Andrew Jackson

7th President of the United States, patriot, abolished the Second Bank of the United States, lived through an attempted assassination

Abraham "Abe" Lincoln

16th President of the United States from 1861-1865, National Union Party politician, statesman aka Abe Lincoln, assassinated at Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth, died at Petersen House (near the White House) at the end of the American Civil War, abolished slavery, greenbacks were interest-free US dollars
1809-1865 (56)

Alexandra Kollontai

Marxist revolutionary, Marxist theoretician, RSDLP Party politician, diplomat, founder of the Zhenotdel in 1919 in the Soviet Union, sexual health, human rights activist for abortions, womens liberation movement
1872-1952 (80)

Anastas Mikoyan

Old Bolshevik statesman for the Soviet Union, communist revolutionary
1895-1978 (83)

Andrea Gritti

Revolutionary, freedom fighter for "Italy and Freedom" and the Holy League of Cognac for the restoration of Italian liberty and the papal states

Benedict Arnold living

American Continental Army turncoat, military veteran who defected to the British army in 1780 during the Revolutionary War
1741- (284)

Benjamin Franklin

One of the Founding Fathers of the United States aka The First American, US postmaster general, horserider, equestrian, pioneer of the nightriders postal delivery system, theorist, polymath, inventor of the lightning rod or lightning conductor, Franlkin stove fireplace in 1741, bifocals and glass harmonica, freemasonry, grand master of the Nine Sisters Lodge

Betsy Fry

Quaker social reformer aka Elizabeth Fry, the Angel of Prisons, prison reformer for female inmates, feminist, pioneer of improvements and treatment of prisoners, philanthropist
1780-1845 (65)

Charles Thomson

US secretary of the Continental Congress during the American Revolutionary War, coined the motto "novus ordo seclorum" (one dollar bill) for the Great Seal of the United States
1729-1824 (95)

Che Guevara

Marxist revolutionary leader of the a guerilla army, physician, doctor, author
1928-1967 (39)

Chiang Kai-shek

President of the Republic of China from 1928-1949, known for the Type 24 rifle, driven out of power in the People's Republic of China by Mao Zedong
1887-1975 (88)

Daniel Carroll

Politician, plantation owner, considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States

Deng Xiaoping

Chinese leader of People's Republic of China 1978-1989, revolutionary transformation of China, statesman, Chinese economic reform to grow rich is glorious, state capitalism in Communist China

Felix Dzerzhinsky

Bolshevik revolutionary aka Iron Felix Dzerzinski who treated citizens as cattle and known for the Red Terror in 1905 was arrested 5X from 1897-1908 who escaped exile in Siberia, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party politician in 1895, aristocrat, military veteran, intelligence officer, head of Soviet secret police organizations (OGPU and the Cheka), founder of FC Dynamo Moscow soccer/football club, Society of Former Political Prisoners and Exiled Settlers
1877-1926 (49)

Fidel Castro

Communist dictator, revolutionary leader in Cuba

Muammar Gaddafi

politician aka Momar Khadafi, revolutionary who ruled the country of Libya for 42 years from 1969-2011
1942-2011 (69)

General Butt Naked living

Liberian evangelical preacher, warlord, revolutionary during the First Liberian Civil War
1971- (54)

George Read

Politician, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, signed the Declaration of Independence

George Washington

1st President of USA from 1789-1797, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, Continental Army military veteran in the American Revolution
1732-1799 (67)

Georgy Chicherin

Soviet foreign affairs, politician of RSDLP (Mensheviks), diplomat, Marxist revolutionary for the Bolsheviks

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Revolutionary for the Italian unification, military general, co-founding father of the Kingdom of Italy
1807-1882 (75)

Gustave Le Bon

Revolutionary, pioneer in group psychology and the manipulation of crowds, family medicine doctor, polymath, author of The Crowd in 1895, The Psychology of Revolution in 1912
1841-1931 (90)

Guy Fawkes

English Catholic revolutionary aka Guy Fox, failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, popularized by the movie V for Vendetta
1570-1606 (36)

Ilya Ehrenburg

HIstorian, journalist, writer
1891-1967 (76)

Imre Nagy

Locksmith, communist peasant who fought for the Red Army in the Soviet Union, revolutionary, deported to Romania from the Yugoslav embassy and secretly tried and then executed for treason in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956
1896-1958 (62)

"Iron Felix" Dzerzhinsky

Bolshevik revolutionary aka Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky, political activist, ran the Red Terror apparatus of the Bolsheviks, Uradel nobleman, Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania (SDKPiL) politician, formed the first Soviet secret service Cheka (VChK), chairman and commander of OGPU, referred to mankind as being cattle ("we would treat our own people, as a whole, like cattle")
1877-1926 (49)

James Patton

military veteran of the War of 1812, fought for Andrew Jackson during the Creek Indian War in 1813 against the Red Sticks, disputed information whether he was killed-in-action (KIA) during the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814 (or sometime in November of 1813), married his cousin Elizabeth in 1809 and birthed George Patton I (the 1st) who is the direct bloodline patriarchy for General Patton (George Patton IV)
1784-1813 (29)

James K. Polk

11th President of the United States of America from 1845-1849, established the Smithsonian Institution

