Agatha Christie
Novelist, author of Partners in Crime, And Then There Were None
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
novelist, author of the Gulag Archipelago, Live Not by Lies (1974), philosopher, historian, Nobel Prize for Literature, victim of Bolshevism
Ayn Rand
libertarian, philosopher, pioneer on money and capitalism, individualism, novelist, playwright, screenwriter, author of Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead featuring Howard Roark
Catherine Coulter living
Author, FBI books, novelist
1942- (83)
Charles Dickens
novelist, author of Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations
C.S. Lewis
author, writer, science fiction novelist of The Space Trilogy ("Cosmic Trilogy"), theologian, pioneer in shamanism, broadcaster, scholar, member of the Inklings
1898-1963 (65)
Daniel Quinn
Author, novelist, Ishmael
David Foster Wallace
novelist, author of Infinite Jest, This Is Water, philosopher, pioneer in self-perception
1962-2008 (46)
Douglas J. Hagmann
Author of murder investigation novels, private investigator, private detective
Edgar Allan Poe
Novelist, writer, detective series, detectives, creator of detective stories
Emily Post
Novelist, author of Etiquette in Society, writer, socialite
1872-1960 (88)
George Orwell
novelist, writer, author of 1984, Animal Farm (1945), suffered from tuberculosis, MI5/MI6 intelligence officer
1903-1950 (47)
Graham Greene
author of The Power and the Glory (1940), Our Man in Havana (1958), journalist with a Nobel Prize in Literature, novelist, writer of Catholic novels
1904-1991 (87)
Gustave Flaubert
Novelist, writer, author of Madame Bovary, pioneer in literary realism
1821-1880 (59)
Harper Lee
Author of To Kill a Mockingbird, novelist, travel agent in New York
1926-2016 (90)
Harriet Adams
Novelist of kid's books, literary critic, writer, publisher of childrens stories, helped her father Edward Stratemeyer with the Nancy Drew series, author of The Ringmaster's Secret
H.G. Wells
Author of Time Machine, Open Conspiracy, New World Order, novelist, futurist, science fiction writer, fascist, socialist propaganist for the Royal Society, feminist, feminism activist
1866-1946 (80)
Hyatt Bass
Novelist, author, philanthropist
Ian Fleming
Novelist, writer, author of the James Bond spy series, journalist, MI5/MI6 naval intelligence officer
1908-1964 (56)
Jackie Collins
Romance novelist, writer, author
1937-2015 (78)
James Joyce
novelist, writer, author of Ulysses (1920), literary critic, poet, teacher, pioneer in the modernist movement
1882-1941 (59)
Jane Austen
novelist, author of Pride and Prejudice (1813), writer, money, riches
1775-1817 (42)
John LeCarre
Novelist, author of Our Kind of Traitor and other spy novels
J.R.R. Tolkien
Novelist, author of The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, writer, poet, academic, philologist, literary critic, member of the Inklings
1892-1973 (81)
Julian Huxley
evolutionary biologist, social engineering, eugenics, proponent natural selection, pioneer in transhumanism, CEO of UNESCO World Heritage, author of New Bottles for New Wine in 1950
Kevin Kwan
Novelist, author of Crazy Rich Asians
Leo Tolstoy
novelist, writer, bestselling author of War & Peace (1867), Anna Karenina (1878), How Much Land Does A Man Need?
1828-1910 (82)
Louisa May Alcott
Novelist, writer, short stories, author of Little Women, Little Men, Good Wives, Jo's Boys
1832-1888 (56)
Margaret Sanger
Founder of Planned Parenthood, opened the 1st birth control clinic in the United States, eugenicist, the Negro Project
1879-1966 (87)
Miguel de Cervantes
Renaissance novelist, author of Don Quixote, one of the greatest Spanish language writers
1547-1616 (69)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Dark romance novelist, short story writer
Philip Pullman living
Novelist, fantasy writer
1946- (79)
Marcel Proust
Novelist aka Marcel Proust, writer, essayist, author, À la recherche du temps perdu
Rainer Maria Rilke
Poet, novelist, author of Duino Elegies (Duineser Elegien), pioneer in modernism
1875-1926 (51)
Romain Rolland
Art historian, literary critic, writer, novelist, dramatist, mystic, pioneer in idealism and for the love of truth
1866-1944 (78)
Salman Rushdie
author of The Satanic Verses, novelist, won the Booker Prize in 1981
Saul Bellow
Pulitzer Prize writer, Nobel Prize in Literature, novelist, author of Ravelstein, Letters
1915-2005 (90)
Thomas (T.H.) Huxley
Anthropologist, biologist, known as Darwin's bulldog for his advocacy of Darwin's Theory of Evolution, father of Aldous & Julian Huxley, mentor to H.G. Wells, author of Evolution and Ethics in 1894
1825-1895 (70)
Thomas Mann
Novelist, author, short story writer, essayist, social critic, philanthropist
Tommy Douglas
Baptist minister, premier of Saskatchewan 1944-1961, CCF party politician om 1935-1961, founder and leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) from 1961-1971
1904-1986 (82)
William Faulkner
Writer, author of The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, novelist, Nobel Prize laureate, short stories, screenplays, poetry, essayist
1897-1962 (65)
William Gibson
Writer, author, science fiction novelist, coined the term "Cyberspace" for the Internet in 1982