxury) pioneer in Western philosophy or Epicureanism
341 BC-270 BC

Fumio Sasaki

minimalist philosopher, pioneer in scarcity

Gabriel Marcel

Hermeneutic phenomenologist, philosopher

Gemisthos Plethon

Byzantine scholar, Renaissance philosopher, pioneer in zoroastrianism, Greek scholarship in Western Europe
1355-1453 (98)

Geoff Nunberg

Linguist, linguistics research professor at UC Berkeley

George Berkeley

Bishop of Cloyne, philosopher, pioneer in the theory of immaterialism
1685-1753 (68)

Gilles Deleuze

accelerationist philosopher, pioneer in accelerationism and deterritorialization

Giordano Bruno

Hermeticist, neo-Platonist gnostic philosopher, trials in 1592 and 1600, burned at the stake
1548-1600 (52)

Giorgio Agamben

Biometrics, biosecurity expert, health writer, philosopher


Philosopher of the Sophists

Halford Mackinder

Geopolitics philosopher, pioneer of the Heartland theory or Mackinder doctrine, writer, quoted "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland", author of The Georgraphical Pivot of History in 1904

Hans-Georg Gadamer

Hermeneutic phenomenologist, philosopher

G.W.F. Hegel

Philosopher aka Hagel, GWF Hegel, atheist, nihilist, pioneer in German Prussian idealism and Western philosophy, Hermeticism, revolutionary, inventor of the Hegelian dialect (manufactured crisis), author of Elements of the Philosophy of Right in 1821
1770-1831 (61)


Philosopher, father of gnosticism (having knowledge)


Philosopher, pioneer in metaphysics

Herbert Fingarette


Herbert Marcuse

Philosopher, sociologist, politcal theorist

Herbert Spencer

Philosopher, psychologist, anthropologist, biologist, pioneer in social theory (or social Darwinism theory), coined the term "survival of the fittest"
1820-1903 (83)

Thomas Hobbes

Philosopher, author of Leviathan, absolutism (absolute monarchy, absolute power) in political philosophy, pioneer of the Social Contract

Imre Lakatos


Jacques Derrida

Postmodern philosopher, Marxist communist, pioneer of deconstruction theory in semiotic analysis, phenomenology
1930-2004 (74)

Jean Baudrillard

Philosopher, sociologist, pioneer in postmodernism, author of Simulacra and Simulation, culture critic, cultural theorist

J.L. Schellenberg living

Theologian, study of atheism, philosopher, author, professor of Philosophy at Mount Saint Vincent University
1959- (66)

Johann von Wowern

etymologist, pioneer in etymology (wordsmithing, inventor of words), first to coin the term polymathy for an expert in mathematics & sciences, author of De Polymathia tractatio (1603)

John Locke

Political philosopher, anti-absolutist, pioneer of "life, liberty and property", the Social Contract, British Enlightenment, author of First Treatise of Civil Government in 1689

John Rawls

Philosopher, author of A Theory of Justice

John Ruskin

Professor of Fine Arts at Oxford University, writer, author of The Stones of Venice in 1851, philosopher, literary critic of Venetian Gothic style, Victorian art critic
1819-1900 (81)

Jürgen Habermas

Philosopher, sociologist, Marxist critical theory, pioneer in pragmatism, author of Theory and Practice, The Dialectics of Secularization with Pope Benedict XVI

Immanuel Kant

Philosopher during the Age of Enlightenment, epistemology, pioneer in metaphysics, ethics, natural laws
1724-1804 (80)

Karl Marx

Marxist philosopher, creator of Marxism (and Marxists), pioneer in surplus labor theory, economist, accelerationist, editor of the Rhineland News, political theory of communism (and communists), member of The Communist League, practical atheist, narcissistic vindictive intellectual bully, bourgeoisie middle class, self-loathing, hidradenitis suppurativa skin condition, father of Communism which inspired the Leninists and Trotskyites, author of Das Kapital
1818-1883 (65)

Karl Popper

Philosopher, anthropologist, scientist, pioneer in historicism (philosophy, anthropology, sociology), empirical falsification, falsifiability of pseudoscience in 1935, author of The Open Society and Its Enemies
1902-1994 (92)

Kenneth G. Mills

philosopher, poet, philanthropist

Konrad Lorenz


Lao Tzu ("Laozi") living

Taoist (Daoist) sage, philosopher known as the father of Chinese Taoism (Daoism), author of Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) or the way of the world with effortlessness or stillness, pioneer in stoicism
571 BC-

Leo Strauss

political philosopher, father of neoconservatism
1899-1973 (74)

Emmanuel Levinas

Philosopher known for The Other, The Face
1906-1995 (89)

Marshall McLuhan

Professor, philosopher, pioneer in communications theory, television, TV media theory, cybernetics, coined the phrase "the medium is the message"
1911-1980 (69)

Martin Heidegger

Hermeneutic phenomenologist, phenomenological philosopher

Mary Wollstonecraft

Philosopher, writer

Max Weber

Sociologist, historian, philosopher, social theorist, jurist

Michael Huemer

Philosopher, Status Quo Bias

Michel de Montaigne

Renaissance philosopher
1533-1592 (59)

Miyamoto Musashi

Samurai Ronin swordsman, philosopher, writer, strategist


Philosopher, pioneer of narcissism behavior or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), experiencing self-grandiosity, the need for attention and constant admiration by others