James (JLM) Smithson

Chemist aka JLM Smithson, geologist, mineralogist, publisher for the Royal Society and namesake founder of the Smithsonian museums (or Smithsonian Institution) with a gift of 100,000 gold sovereigns (about $5 each) to the Philadelphia mint in a charitable trust, which is now the largest of all educational museums in the world
1765-1829 (64)

Jefferson Davis

1st (and only) President of Confederate States of America

John Brown

Abolitionist in Bleeding Kansas

John Hancock

Wealthy businessman, unique and flamboyant, big and very recognizable, famous for his signature on the Declaration of Independence

John Hanson

Merchant during the American Revolution, former President of the Continental Congress, President of the United States (pre-Declaration of Independence)

John Jay

Revolutionary statesman, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America

Joseph Brant

Chief of the Mohawk people with Great Britain during the American Revolutionary War, military veteran, Grand Council of the Six Nations leader of Iroquois tribes (Haudenosaunee people)
1743-1807 (64)

Joseph Fouché

Duke of Otranto, revolutionary, statesman, Minister of Police for Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte who suppressed the Lyon insurrection in 1793 during the French Revolution
1759-1820 (61)

Justo Rufino Barrios

President of Guatemela, revolutionary

Vladimir Lenin

Marxist communist revolutionary aka Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, creating the Soviet Union, co-founder of Communist International in 1919

Lyman Beecher

Presbyterian minister, protestant militant, revolutionary writer, author of A Plea for the West
1775-1863 (88)

Malcolm X

Minister, pastor, human rights activist, revolutionary

Martin Luther King Jr. ("MLK")

Revolutionary civil rights activist aka MLK Jr., pioneer in the American civil rights movement, fought against racial segregation for the Negro Revolution in 1963, religious leader, assassinated
1929-1968 (39)

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Ottoman field marshal, revolutionary politician, statesman, 1st president of the Republic of Turkey from 1923-1938, nationalist known as the Kemalists
1881-1938 (57)

Nathaniel Lyon

Union general one of the first to be killed in the Civil War, namesake Lyon County

Oliver Cromwell

Army general, military veteran, led the citizen revolution against King Charles I during the English Civil War
1599-1658 (59)

Patrick Henry

Founding Father of the United States, 6th post-colonial Governor of Virginia from 1776-1779 and 1784-1786, politician, lawyer, attorney, orator, pioneer of the saying, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
1736-1799 (63)

Paul Revere

Silversmith, businessman, revolutionary

Peppino Garibaldi

Brigadier-General, soldier, Risorgimento military veteran, Redshirts guerilla revolutionary in the Greco-Turkish War of 1897, known as the George Washington of Italy
1879-1950 (71)

Pierre Lambert

Trotskyist leader, communist revolutionary, biographer, leader of the French Courant Communiste Internationaliste (Parti des Travailleurs)
1920-2008 (88)

Plutarco Calles

Sonoran Laborist Party politician, president of Mexico from 1924-1928, military general during the Mexican Revolution, co-founder of the Banco de México (central Bank of Mexico)
1877-1945 (68)

Christian (C.G.) Rakovsky

Soviet ambassador to Paris (France) and London England, diplomat, head of state for the Ukraine, revolutionary activist, Trotskyism, doctor, physician study of medicine, journalist, writer, founder of Communist International
1873-1941 (68)

M.J. "Red" Beckman

Father of the Patriot Movement, reformation author of Lost Sheep Found in 2015
1928-2018 (90)

Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland

King of Scots from 1306-1329, revolutionary warrior in the First War of Scottish Independence against England, great grandson of King David I
1274-1329 (55)


1st King of Normandy (northern France, Frankia) from 911, Duke of Normandy, Count of Rouen, viking warrior (or Norsemen) who fought the Frankish
846 AD-933 AD

Roy Larner

Lion of London Bridge, stabbed several times, sports fan, Millwall football team

Sidney Rittenberg

Marxist propagandist during the Great Leap Forwar campaign from 1958-1961, revolutionary journalist for the Chinese Communist Party (CPP) in China from 1944-1980 for Yan'an leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai
1921-2019 (98)

Thomas Paine

Political activist, political theorist, revolutionary, nihilist philosopher, pioneer in skepticism, author of The Age of Reason, Common Sense, Rights of Man, The American Crisis, The Origin of Freemasonry

Leon Trotsky

Bolchevik revolution in Russia (the Bolcheviks) started WWI with the assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinand, Marxist revolutionary activist aka Leon Trotsky, now called Trotskyism (or Trotskyites), founder of the Red Army (Red Terror), financed out of New York by JP Morgan and out of Canada by Walter Boyce Thompson with $1 million dollars to create the Capitalist-Communist Financial International, political theory of permanent revolution, murdered in Mexico
1879-1940 (61)

Junio Valerio Borghese

Italian Navy commander aka Junio Valerio Borghese, The Black Prince of World War II, paramilitary officer, revolutionary anarchist, German stay behind networks, militia beheadings
1906-1974 (68)

Wat Tyler

Revolutionary that led a peasants revolt in England in 1381 during the Hundred Years' War

William I of Normandy, William the Conqueror

Duke of Normandy from 1035-1087, William I of Normandy (Norse Vikings, the Normans) invaded and took over England in 1066, Duke of Normandy, was the first Norman King of England after the Wessex dynasty started in 802 AD, hi

William Wallace

Revolutionary against King Edward I of England, landowner, military veteran, fought at Forth River near Stirling, his execution led to the Treaty of Edinburgh in 1328
1270-1305 (35)

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