Barney Barnato

Diamonds industrialist rival to Cecil Rhodes, diamond mining magnate, art collector, philanthropist, gold mining in South Africa aka The Randlords

a.k.a.Barnet Isaacs, Barney Barnato
spouse(s)Franny Bees

Alfred Beit

Conservative Party politician, industrialist, mining magnate aka The Randlords, co-financier of Rhodesia with Cecil Rhodes, Witwatersrand gold mining magnate, co-founder of De Beers diamonds in Kimberley, Rhodesia (South Africa), art collector, philanthropist
1853-1906 (53)

Cecil Rhodes

Prime Minister of Cape Colony (Transvaal Republic) from 1890-1896, statesman aka Colossus of Africa, co-founder of Rhodesia (modern day Zimbabwe and Zambia) with Sir Alfred Beit, industrialist, mining mogul, owner of De Beers diamond mines in South Africa, pioneer of the Rhodes scholarships at Oxford University, co-founder of the British South Africa Company, author of Confession of Faith
1853-1902 (49)

Ernest Oppenheimer

mining entrepreneur, diamonds industrialist aka The Randlords, founder of Anglo American in South Africa, gold and diamonds magnate who had a controlling interest in De Beers, financier, philanthropist, art collector
1880-1957 (77)

Geoffrey Wheatcroft

freelance journalist, author of The Randlords

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