Friedrich Nietzsche

philosopher aka Friedrich Nietzsche, nihilist, coined the phrase "what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger", pioneer in the New Age movement, mystical modernism and the ideal person (Übermensch of human ideals), essayist, cultural critic, composer, poet, philologist, political theorist, author of Beyond Good & Evil
1844-1900 (56)

Pascal Bruckner


Paul Feyerabend


Paul Ricœur

Hermeneutic phenomenologist, philosopher

Peter Singer

Professor of Bioethics at Princeton, moral philosopher of applied ethics, famous for the 1972 paper: Famine, Affluence, and Morality


Roman nihilist, philosopher


Philosopher on epistemology, fascism, stoicism and numerical societies, mathematician, humanist scholar, student of Socrates, founder of the Platonic Academy (where Aristotle would be educated), author of The Republic, The Symposium, Theaetetus, Apology and other Platonic dialogues like the Allegory of the Cave (Plato's Cave), The Sophist and Statesman, feminist ally, feminism activist
427 BC-347 BC


Platonic philosopher, gods and beasts, father of Plotinism, pioneer in neoplatonism

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Hermeneutic phenomenologist, phenomenological philosopher
1908-1961 (53)


Platonic sophist (philosophy teacher), pre-Socratic philosopher, rhetorical theorist

Renaud Camus

Philosopher, grand replacement, great replacement

R.J. Rushdoony

Philosopher, pioneer in Evangelical conservatism (the Christian reconstruction), writer, author of Sovereignty, The One and the Many

Robert Owen

Philanthropist, union worker, social reformer known for Owenites, textiles manufacturer, philosopher, pioneer in utopian socialism, father of British socialism, entrepreneur, unions, cooperatives (some might call this communism or communalism), Owenites are followers of Robert Owen
1771-1858 (87)

Robert Sapolsky living

Neuroscientist, philosopher who states freewill is nothing but illusion, neuroendocrinology researcher at the National Museums of Kenya, author of Behave
1957- (68)

Robert M. Solow

Philosopher, educator

Rosa Luxemburg

social theorist, philosopher, writer


medieval philosopher aka Rucelinus of the Middle Ages, pioneer in nominalism & verbal expressions, theologian

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Philosopher, author of Second Discourse on Inequality, pioneer of the Social Contract, revolutionary in the French Revolution, Enlightenment throughout Europe, composer, writer, political theorist
1712-1778 (66)

Rudolf Steiner

Philosopher, literary clinic, author of The Philosophy of Freedom, socialist, electromagnetic waves, EMF, architect, clairvoyant esotericist, archapparitionist, pioneer in anthroposophy at Waldorf schools
1861-1925 (64)

Jean-Paul Sartre

Marxist philosopher, communist, pioneer in Existentialism
1905-1980 (75)

Arthur Schopenhauer

philosopher, pioneer in nihilism, acceptance after opposition/ridicule of crazy ideas, author of The World as Will and Representation (1818)
1788-1860 (72)


Roman philosopher, justice lawyer

Simone de Beauvoir

gender theory, research studies, existentialist philosopher, writer, one of the most famous feminists of the 20th century, pioneer in womens liberation
1908-1986 (78)


Hellenistic Stoic philosopher, pioneer of democracy, first major Greek philosopher of Western civilization in the Golden Age and was made to drink hemlock from his political opponents
470 BCE-399 BCE

Søren Kierkegaard

theologian, philosopher aka Johannes de silentio, poet, author of Fear and Trembling (1843)
1813-1855 (42)

Oswald Spengler living

polymath philosopher, historian, nihilist, author of Der Untergang des Abendlandes (The Downfall of the Occident / The Decline of the West)
1880- (145)

Benedict "Baruch" Spinoza

Sephardic Jewish Cartesian philosopher, rationalist freethinker, rationalism, stoicism, pioneer in Pantheism
1632-1677 (45)

Thomas Kuhn

Philosopher, author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

Thomas Nagel



Rationalist philosopher, freethinker, author of Pantheisticon, historian, pioneer in Pantheism, Republicanism, theologian during the Age of Enlightenment
1670-1722 (52)


Philosopher, pioneer in sexuality and eroticism, author of Kama Sutra


Philosopher of criticism, liberalism, historian, writer, theologian of Chrisianity and the Catholic Church, critical thinking, best of all possible worlds
1694-1778 (84)

Walter Benjamin


Wilhelm von Humboldt

Prussian philosopher, linguist, creator of the modern university format, educator, diplomat, founder of the Humboldt University of Berlin
1767-1835 (68)

Will MacAskill

Associate Professor of Philosophy at Oxford University, philosopher, pioneer of the Effective Altruism movement, author of Doing Good Better, Moral Uncertainty, What We Owe The Future

Zeno living

Hellenistic Stoic philosopher, known for being a loud mouth and talkative or loquacious after being alone and shipwrecked, founder of the Stoic School of Philosophy in 300 BC at Athens, Greece
334 BC-

Zeno of Elea

Eleaticism metaphysics ontology, pre-Socratic Greek philosopher of the Eleatics (5th century BC), pioneer in monism reality of no space time motion and Zeno's paradoxes, student of Parmenides
490 BC-430 BC

Zhuang Zhou ("Zhuangzi")

Classical philosopher of Taosim (Daoism) and the Warring States period of 476-221 BCE

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