Alexandre Yersin

biologist, scientist, pioneer in the discovery of the bacillus pathogen known as the plague or disease-causing bacterium

Alexander Fleming

Microbiologist, pharmacologist, scientist, discovery of antibiotics, inventor of Penicillin in 1929

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

Scientist, discovery of microbiology and was the first microbiologist

Barbara McClintock

Biologist, theories of Jumping Genes, chromosomes, genetic mutations

Baruj Benacerraf

Molecular biologist, scientist, pioneer in cell surface protein molecule encoding, discovery of histocompatibility complex genes, head of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute
1920-2011 (91)

Brahmchari, U.M.

Microbiologist, pioneer of the cure of Kala-a-zar fever

Dr. Bruce Lipton living

biologist, lecturer, pioneer in epigenetics and evolution pseudosciences, author of The Biology of Belief, The Wisdom of Your Cells
1944- (81)

Dr. Burzynski

Biologist, pioneer of "The Cancer Cure" or antineoplaston therapy at the Burzynski Clinic in 1976

Charles Bedard

Biologist, pioneer in terrain theory (opposite germ theory)

Charles Torrey Simpson

Botanist, malacologist, naturalist, conservationalist

Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg

Scientist, zoologist, biologist, geologist, paleontologist, father of the micropaleontology study of fossil microorganisms (geology)
1795-1876 (81)

David Ferrie living

cancer researcher, virologist, amateur psychologist, hypnotist, biologist in biolab clandestine operations for Simian Virus 40 (SV40), pilot with Eastern Airlines who was dismissed for homosexual acts, alleged involvment in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy (JFK), died 6 months after JFK was assassinated
1918- (107)

Edward Haslam living

virologist, biologist, music executive, advertising executive, author of Dr. Mary's Monkey (2007) and Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus (1995)
1951- (74)

Edward Jenner

Physician, scientist, molecular biologist, inventor of the smallpo

Francesco Redi

Physician, biologist, parasitology

Francis Crick

neuroscientist, molecular biologist, biophysicist, inventor, co-discovery of DNA double helix in 1953 and wrote about the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology in 1957-1958

Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp

biophysicist with a theory that humans are beings of light, scientist on light-based physiology, researcher in biophotonic emissions, pioneer in biophysics and biophotons, author of Current Development of Biophysics
1938-2018 (80)

George Church

Geneticist, co-author of Regenesis, chemist, molecular biologist, genomics engineer, inventor of the first genomic sequencing method in 1984, molecular engineer, founder of Nebula Genomics a DNA big data blockchain technology company, co-founder of Veritas Genetics, Editas Medicine, Cambrian Genomics, Personal Genome Project, Colossal Biosciences

Hans Christian Gram

Scientist, biologist, bacteriologist, inventor, pioneer of Gram staining bacteria aka Gram's method

Ilya Ivanov

Microbiologist known for cross-breeding, artificial insemination of chimpanzees with human sperm to create Humanzees
1870-1932 (62)

James Collins

Biologist, bioscientist, entrepreneur, co-founder of Sherlock Biosciences

Dr. James A. Thomson living

Microbiologist, pioneer in regenerative biology and pluripotent stem cells in 2007, inventor of the first human embryonic stem cell line in 1998
1958- (67)

Jane Goodall

primatologist, wild chimpanzees, biologist, scientist, zoologist, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute

J.D. Bernal

Molecular biologist, scientist, researcher

Joep Lange

HIV/AIDS clinical researcher, microbiologist, pioneer in retroviral therapy, president of International AIDS Society from 2002-2004, died in Malaysia Airlines flight 17 shot down over eastern Ukraine

John Needham

Naturalist, biologist, theories of spontaneous generation and vitalism

Jonas E. Salk

virologist, medical researcher, inventor of the poli

Judyth Vary Baker

cancer researcher aka Judith Vary Baker, wife of patsy Lee Harvey Oswald, author of David Ferrie, Me & Lee

Julian Huxley

evolutionary biologist, social engineering, eugenics, proponent natural selection, pioneer in transhumanism, CEO of UNESCO World Heritage, author of New Bottles for New Wine in 1950

Lazzaro Spallanzani

Biologist, physiologist, experimental studies on bodily functions and animal reproduction

Marie Stopes

Biologist, inventor of birth control, pioneer

Mary Sherman

virologist, biologist aka Mary Stults

Masaru Emoto

scientist, molecular biologist, photography of water crystals, pioneer in the new science of water consciousness, author of The Message from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water
1943-2014 (71)

Michael Coffman

Environmentalist, forestry scientist, biologist, ecologist

Peter H. Duesberg

Professor of molecular & cell biology, molecular biologist, claimed HIV does not cause AIDS

Richard Dawkins

Evolutionary biologist, atheist, pioneer in atheism, author of The Selfish Gene

Robert Gallo

Microbiologist, pioneer in the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Robert Koch

physician, doctor, microbiologist, bacteriologist, chemist, discovery of tuberculosis (Tubercle Bacillus), pioneer in cholera and anthrax

Dr. Tanya A. Holzmayer

Microbiologist, genetic researcher, held various HIV patents, murdered by a shooter disguised as a Dominos pizza delivery driver

Terence McKenna

Ethnobotanist, biologist
1946-2000 (54)

Thomas (T.H.) Huxley

Anthropologist, biologist, known as Darwin's bulldog for his advocacy of Darwin's Theory of Evolution, father of Aldous & Julian Huxley, mentor to H.G. Wells, author of Evolution and Ethics in 1894
1825-1895 (70)

Yoshinori Ohsumi


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