Adriana Ross
Survivor, recruiter, accused of helping Ghislaine Maxwell, non-disclosure deal that never went to trial
Al Seckel
Scientologist, magician, art collector of optical illusions, con man, refugee's son, died off a cliff near his home in France
Alan Wade
CIA intelligence officer, former Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the CIA and in charge of the U.S. Total Information Awareness (TIA) surveillance project
EDM DJ, music producer known as the Beethoven of EDM music, one of the most influencial and Grammy-nominated young EDM music DJs tragically commited suicide in Muscat, Oman
The Barefoot Doctor
Taoism/Daoism spiritual teacher on BBC UK Style in 2003, yogi, author of Urban Warrior, journalist, writer, weekly columnist at The Observer
Bill Clinton living
42nd President of the United States from 1993-2001, politician, impeached in 1998 for sexual misconduct, monopoly capitalist who signed bills for NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals, or SDGs), motivational speaker, Rhodes scholar, author of My Life, Hard Choices
1946- (79)
Bill Hamilton
Founder of Inslaw Institute for Law and Social Research, creator of Prosecutors Management Information Systems (PROMIS) software, The Octopus
The Bloody Beetroots living
DJs, electronic duo, music producer
2006- (19)
Bob Iger living
media executive, dealmaker, chairman and CEO of Walt Disney since 2005, Disney+ businessman, director at Genies, bestselling author of The Ride of a Lifetime
1951- (74)
EDM DJ, music producer
Carl Djerassi
chemist, scientist, inventor of the oral contraception pill (or birth control pill) in 1951
Christine Maxwell living
Internet pioneer, entrepreneur, co-founder of Magellan search engine (sold to Excite) with her twin sister Isabel, founder of PROMIS software, Chiliad, co-founder and CEO of Techtonic Insight, director at Commtouch (Cyren), created the New Riders' Official Internet Directory
1950- (75)
DJ, music producer
David Cameron living
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010-2016
1966- (59)
DJ resident at The Palms Hotel and Casino, nightclub owner of LAX
1973-2009 (36)
Eileen Guggenheim
art curator, art collector, head of the New York Academy of Art
DJ, music producer
Frank Malina
rocket scientist, aerospace engineer, aeronautical engineer, painter, socialist, pioneer in jet propulsion, investigated by the FBI from 1942-1960, father of Roger Malina
1912-1981 (69)
Ghislaine Maxwell living
Mossad intelligence officer, socialite who speaks 4 languages, philanthropist at TerraMar oceanic research, submarine pilot, madame for Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking ring, convicted offender, her sister (Karine) died at 3, brother (Michael) died at 15
1961- (64)
Hannah Bronfman
venture capitalist, angel investor, DJ, music producer, boxing, fitness junkie
Heinrich Hertz
Hertz frequency or cycles per second, pioneer in electricity around electromagnetic waves, inventor of Electromagnetic Theory
Ian Maxwell
Political activist, co-founder of Combating Jihadist Terrorism
Ira Rosen
TV producer, writer for CBS News, 60 Minutes and Primetime
Isabel S. Maxwell living
President of Commtouch, Blue World Alliance, co-founder of Magellan search engine that sold to Excite in 1996, moved on to email business, former senior advisor to Grameen America, declared bankruptcy
1950- (75)
Jack Parsons
rocket scientist for the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), mechanical engineer, chemist, Thelemite occultist of dark arts and the goddess Scarlet Woman, died in an explosion at his house
1914-1952 (38)
Jamie Dimon
chairman & CEO of JPMorgan Chase since 2007, billionaire financier of Bank One Corporation (Banc One) merged with JPMorgan Chase in 2004, during the Wall Street 2008 meltdown bought out Bear Stearns
Jay Dyer
Author of Esoteric Hollywood, conspiracy researcher, comedian, TV presenter, TV host of Hollywood Decoded
John Lehman living
US Secretary of the Navy from 2003-2004, military veteran, member of the 9/11 Commission
1942- (83)
Kevin Maxwell
businessman, financier, acquitted of fraud charges related to his father Robert Maxwell
Laurene Powell-Jobs
Billionaire heiress, philanthropist, art collector, founder of Emerson Collective, widow of Steve Jobs who co-founded Apple, large stakeholder in Disney
Lesley Groff
Survivor, recruiter, accused of helping Ghislaine Maxwell, non-disclosure deal that never went to trial
Maria Farmer
Painter, visual artist, survivor, accuser in the Jeffrey Epstein case
Max Cohen
Lawyer, attorney for Ghislaine Maxwell, and now Sam Bankman-Fried
Michael Tsarion
conspiracy researcher
Nadia Marcinko living
CEO of Aviloop, pilot, flight instructor, survivor, recruiter, accused of helping Ghislaine Maxwell, non-disclosure deal that never went to trial
1986- (39)
Paul McOwen
Co-founder of Chiliad data analytics, CIA intelligence officer
Pauly D
EDM DJ Pauly D, electronic music producer, reality TV star, Jersey Shore
Robert "Bob" Maxwell
MI6 British intelligence officer post WW2, KGB, Mossad super spy aka Bob Maxwell, financier for NM Rothschild & Sons, billionaire media mogul who bought Mirror Group newspapers and Pergamon Press, and then later tookover Macmillan publishing house, his daughter is Ghislaine Maxwell, £526 million went missing from his business around the time of his death, he drowned near the Canary Islands off his yacht Lady Ghislaine
1923-1991 (68)
L. Ron Hubbard
Scientology creator, occultist, theologian, science fiction writer, transhumanist author of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health
1911-1986 (75)
Samuel Pisar
Holocaust survivor who spoke Russian, Hollywood tech lawyer, US attorney, stepfather of Tony Blinken, realist diplomat, pioneer of the transideological corporation, member of American Jewish Congress (AJC), friends with MI6 agent Robert Maxwell, author of Coexistence & Commerce (1970), Of Blood and Hope (1979)
1929-2015 (86)
Sanford "Sandy" Weill living
billionaire chairman of Travelers Group, financier, banker, chairman & CEO of Citigroup from 1998-2003 and 2006, who oversaw the merger of Citibank with Travelers, Primerica, Smith Barney, author of The Real Deal
1933- (92)
Sarah Kellen
Survivor, recruiter, accused of helping Ghislaine Maxwell, non-disclosure deal that never went to trial
Teresa Helm living
Keynote speaker, mentor, massage therapist, accuser in the Jeffrey Epstein case
1980- (45)