son of Adam & Eve; from the original humans, who later had his own child Cain
Adam & Eve
Biblical figures, the original human couple, God's sixth day of Creation, sons of gods or The Nephilim (Rephaim) might have caused the great flood of Noah
Trojan warrior who fled in the fall of Troy, founding father of the Kingdom of Alba Longa (modern Italy) becoming ancestor to the Romans, they wrote of him in Aeneid, mentioned in Homer's Illiad
Greek mythology, ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, fertility and sexuality, Twelve Olympians
Greek mythology, god of sun and light, god of music while playing the golden lyre, son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis, Twelve Olympians
Princess Ariadne of Crete
Cretan princess, Minoan princess, daughter of King Minos of Crete, Minos in Cree ("Minos the Crete")
God of Medicine, god of healing, physician, rejuvenation, Caduceus is emblemized by the two snakes on a sword, while the the Rod of Asclepius is a single snake
Greek Titan, known for holding up the sky of heavens for eternity
EDM DJ, music producer known as the Beethoven of EDM music, one of the most influencial and Grammy-nominated young EDM music DJs tragically commited suicide in Muscat, Oman
Boris Berezovsky
Russian oligarch aka Platon Elenin, oil & gas tycoon, engineer, pianist, billionaire, bought Sibneft which is now Gazprom Neft with Roman Abramovich, businessman, petroleum engineer, mathematician, Russian Academy of Sciences
1946-2013 (67)
Enoch (teaching) his son, his parents were from the original humans; Adam & Eve, his brother was Abel
Queen ruler of the Tyrrhenians (Tyrsenians) or Etruscans in Greco Roman mythology
Courtier, jester in the court of Dionysius II of Syracuse, Sword of Damocles, Timaeus of Tauromenium, Cicero, Diodorus Siculus
Boeotian and Polydectes figure in Greek mythology, wife of Zeus
Dionysus, Hestia
Greek mythology, Twelve Olympians, Hestia, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Greek God of grape harvest, wine making
Eros aka Cupid, Amor was the mischievous god of love, and a companion of Aphrodite.
Beautiful princess in Greek mythology, gave birth to Minos the Crete
Norse mythology aka Freyja means the Lady, Viking goddess of love, lust, battle and magic among the Vanir, sister of Freyr
Ancient Greek mythology aka Pluto/Plouton, God of the dead with his 3-headed hound (guard dog) Cerberus, presiding over the underworld of Sheol, brother of Zeus and Poseidon, oldest son of Cronus and Rhea
Hellenistic god of silence, Harpa-Khruti rising sun god Horus of Egypt, hand symbol of children & silence for the Hellfire Clubs (secret society)
Helen of Troy
Greek mythology, goddess of beauty, the most beautiful woman in the world
Greek mythology, god of fire, Twelve Olympians, his counterpart is Roman god Vulcan with the forging hammer (blacksmith)
Nephilim hybrid, mythical beast rider, reincarnation of Semaramis
Greek mythology, Greek messenger god, herald of the gods, member of the Twelve Olympians, pioneer in syncretism and of what are known today as Hermeneutics principles
Hermes Trismegistus
Philosopher, known for Caduceus (staff of Hermes) that is the symbol for medicine (Asclepius), author of Hermetica (Corpus Hermeticum) writings, credited with Hermeticism (or Hermetism), a mixture of Hermes the Hellenistic Greek messenger god and Thoth an Egyptian god of wisdom, freemasonry uses the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Kabbalah which is a study of metaphysics and the occult of Hermeticism
Hiram Abiff
Chief architect of King Solomon's Temple, murdered by three ruffians, third degree in freemasonry
Titan Iapetus/Iapetos
Greek mythology, the Titan god of Mortality
Vedic god holding a Vajra diamond thunderbolt weapon (or "dorje" in Tibetan)
Gods scriptures in the Hebrew Tanakh (TNK) new testament bible, warned of a Virgin Mary in Bethlehem Ephratah/Ephrath (meaning, bear a "fruitful") birth to a son Immanuel the messiah, the Counsellor, Wonderful all-mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace
the blessing of the Ark of the Covenant was given to Esau, Judaism in the Torah has many interpretations of Jacob's Ladder to Heaven
James Alefantis
Restauranteur aka Jimmy Comet, financier, owner of Comet Ping Pong
Roman god, two-faced or deceitful
Jesus Christ
Jesus of Nazareth, father of Roman Catholicism (and the Eastern Orthodox Church), religious prophet of Christianity, died by crucifixion at the age of 33, known as the possible incarnation of God and for the 33rd passover land
4 BC-30 AD
Jesus of Essene
Jewish mystic aka Jesus of the Essenes, West of Lake Asphaltites (Dead Sea) at the mouth of the Jordan river, produces black rocks and is one of the saltiest waters known to mankind
John Podesta living
Political strategist aka Skippy, US chief of staff from 1998-2001, counselor to President Obama from 2014-2015, known for the Podesta emails with Hillary Clinton
1949- (76)
Khonsu living
Egyptian moon god of healing, the traveler, known for healing the Princess of Bekheten, and for the Ptolemaic temple of Khonsu
2350 BCE-
King Arthur
Ango-Saxon mythical heroic Celtic king of the 6th century West Saxony (Wessex), pulled his famous Excalibur sword from a stone, could have been a stonemason, or sword making blacksmith
1162-1227 (65)
Roman god of freedom and liberty in Latin which becomes libertus (or liberatus)
Marduk of Mesopotamia
God, Syrian Apollo deity in times of Babylonia and Mesopotamia
Roman god of war in Greco Roman mythology, often held games in the spring (March), son of Jupiter and Juno
Minos in Cree
King of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa, founder of the Roman Empire
Greco Roman god, said to have created Mithraisim or the Cult of Mithras
Levite Semitic Hebrew Israelite prophet, Passover the Land, pioneer in Mosaic Laws and the ancient laws of Moses (in the Torah Hebrew bible), court of the Pharoah, climbed Mount Sinai (Horeb)
1400 BCE-1500 BCE
Njörðr (Njörd)
Norse mythology, Viking god amongst the Vanir, Lord of the Sea, his daughters were Freya (Freyja) and Freyr
Bibical figure, famous for Noah's Ark and the great flood, great-grandson of Enoch
King of Alba Longa in Roman mythology, grandfather of Romulus & Remus
Viking god of Valhalla and a major god of Old Norse mythology aka Wotan, Wodan, Woden
Trojan warrior of Greco Roman mythology, his brothers were Ardeas and Telegonus
brother of Hesiod, mentioned in Works and Days (poetry and writings from Hesiod)
Anakim stronghold of Gath, father of Goliath, descendant of Rephaim
Inuit mythology, goddess of the sea and marine life (walrus, etc.)
Shiva the Destroyer
mythology aka Lorda Shiva the Destroyer, goddess of destruction of evil, ignorance and death, deceiving, deception
Norse mythology, one of Loki's wives, her sons were Vali and Narfi
Greek mythology, evildoer, Tartarus underworld, wicked rich king of Sipylus
Egyptian god of wisdom aka The Atlantean, known for the the Emerald Tablets of Thoth Tarots
Leon Trotsky
Bolchevik revolution in Russia (the Bolcheviks) started WWI with the assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinand, Marxist revolutionary activist aka Leon Trotsky, now called Trotskyism (or Trotskyites), founder of the Red Army (Red Terror), financed out of New York by JP Morgan and out of Canada by Walter Boyce Thompson with $1 million dollars to create the Capitalist-Communist Financial International, political theory of permanent revolution, murdered in Mexico
1879-1940 (61)
Greek mythology, first blacksmith (Bible Genesis 4:22), metalworking, forger of all instruments of bronze and iron
Greek mythology, god of childbirth, god of the wailings (vagiti), and the Vatican City is named after Ager Vaticanus (or Land of Vagitanus)
Roman goddess of love, desire, sex, fertility, beauty, victory and prosperity, Greco Roman mythology
Roman god of fire in volcanos, blacksmith's forging hammer, in Greco Roman mythology, his counterpart in Greek mythology is Hephæstus (Hephaestus), known as Sethlans in Etruscan mythology
Hebrew Jewish god who chose the divine kings of Jerusalem via priests of the clergy